Mikoyan-Gurevitch MiG-21 Fishbed/Mongol series
Last updated on: February 14, 2018
As the Rooskies didn't paint the c/n on their planes in any recognizable way, this page will exclusively be for
Warsaw Pact nations and Third World customers (plus India!). Listed alphabetically by nation, not a perfect system but the
I can do.
NOTE: I'm NOT going to bother with the Chinese-built versions here (J-7/F-7), but I am going to
include the Czechoslovak and Indian-built versions. Maybe I'll add the Chinese copies later (or not).
At the end of this page is a list of people who have graciously offered their help. Thank you all very much!
Afghanistan MiG-21bis s/n 05
*ex-Soviet AF.
*Transferred to the Afghan AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 09
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21 s/n 31
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21FL c/n 773408 s/n 68
*1966: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*322nd Regiment.
Afghanistan MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 70
*1983: 322nd Regiment.
Afghanistan MiG-21FL c/n 773410 s/n 72
*1966: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*322nd Regiment.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21FL c/n 773411 s/n 74
*1966: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*322nd Regiment.
Afghanistan MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 212
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 301
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21 c/n ? s/n 311
*Eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 313
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 324
*Kabul Flight Academy.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 331
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 335
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21PFM (or MiG-21PPS?) c/n 947607 s/n 351
*1968: Built.
Afghanistan MiG-21PFM c/n 947608 s/n 352
*1968: Built.
*Assigned as a ground trainer.
*Currently preserved at the Kabul Flight Academy.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-LAZUR (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 352
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Kabul AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 355
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 360
*New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 365
*New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 370
*New built from the factory.
*1983: 322 Regiment.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 375
*about 1979: Transferred from the USSR.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 376
*New built from the factory.
*322 Regiment.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 377
*New built from the factory.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Mazar-e-Sharif AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 382
*New built from the factory.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Kabul AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 386
*New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 527
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis s/n 527
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 527
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 0537
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 0538
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 543
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 548
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict.
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 0549
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21MF s/n 556
*Was eventually a derelict at Kabul AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 556
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 561
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Eventually a derelict at an Air Base.
Afghanistan MiG-21U-400 c/n 661719 s/n 578
*1965: Built. Or in 1966?
*393rd Regiment.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Currently preserved at the ANA Museum in Kabul.
Afghanistan MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 0588
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis s/n 604
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Mazar-e-Sharif AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 864
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis s/n 911
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 912
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 913
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 915
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 750738xx s/n 921
*1979: New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 750738xx s/n 923
*1979: New built from the factory.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Eventually a derelict at an Air Base.
Afghanistan MiG-21MF (or MiG-21bis?) c/n ? s/n 924
*New built from the factory.
*Currently preserved at the ANA-AC Headquarters Building in Kabul.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75073881 s/n 924
*1979: New built from the factory.
*Perhaps recoded as 17921?
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 750738xx s/n 927
*1979: New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 750738xx s/n 928
*1979: New built from the factory.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 932
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 933
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 934
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 942
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 944
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 947
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 951
*1977: Built.
*Flew with the Dostum-Golboddin militia AF.
*Flew with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Taliban militia AF.
*Was eventually a derelict at Bagram AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 955
*1977: Built.
*Currently preserved at the front gate of Khandahar AB.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 956
*1977: Built.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n 75053503 s/n 957
*1977: Built.
*10/29/1989: Defected to Pakistan.
*Currently preserved at Sharea Faisal, Pakistan.
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 972
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 978
*Was a derelict at Bagram AB.
*2002: Airlifted out by US Army helicopter. To where?
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 986
*--info needed.--
Afghanistan MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 990
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 01
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 03
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21 s/n 09
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 21
*1966: Built.
*14 EdC.
Algeria MiG-21U s/n 22
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 31
*1966: Built.
*14 EdC.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 66
*1965: Built.
*7/1967: Sent to Egypt to help in their war with Israel.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n xx8325 s/n 67
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 69
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 75
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 76
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 77
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 87
*1965: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 120
*1976: Built.
*2008: Put into storage.
Algeria MiG-21MF s/n 126
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75037821 s/n 132
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 142
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n 75036401 s/n 152
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 154
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 159
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036316 s/n 162
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038325 s/n 167
*1976: Built.
*Put into storage at Blida AB.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 169
*1971: Built.
*1973: Sent to Egypt to help in their war with Israel.
*1975: Transferred to the Egyptian AF?
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 169
*1976: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 171
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 172
*1971: Built.
*1973: Sent to Egypt to help in their war with Israel.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 177
*1971: Built.
*1973: Sent to Egypt to help in their war with Israel.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 177
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 182
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 191
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038399 s/n 192
*8/1976: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF as 2235.
Algeria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038210 s/n 196
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 205
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 209
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 231
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 231
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 232
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 233
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 234
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 235
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 236
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 237
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 238
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 239
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 240
Algeria MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 261
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 271
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 s/n 272
*190 EdeCh.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Biskra AB.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 272
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 273
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 274
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 275
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 276
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 277
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 278
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21U-600 c/n 662319 s/n 279
*1966: Built.
*Sold/donated to the Egyptian AF?
*If so, this one is now owned by a private citizen in Western Australia.
Algeria MiG-21F-13 s/n 280
*190th EdeCh.
*Dumped at Tangiers APT.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 280
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21U-600 c/n 662316 s/n 280
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21U-600 c/n 662317 s/n 281
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 282
*1966: Built.
Algeria MiG-21U-600 c/n 662320 s/n 283
*1966: Built.
*FC-80. Or FC-60?
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 301
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 302
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 303
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 304
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 305
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 306
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 307
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 308
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 309
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 310
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 311
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 312
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 313
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 314
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 315
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 316
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 317
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 318
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 319
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 320
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 321
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 322
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 323
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 324
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 325
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 326
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 327
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 328
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 329
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 330
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 331
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 332
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 333
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 334
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 335
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 336
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 337
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 338
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21F-13 s/n 1395
*190th EdeCh.
*1984: Withdrawn from use.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n 75088009 s/n FA-29
*1981: Built.
*Put into storage somewhere in the Ukraine? Or in Russia?
Algeria MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n FA-31
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-41
*1976: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-45
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-51
*1976: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-63
*1976: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n 75088124 s/n FA-65
*1981: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-73
*1976: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-74
*1976: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Algeria MiG-21bis s/n FA-84
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-89
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
Algeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n FA-94
*1976: Built.
Algeria MiG-21U-600 (or just MiG-21U?) c/n 665517 s/n FC-90
*11/1967: Built.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n FD-15
*1971: Built.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n 764712 s/n FD-16
*1971: Built.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n 964706 s/n FD-19
*1971: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
*Currently preserved in Kirovgrad, Ukraine.
Algeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96013811 s/n FD-26
*1976: Built.
*Originally coded as 126?
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
Algeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96014409 s/n FD-28
*1976: Built.
*Originally coded as 128?
*Put into storage at Blida AB.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n FD-36
*1971: Built.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n FD-39
*1971: Built.
*Currently preserved at Tafaraoui AB.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n FD-43
*1971: Built.
Algeria MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n FD-59
*1971: Built.
*Was stored in Odessa, Ukraine for a while.
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n FE-30
*Currently preserved in Tamarasset.
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n FE-50
*--info needed.--
Algeria MiG-21UM c/n xx685158 s/n FN-70
*1971: Built.
*Put into storage at Blida AB.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-16
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*12/19/1986: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-30
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*9/22/1986: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-41
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*3/16/1976: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-42
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*12/12/1987: Shot down by UNITA rebels with a MANPAD. Pilot was killed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-43
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-44
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-45
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-46
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*11/25/1987: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-47
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-48
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*1976: Written off after a landing accident. Date?
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-49
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-50
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*10/20/1983: Damaged beyond repair in after an emergency landing at Lubango AB due to battle damage.
*Currently preserved at the front gate of Lubango AB.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-51
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*12/29/1986: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-52
*ex-Soviet AF.
*3/1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*8/13/1988: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-53
*1976: Delivered to the Angolan AF.
*Eventually a derelict at Luanda APT.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-54
*1976: Delivered to the Angolan AF.
*8/20/1986: Shot down by UNITA rebels with a CIA-supplied Stinger MANPAD.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-63
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*11/21/1990: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-208
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*8/19/1986: Written off.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-209
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*5/29/1989: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-211
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*8/4/1989: Written off.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-212
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*8/21/1991: Written off.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-218
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*7/5/1988: Written off.
Angola MiG-21MF-75 c/n ? s/n C-219
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*7/24/1991: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-268
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21MF-75 (or MiG-21bis?) c/n ? s/n C-272
*1976: Transferred to the Angolan AF.
*11/10/2002: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-281
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-282
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-285
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-289
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-300
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-301
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-302
*2/5/1990: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-303
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-304
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-305
*8/19/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-306
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-307
*4/7/1988: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-308
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-309
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-310
*6/22/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-311
*3/18/1991: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-312
*11/11/1987: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-313
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-314
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-315
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-316
*12/26/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-317
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-318
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-319
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-320
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-321
*8/12/1985: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-322
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-323
*Crashed. Date?
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-324
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-325
*9/19/1989: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-326
*9/24/1984: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-327
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-328
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-329
*3/15/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-330
*9/2/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-331
*12/26/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-332
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-333
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-334
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-337
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n 75096900 (or 75091800?) s/n C-340
*1981: Built.
*1984: Delivered to the Angolan AF.
*1989: Defected to South Africa, via Namibia. Date?
*Currently preserved at the SAAF museum in Swartkop, South Africa.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-341
*12/27/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-343
*12/27/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-347
*6/22/1985: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-350
*Cannibalized for spare parts.
*Eventually a derelict at Luanda APT.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-359
*1/8/1989: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-361
*3/14/1988: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-363
*1/31/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-365
*1/30/1989: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-368
*9/13/1989: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-369
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-370
*3/4/1991: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-374
*2/16/1991: Shot down.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-375
*3/7/1988: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-378
*6/26/1994: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-380
*7/9/1988: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-392
*12/13/1986: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-10
*7/30/1987: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-11
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-12
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-13
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-14
*8/19/1985: Crashed.
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-15
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-16
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-17
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-18
*--info needed.--
Angola MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n I-19
*--info needed.--
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967006 s/n 006
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967007 s/n 007
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967008 s/n 008
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967009 s/n 009
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967012 s/n 012
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21UM c/n 516905036 s/n 036
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*Put into storage at Bashar AB.
*Currently preserved at the Tejgoan Museum.
Bangladesh MiG-21UM c/n 516905046 s/n 046
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*Currently preserved at the Tejgoan Museum.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967201 s/n 201
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967202 s/n 202
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967203 s/n 203
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967204 s/n 204
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967205 s/n 205
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967206 s/n 206
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967207 s/n 207
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
*1982: Crashed. Date?
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967208 s/n 208
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967209 s/n 209
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967210 s/n 210
*1973: Built.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh HAL MiG-21MF s/n 7006
*Perhaps a MiG-21M?
*5 Squadron.
*Was preserved in the AF Museum at Bashar AB.
*Currently preserved at the Tejgoan Museum.
Bangladesh HAL MiG-21M s/n 7007
*Currently preserved as a gate guard at Jahangir Gate, Dhaka APT.
Bangladesh HAL MiG-21M s/n 7009
*Currently preserved at the BBB HQ at Dhaka APT.
Bangladesh HAL MiG-21M s/n 7012
*--info needed.--
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967201 s/n 7201
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967202 s/n 7202
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967203 s/n 7203
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967204 s/n 7204
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967205 s/n 7205
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967206 s/n 7206
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967207 s/n 7207
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*1982: Crashed.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967208 s/n 7208
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
*5 Squadron.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967209 s/n 7209
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bangladesh MiG-21MF c/n 967210 s/n 7210
*1973: Delivered to the Bangladeshi AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21U-400 (or MiG-21U-600?) c/n 662216 s/n 01
*1966: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Pleven Dolna. Or at the AF Academy at Dolna-Metropliya APT?
Bulgaria MiG-21US c/n 07685134 s/n 02
*1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21US c/n 05685143 s/n 03
*1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1992: Sold to the Nigerian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21US c/n 06685143 s/n 04
*1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1992: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21US c/n 07685143 s/n 05
*1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1992: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21US c/n 10685143 s/n 06
*1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1992: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516913016 s/n 07
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Was preserved at Kaments AB.
*Currently preserved in Dobroslavci.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516913021 s/n 08
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516913026 s/n 09
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516913031 s/n 10
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 s/n 11
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516921041 s/n 11
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516921046 s/n 12
*1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516939036 s/n 13
*1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094013 s/n 013
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516939041 s/n 14
*1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979041 s/n 15
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 s/n 15
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979046 s/n 16
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979051 s/n 17
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979056 s/n 18
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516995021 s/n 19
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760804 s/n 20
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB. Or at Plovidv?
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516995026 s/n 20
*1977: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760805 s/n 21
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1975: Crashed. Date?
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999258 s/n 21
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007021 s/n 021
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Currently stored at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999262 s/n 22
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*12/17/1985: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760808 s/n 022
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999236 s/n 23
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2 IAE/3 IAB.
*6/2/1999: Crashed near Dragomir near Plovdiv. Both crewmen were killed.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999257 s/n 24
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*19 IAP.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999261 s/n 25
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940S012 s/n 25
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094025 s/n 025
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*1/3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760911 s/n 26
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*Crashed before 1981.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MK10 s/n 26
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
*Currently preserved at Dolna-Mitropolia APT.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999264 s/n 26
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*8/27/1986: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999266 s/n 27
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760xxx s/n 27
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*Crashed before 1981.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MA08 s/n 27
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75024027 s/n 027
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999375 s/n 28
*1981: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2014: 63 IAB.
*2014-15: 3 IAB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760908 s/n 28
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940M018 s/n 28
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760909 s/n 29
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MT09 s/n 29
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999377 s/n 29
*1981: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007029 s/n 029
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OA10 s/n 30
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999408 s/n 30
*1981: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*6/22/1989: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760910 s/n 030
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760911 s/n 31
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO23 s/n 31
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999409 s/n 31
*1980: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1/28/1992: Written off.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940ME22 s/n 32
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
*7/2001: Salvaged at Krumovo AB. Or preserved there still?
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999414 s/n 32
*1982: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*6/2/1983: Crashed near Ravnets AB. Both crewmen were killed.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MI23 s/n 33
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999413 s/n 33
*1984: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF. Or in 1982?
*19 IAP/3 IAE.
*1/28/1992: Crashed into Studen Kladenets Lake on a night mission. Both crewmen were killed.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007033 s/n 033
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OA04 s/n 34
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
*10/5/1989: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516977066 s/n 34
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MK05 s/n 35
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
*4/10/1969: Crashed. Or on 11/3/1971?
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999021 s/n 35
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516999133 s/n 36
*1979: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO05 s/n 36
*1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 1/15 IAE.
*Currently preserved at the AF Academy at Dolna Metropolia APT.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFS c/n 940MO17 s/n 36
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Dolna Mitropolia.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO06 s/n 37
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*Was this one recoded as 940?
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF? No?
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 51694536 s/n 37
*1975: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO07 s/n 38
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979001 s/n 38
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Sold on the private market and registered as N921UM.
*Currently preserved in Dallas, TX.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO08 s/n 39
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Burgas.
Bulgaria MiG-21UM c/n 516979001 s/n 39
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO09 s/n 40
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "26".
*Was preserved at the AF Academy at Dolna Mitropolia APT, falsely marked as "26".
*Currently preserved in Pleven.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO10 s/n 41
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Chesogirovo. Or at Sadovo?
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO11 s/n 42
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO13 s/n 43
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved at a children's playground somewhere in Germany.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO15 s/n 44
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB017 s/n 45
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Transferred to the Ukrainian AF?
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO16 s/n 45
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094045 s/n 045
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MO17 s/n 46
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OA12 s/n 47
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007047 s/n 047
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*10/1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OS13 s/n 48
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n N94211516 (or 940AK14?) s/n 49
*1964: Built. Or 1965?
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB23 s/n 50
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM (or MiG-21PPS?) c/n 940AB09 s/n 51
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969401 s/n 51
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1988: Crashed. Date?
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969402 s/n 52
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969405 s/n 55
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*7/16/1998: Crashed after power loss on approach to Dobritch AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969407 s/n 57
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*9/2002: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969408 s/n 58
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*1/28/1997: Crashed near Varna after a birdstrike.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OS14 s/n 61
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940ME10 (or 767294?) s/n 62
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB, falsely marked as "7294".
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940S17 s/n 63
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MK03 s/n 64
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969504 s/n 64
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*Currently stored at Dobritch AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OS18 s/n 65
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Balchik.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969505 s/n 65
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1/27/1984: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OS03 s/n 66
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Currently preserved at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969506 s/n 66
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1974: 2/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*6/22/1985: Crashed after engine exploded due to compressor blade failure.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MK20 s/n 67
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "15".
*Currently preserved at the Sofia Military Museum.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MT04 s/n 68
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1986: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1/2 UBAE.
*4/1991: Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "4".
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940OS19 s/n 69
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940ML02 s/n 70
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MI24 s/n 71
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*5/6/1983: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n N94211508 s/n 72
*1964: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MM20 s/n 73
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MA19 s/n 74
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n 94AB10 s/n 75
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*9/2001: Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "24".
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MI12 s/n 76
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB13 s/n 77
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n N94211511 s/n 78
*1964: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "3".
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75001041 s/n 80
*1972: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003092 s/n 81
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Fuselage used by a Ukrainian company to build a composite airframe for the Croatian AF as s/n 135.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003117 s/n 82
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Fuselage used by a Ukrainian company to build a composite airframe for the Croatian AF as s/n 132.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75019927 s/n 83
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Fuselage used by a Ukrainian company to build a composite airframe for the Croatian AF as s/n 131.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75033127 s/n 84
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1/15 IAE.
*Recoded as "502" for some reason.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved in Bansko.
Bulgaria MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB15 s/n 85
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1977 or 78: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*Did this one fly as "68"?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75054147 s/n 85
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 86
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1986: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF. Or in 1977-78?
*Assigned as a ground trainer. Never flew with Bulgarians?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003008 s/n 86
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75014888 s/n 87
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75014904 s/n 88
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094088 s/n 088
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75034730 s/n 89
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75080614 s/n 90
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75080645 s/n 91
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75053407 s/n 92
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75053569 s/n 93
*1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75080601 s/n 94
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
*Fuselage used by a Ukrainian company to build a composite airframe for the Croatian AF as s/n 134.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75034641 s/n 95
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Dobrich AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75034745 s/n 96
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*26 RAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 750xxxxx s/n 97
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 1/15 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*12/28/1994: Crashed into the Black Sea. Pilot was killed.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960701 s/n 101
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*6/21/1977: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094101 s/n 101
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75027102 s/n 102
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved in Omurtag.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960608 s/n 108
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "1".
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 962309 s/n 109
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007111 s/n 111
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "9".
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094114 s/n 114
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*2014-15: 3 IAB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094119 s/n 119
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21 c/n ? s/n 121
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760815 s/n 125
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Kamenets AB, falsely marked as "123".
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094127 s/n 127
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01420 s/n 130
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007133 s/n 133
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "21".
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007151 s/n 151
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21 c/n ? s/n 172
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007177 s/n 177
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960702 s/n 202
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Graf Ignatievo AB. Or still preserved there, marked as "E"?
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960609 s/n 209
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 962310 s/n 210
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF. Or in 8/1969?
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "2".
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007213 s/n 213
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760813 s/n 223
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the BWS HQ in Sofia, perhaps falsely marked as "123".
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01713 s/n 223
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Also noted as crashing?
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760814 s/n 224
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
*1984: 2/21 IAE.
*1988: 1/26 RAE.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01714 s/n 224
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Also noted as crashing?
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760806 s/n 226
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
Bulgaria MiG-21PF c/n 760904 s/n 227
*1/1965: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1965: 2/18 AE.
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01421 s/n 231
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Also noted as crashing?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094240 s/n 240
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Recoded as "340" for some reason?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094243 s/n 243
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*2014-15: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007247 s/n 247
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*10/22/1984: Crashed due to engine problems.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094249 s/n 249
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094254 s/n 254
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094261 s/n 261
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094277 s/n 277
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved in Nessebar.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094294 s/n 294
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007301 s/n 301
*10/1975: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094302 s/n 302
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960703 s/n 303
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960610 s/n 310
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 962311 s/n 311
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094317 s/n 317
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094324 s/n 324
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01715 s/n 325
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21R c/n 94R01716 s/n 326
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 s/n 329
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094345 s/n 345
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094358 s/n 358
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2014-15: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094362 s/n 362
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*5/16/2003: Crashed near Panagurishte. Pilot was killed. Or on 5/16/2000?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094365 s/n 365
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094370 s/n 370
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094383 s/n 383
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094388 s/n 388
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094392 s/n 392
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*2014-15: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094399 s/n 399
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094401 s/n 401
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*7/3/1991: Lost control and crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21MF c/n 969403 s/n 403
*8/1974: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1975: 1/18 IAE.
*1978: 1/19 IAE.
*1983: 21 IAP.
*1990: 1/26 RAE.
*1995: Modified to MiG-21MFR standard.
*2/26 RAE.
*Withdrawn from use.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960704 s/n 404
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*6/17/1984: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094407 s/n 407
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*Recoded as "427" for some reason.
*2005: 3 IAB.
*2007: 3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960611 s/n 411
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Uzundzhovo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75094413 s/n 413
*1983: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1983: 19 IAP.
*2002: 1/3 IAE.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741101 s/n 501
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*1974: 1/26 RAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Krumovo AB. Or at Plovdiv AB?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75019901 s/n 501
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*Currently preserved at the Military Academy in Sofia.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75044702 s/n 502
*1976: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*6 IAB.
*Recoded as "84" for some reason (the first 84 was changed to 502, at the same time?).
*Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved somewhere in Bulgaria?
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75007003 s/n 503
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75012409 s/n 509
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741011 s/n 511
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Currently preserved in Haskovo, falsely marked as "513".
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741012 s/n 512
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960612 s/n 512
*8/1969: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1969: 2/19 IAE.
*11/3/1971: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741013 (or 75003013?) s/n 513
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1984: 1/26 RAE.
*Currently preserved in Haskovo.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003013 s/n 513
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741014 s/n 514
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741015 s/n 515
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1974: 1/26 RAE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Disarmed due to CFE treaty as "6".
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75017715 s/n 515
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741016 s/n 516
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1974: 1/26 RAE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo.
*Disarmed due to CFE treaty as "7".
*Currently preserved at Kamenets AB, falsely marked as ?07?.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75016609 s/n 516
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741017 s/n 517
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75017009 s/n 517
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741018 s/n 518
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1974: 1/26 RAE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Dobritch AB.
*Currently preserved at Raduil.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741019 s/n 519
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*1984: Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1984: 1/26 RAE.
*4/11/1985: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741020 s/n 520
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Converted to MiG-21F-13R.
*1974: 1/26 RAE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Disarmed for CFE treaty as "9".
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75007420 s/n 520
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 c/n 741101 s/n 521
*9/1963: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*3/19 IAE.
*Written off.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75007023 s/n 523
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003025 s/n 525
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Sofia National History Museum.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75007030 s/n 530
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved in Gabrovnica.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75034645 s/n 545
*1975: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75011350 s/n 550
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75017953 s/n 553
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75006258 s/n 558
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
*Currently preserved in a park in Byala Slatina. Since salvaged?
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75008059 s/n 559
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-LASUR c/n 75003061 s/n 561
*1973: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1990: 3/19 IAE.
*1/21 IBAE.
*6 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960613 s/n 613
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1970: 2/19 IAE.
*1984: 1/21 IAF.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Krumovo AB museum.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960714 s/n 714
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1970: 2/19 IAE.
*8/26/1974: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75028727 s/n 727
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21M c/n 960615 s/n 815
*8/1970: Delivered to the Bulgarian AF.
*1970: 2/19 IAE.
*9/17/1980: Crashed.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75028850 s/n 850
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75028903 s/n 903
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Withdrawn from use at Graf Ignatievo AB.
Bulgaria MiG-21F-13 (or MiG-21PF?) s/n 911
*--info needed.--
Bulgaria MiG-21PFM c/n 940MK13 s/n 940
*1965: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1986: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1/2 UBAE.
*1992: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the AF Academy at Dolna Mitropolia APT.
Bulgaria MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75029947 s/n 947
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1985: Transferred to the Bulgarian AF.
*1985: 19 IAP.
*3 IAB.
*Currently preserved in Korten.
Burkina Faso MiG-21bis-LAZUR s/n 75
*1984: Delivered to the Burkina Faso AF.
*Perhaps former Algerian AF? Or former Soviet AF?
*Currently preserved at Ouagadougou AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096284 s/n 7101
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096289 s/n 7102
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*1995: Upgraded by IAI-Tel Aviv, Israel.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096435 s/n 7103
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096246 s/n 7104
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096238 s/n 7105
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096409 s/n 7106
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096253 s/n 7107
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096304 s/n 7108
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096261 s/n 7109
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096424 s/n 7110
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096328 s/n 7111
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75096320 s/n 7112
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1983: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 7509xxxx s/n 7113
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1982: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Perhaps written off?
Cambodia MiG-21UM c/n 516999468 s/n 7114
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*1995: Upgraded by IAI-Tel Aviv, Israel.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21UM c/n 516999470 s/n 7115
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097417 s/n 7116
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097442 s/n 7117
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097455 s/n 7118
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*1995: Upgraded by IAI-Tel Aviv, Israel.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB? Or is this one still impounded in Israel?
*Sold to the Namibian AF?
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097461 s/n 7119
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097468 s/n 7120
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21bis c/n 75097504 s/n 7121
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB.
Cambodia MiG-21UM c/n 516999499 s/n 7122
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1984: Sold to the Cambodian AF.
*Unit 701.
*1995: Upgraded by IAI-Tel Aviv, Israel.
*Currently in storage at Pochentong AB? Or is this one still impounded in Israel?
China MiG-21F-13 c/n 74211607 s/n 1607
*1962: Built.
China MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212206 s/n 2206
*9/1962: Built.
China MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212210 s/n 2210
*4/1964: Built.
Congo MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 501
*--info needed.--
Congo MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 503
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 505
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Congo MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 507
*1980: Built.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75087309 s/n 509
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Pointe-Noire AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75087406 s/n 511
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Pointe-Noire AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75087444 s/n 513
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Pointe-Noire AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75087458 s/n 515
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Pointe-Noire AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 517
*1980: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 519
*1980: Built.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 521
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF. Or in 1984?
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 523
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF. Or in 1984?
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75096461 s/n 525
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF. Or in 1983?
*Was stored at Pointe-Noire AB.
Congo MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 527
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF. Or in 1984?
Congo MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 529
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*10/11/1989: Crashed.
Congo MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 530
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1990: Sold to the Congolese AF.
*Was stored at Maya-Maya AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092600 s/n 104
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*4/16/1995: Crashed near Gasinaca. Pilot was killed. Or on 4/21/1995?
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092882 s/n 105
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092875 s/n 106
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75092851 s/n 107
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Pleso AB.
*Currently preserved in Vukovar.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75002150 s/n 108
*1972: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD.
*22 ELZ.
*9/23/2010: Crashed near Slunj.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75021132 s/n 109
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*8/14/1995: Crashed near Velika Gorica. Pilot was killed. Or on 8/14/1996?
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75017895 s/n 110
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD.
*22 ELZ.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75044180 s/n 111
*1976: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*22 ELZ.
*Dumped at Veilka Gorica AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092865 s/n 112
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*22 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Velika Gorica AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75092901 s/n 113
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75001130 s/n 114
*1972: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*2002: Written off in a ground accident. Date?
*Was dumped at Velike Gorica AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75002075 s/n 115
*1972: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*1996: 22 ELZ.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75057500 s/n 116
*12/1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgyzstan AF.
*1993: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75092923 s/n 117
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgyzstan AF.
*1993: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092905 s/n 118
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgyzstan AF.
*1993: Sold to the Croatian AF. Or in 1994?
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75021008 s/n 119
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*5/2/1995: Shot down near Bosanska Gradiska.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75079157 s/n 120
*12/1979: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*9/23/2010: Crashed near Sunje.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75021145 s/n 121
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*8/5/2014: Caught fire and crashed on approach to Zadar AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75001122 s/n 122
*1972: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21bisD standard.
*22 ELZ.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092888 s/n 123
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*2000: 21 ELZ.
*Was stored at Velika Gorica AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75092908 s/n 124
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was stored at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75014178 s/n 125
*1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Currently preserved at Gornja Stubica APT.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75092105 s/n 126
*12/1981: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*21 ELZ.
*Was stored at Velika Gorica AB.
*Currently preserved in Turanj near Karlovac.
Croatia MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038327 s/n 131
*1974: Built.
*Rebuilt with the fuselage of c/n 75019927 ex-Bulgarian AF s/n 83.
*ex-Algerian AF.
*ex-Yenemi AF as 2234.
*2013: Bought from Ukraine, who had been storing the planes for Yemen.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038147 s/n 132
*1973: Built.
*Rebuilt with the fuselage of c/n 75003117 ex-Bulgarian AF s/n 82.
*ex-Algerian AF.
*ex-Yenemi AF as 2230.
*2013: Bought from Ukraine, who had been storing the planes for Yemen.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036406 s/n 133
*6/1976: Built.
*ex-Algerian AF.
*ex-Yenemi AF as 2236.
*2013: Bought from Ukraine, who had been storing the planes for Yemen.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis c/n 75038399 s/n 134
*1980: Built.
*Rebuilt with the fuselage of c/n 75080601 ex-Bulgarian AF s/n 94.
*Transferred to the Algerian AF as FA-92.
*Sold to the Yenemi AF as 2235.
*2013: Bought from Ukraine, who had been storing the planes for Yemen.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75038314 s/n 135
*1973: Built.
*Rebuilt with the fuselage of c/n 75003092 ex-Bulgarian AF s/n 81.
*ex-Algerian AF as 196/FA-96.
*ex-Yenemi AF as 2233.
*2013: Bought from Ukraine, who had been storing the planes for Yemen.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516999184 s/n 160
*5/1979: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*Was in storage at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21US c/n 08685740 s/n 161
*1969: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*Currently preserved as a gate guard at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516999207 s/n 162
*7/1979: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*1996: 22 ELZ.
*Was in storage at Velika Gorica AB.
*Currently preserved at Pleso AB.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516999228 s/n 163
*1979: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*Was in storage at Velika Gorica AB.
*Currently preserved in Cakovec.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516969001 s/n 164
*1974: Built. Or in 1976?
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgystan AF.
*2003: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21UMD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516911036 s/n 165
*1/1974: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgystan AF.
*2003: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21UMD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*21 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516951031 s/n 166
*1975: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgystan AF.
*2003: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21UMD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21UM c/n 516987091 s/n 167
*9/1977: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*ex-Ukrainian AF.
*ex-Kyrgystan AF.
*2003: Sold to the Croatian AF.
*2003: Upgraded to MiG-21UMD standard.
*22 ELZ.
*2015: Combat Aviation Squadron.
Croatia MiG-21U-400 c/n ? s/n 195
*Currently preserved in Zadar.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 01
*ex-Soviet AF.
*8/1963: Transferred to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 02
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 03
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 04
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 05
*ex-Soviet AF.
*8/1963: Transferred to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 06
*ex-Soviet AF.
*8/1963: Transferred to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 07
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 08
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 09
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 10
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 11
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 12
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 13
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 14
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 15
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 16
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 17
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 18
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 19
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 20
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 21
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 22
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 23
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 24
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 25
*ex-Soviet AF.
*8/1963: Transferred to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 26
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 27
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 28
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 29
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 30
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 31
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 32
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 33
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 34
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 35
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 36
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 37
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 38
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 39
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 40
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 41
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 42
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 43
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 44
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 103
*1967: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 104
*1967: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
*Currently preserved in Parque Lenin, Havana, falsely marked as "460".
Cuba MiG-21R c/n 030AB17 s/n 111
*1967: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
*Currently preserved at the DAAFAR Museum in Havana.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 361
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 362
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 363
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 364
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 365
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 366
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 367
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 368
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 369
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 370
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 371
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 372
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 373
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 374
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 375
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 376
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 377
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 378
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 379
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 380
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 381
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 382
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 383
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PFMA c/n ? s/n 384
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 401
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 402
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 403
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 404
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 405
*1966: Built.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n 741405 (or 74211406?) s/n 411
*1961: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*Currently preserved at the DAAFAR Museum in Havana.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 420
*1961: Built.
*Currently preserved at the DAAFAR Museum in Havana.
Cuba MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 437
*1961: Built.
Cuba MiG-21UM (or MiG-21US?) s/n 500
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21UM (or MiG-21US?) s/n 501
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
Cuba MiG-21UM (or MiG-21US?) c/n 09695152 (or 09685152?) s/n 502
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
*Currently preserved at the DAAFAR Museum in Havana.
Cuba MiG-21UM (or MiG-21US?) s/n 503
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
*1979: Crashed.
Cuba MiG-21US c/n ? s/n 504
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21UM (or MiG-21US?) s/n 505
*1968: Delivered to the Cuban AF.
*1986: Crashed.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 510
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 511
*1972: Built.
*11/1979: Crashed. Date? In Angola on TDY?
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 512
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 513
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 514
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 515
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 516
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 517
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 518
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 519
*1972: Built.
*1981: Crashed. Date? In Angola on TDY?
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 520
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 521
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 522
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 522
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 523
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 523
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 525
*Was in storage at Bayamo AB.
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 526
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 531
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 532
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 542
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 547
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 600
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 601
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 602
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 603
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 604
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 605
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 606
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 607
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 608
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 609
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 610
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 611
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 612
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 613
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 614
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 615
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 616
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 617
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 618
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 619
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 620
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 621
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 622
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 623
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 624
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 625
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 626
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 627
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 628
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 629
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 630
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 631
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 632
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 633
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 634
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 635
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 636
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 637
*1981: Built.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Insituto Tecnico Militar.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 638
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 639
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 640
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 641
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 642
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 643
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 644
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 645
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 646
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 647
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 648
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 649
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 650
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 651
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 652
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 653
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 654
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 655
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 656
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 657
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 658
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 659
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 660
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 661
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 662
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 663
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 664
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 665
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 666
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 667
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 668
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 669
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 670
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 671
*1981: Built.
Cuba MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 672
*1981: Built.
*9/20/1993: Defected to the USA. Or on 9/17/1993?
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 772
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 780
*1972: Built.
Cuba MiG-21PF (or MiG-21PPS?) c/n 761911 (or 940AK11?) s/n 1006
*1965: Built.
*Currently preserved at the DAAFAR Museum in Havana.
Cuba MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1119
*--info needed.--
Cuba MiG-21PFM s/n 1779
*Certainly spurious serial.
*Currently preserved at San Antonio de los Banos AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360001 s/n 0001
*Pre-production example.
*Assigned to the VZLÚ/Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav (Aeronautical Research and Test Institute).
*Tested to destruction at VZLÚ.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360002 s/n 0002
*Pre-production example.
*11/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1963: 11 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360003 s/n 0003
*Pre-production example.
*11/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1963: 11 SLP.
*Crashed or burnt-out in the mid-1960s?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360004 s/n 0004
*Pre-production example.
*11/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1963: 11 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360001 s/n 0005
*Pre-production example.
*11/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1963: 11 SLP.
*1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to VLU Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Presov AB museum, Slovakia, falsely marked as "0088".
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360101 s/n 0101
*1964: Built.
*5/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 360102 s/n 0102
*4/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460103 s/n 0103
*4/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*1987: 9 SLP.
*Or withdrawn from use in 1973?
*1993: Salvaged. Or in 4/1987?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460104 s/n 0104
*4/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to VLU Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Military Museum at Piestany.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460105 s/n 0105
*6/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968-69: 4 SLP.
*1987: 9 SLP.
*3/1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB. Just the cockpit?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460106 s/n 0106
*5/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 1 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460107 s/n 0107
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to Brno AB.
*Currently preserved at Brno-Slatina AB?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460108 s/n 0108
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4 SLP.
*3/18/1970: Crashed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460109 s/n 0109
*1/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*1993: Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Military Museum at Piestany.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460110 s/n 0110
*8/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4 SLP.
*7/1977: Burned up on the ramp?
*3/1988: Written off? Why so late?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460111 s/n 0111
*9/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*9/26/1964: Shot down by accident over East Germany. Details?
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 01685133 s/n 0133
*11/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970: 9 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Brno AB.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 01695165 s/n 0165
*6/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 SSLT.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*7/1994: Put into storage.
*11/1996: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N1165.
*Currently preserved with MiGs of Delaware, DE.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460201 s/n 0201
*10/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*1988: 5 SLP.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to the Hungarian AF.
*Currently preserved at McClellan AFB, CA.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460202 s/n 0202
*11/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1964: 11 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*Currently preserved at the Prague Technical Museum?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460203 s/n 0203
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*1/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*3/1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460204 s/n 0204
*1/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*12/1965: Damaged beyond repair while landing at Ceske Budejovice AB and withdrawn from use.
*1990: Assigned as a ground trainer to VLU Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460205 s/n 0205
*1/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*1990: Withdrawn from use at Presov AB.
*1991: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 460206 s/n 0206
*2/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*1978: 4 SLP.
*4/27/1978: Crashed due to pilot error. Pilot was killed. Or not?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560207 s/n 0207
*3/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4 SLP.
*1987: 9 SLP.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to the Hungarian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560208 s/n 0208
*10/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1987: 4 SLP.
*6/27/1987: Crashed due to pilot error. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560209 s/n 0209
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967-69: 4 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*3/1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560210 s/n 0210
*10/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*VSL Air Force Training Center.
*1 SLP.
*Was preserved at the old Aero factory in Letnany. Or at VM VHU?
*Currently preserved in Sint Maartensvlotbrug, Holland.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560211 s/n 0211
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*6/14/1967: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560212 s/n 0212
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967-69: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1987: 9 SLP.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
*Currently preserved at the Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560213 s/n 0213
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560207 s/n 0214
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560215 s/n 0215
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 4 SLP.
*8/23/1965: Crashed after take-off from Pardubice AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560216 s/n 0216
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*10/28/1970: Written off after an accident at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560217 s/n 0217
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965-67: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560218 s/n 0218
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965-68: 4 SLP.
*3/27/1968: Crashed near Pardubice AB after a collision with MiG-21F-13 0503.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560219 s/n 0219
*6/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965-69: 4 SLP.
*7/10/1969: Crashed near Radimer due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560220 s/n 0220
*5/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 4 SLP.
*1988: 5 SLP.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved in Vecses, Hungary.
*Was preserved at the Ozigetvar Muzeum in Alsonemedi, Hungary.
*Currently preserved at the Dunavarsany Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 02685141 s/n 0241
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*11 SLP.
*1993: Bailed to VZLÚ for tests as OK-004.
*2001: Sold to a private collector in France and given civilian registration F-ZAGR.
*Currently preserved at the Wanaka Transport and Toy Museum in New Zealand.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 02695168 s/n 0268
*10/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1974: 47 PZLP.
*1974: 5 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560301 s/n 0301
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*7/1965: 4 SLP.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1985: 4 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
Sold to the Hungarian AF.
*12/1992: Sold to America.
*Currently preserved at the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio as NVPAF "5063".
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760301 s/n 0301
*5/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*6/28/1985: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Mosnov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560302 s/n 0302
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 4 SLP.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760302 s/n 0302
*6/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*5/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560303 s/n 0303
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*4/1/1985: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760303 s/n 0303
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*8/30/1965: Crashed at Mosnov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560304 s/n 0304
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1985: 4 SLP.
*Was a gate guard at LOK.
*Currently in storage at VM VHU.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760304 s/n 0304
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*10/26/1971: Crashed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560305 s/n 0305
*7/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*Put into storage at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760305 s/n 0305
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*12/4/1965: Crashed at Mosnov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560306 s/n 0306
*8/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*6/1986: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Bechyne AB? Put into storage at Piestany AB? Or is just the cockpit at VM VHU?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760306 s/n 0306
*6/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1983: 8 SLP.
*5/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to VLU Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
*Currently preserved at Piestany AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560307 s/n 0307
*9/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760307 s/n 0307
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*4/5/1967: Damaged beyond repair in a landing accident at Pardubice AB with an Aero pilot at the controls,
and later written off.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560308 s/n 0308
*9/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1/6/1966: Written off after an accident at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760308 s/n 0308
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*5/1989: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
*Currently preserved at the VM VHU Kbely museum
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n 560309 s/n 0309
*9/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1974: 1 SLP.
*1979: 9 SLP.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at the Pardubice Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760309 s/n 0309
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560310 s/n 0310
*9/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*3/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved with the Aeroklub Sobeslav.
*Currently preserved at the Fahrzeug Technical Luftfahrt Museum in Bad Ischl, Austria.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760310 s/n 0310
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*5/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved with Aeroklub Sobeslav.
*Currently preserved somewhere in Austria?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) s/n 0311
*9/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 LSP.
*5/18/1971: Written off in a crash at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Wreck used as a ground trainer at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560312 s/n 0312
*10/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1985: 4 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560313 s/n 0313
*10/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Put into storage at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21F s/n 0313
*--info needed.--
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560314 s/n 0314
*10/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965-85: 9 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989-90: 5 SLP.
*11/1992: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kosice AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560313 s/n 0315
*11/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*2001: Assigned as a ground trainer to Kosice AB. Still there in the town of Kosice at the Technical
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560316 s/n 0316
*12/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1979-85: 9 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*1992: Salvaged at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560317 s/n 0317
*11/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560318 s/n 0318
*11/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 SLP.
*7/20/1967: Written off after an accident at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560319 s/n 0319
*12/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*1973: 1 LSP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560320 s/n 0320
*12/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*11/25/1968: Written off after an accident at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560321 s/n 0321
*12/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 9 SLP.
*7/9/1968: Written off after an accident at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 03685141 s/n 0341
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*5/26/1972: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 03695168 s/n 0368
*10/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972-89: 4 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 560401 s/n 0401
*12/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967-69: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*9 SLP.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760401 s/n 0401
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660402 s/n 0402
*Prototype MiG-21FR.
*6/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: VZS-031 Military Experimental Center, at Kbely AB.
*5 SLP.
*9/22/1981: Crashed near Pizen-Line AB after a collision with MiG-21F-13 0505.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760402 s/n 0402
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1979: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660403 s/n 0403
*3/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1968: 9 SLP.
*4 SLP.
*6/1986: Withdrawn from use.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760403 s/n 0403
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Zorgvlied, Holland. Or in Ommel?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660404 s/n 0404
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*6/8/1979: Crashed near Prerov AB after a collision with 0405. Or on 7/20/1967?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760404 s/n 0404
*7/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Zelhem, Holland.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660405 s/n 0405
*3/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*6/8/1979: Crashed near Prerov AB after a collision with 0404. Or on 7/20/1967?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760405 s/n 0405
*1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*6/23/1967: Crashed at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660406 s/n 0406
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*8/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660407 s/n 0407
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1973-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*11/1992: Withdrawn from use at Pizen-Line AB.
*Is the nose section still at Prerov AB?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660408 s/n 0408
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660409 s/n 0409
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*8/20/1968: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660410 s/n 0410
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1979-85: 9 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660411 s/n 0411
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1968-85: 9 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*8/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660412 s/n 0412
*4/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*1970: 5 SLP.
*Put into storage at Piestany AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1996: Put into storage at Trencin AB.
*Currently preserved at Piestany AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660413 s/n 0413
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*11/25/1968: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660414 s/n 0414
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*11/1990: Withdrawn from use at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660415 s/n 0415
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*11/19/1975: Crashed at Prerov AB. Or on 7/20/1967?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660416 s/n 0416
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1983: 9 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660417 s/n 0417
*6/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*8/1993: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660418 s/n 0418
*6/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1968: 4 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*12/1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to Ostrava AB. Or at Mosnov?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660419 s/n 0419
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*5 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660420 s/n 0420
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 04685141 s/n 0441
*1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 47 PZLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 04695168 s/n 0468
*8/1972: Built.
*8/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1991: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*11/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1996: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N7803S.
*Currently preserved with Vulcan Warbirds of Seattle, Washington?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 04695175 s/n 0475
*6/1973: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660501 s/n 0501
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*3/21/1974: Crashed at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660502 s/n 0502
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660503 s/n 0503
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966-68: 4 SLP.
*3/25/1968: Crashed near Pardubice AB after a collision with MiG-21F-13 0218. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660504 s/n 0504
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*1972: 9 SLP.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660505 s/n 0505
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*5/27/1988: Written off after a landing accident at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660506 s/n 0506
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*Was preserved at Prague-Malesice, falsely marked as "7714". Or as "7711"? Still there?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660507 s/n 0507
*9/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*Used for fire fighting drills at Pizen-Line AB.
*1988: Written off.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660508 s/n 0508
*9/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*11/30/1966: Caught fire and crashed near Pardubice AB. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660509 s/n 0509
*10/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966-69: 4 SLP.
*5/26/1969: Crashed near Pardubice AB due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660510 s/n 0510
*10/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966-67: 4 SLP.
*10/10/1967: Crash landed at Pardubice AB and burnt out.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660511 s/n 0511
*10/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: VSL Air Force Training Center, at Mlada AB.
*9/11/1970: Crashed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660512 s/n 0512
*10/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*10/1966: VSL Air Force Training Center, at Mlada AB.
*1 SLP.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Brno-Slatina AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660513 s/n 0513
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1/1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660514 s/n 0514
*10/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Kunovice Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660515 s/n 0515
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum, Slovakia.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660516 s/n 0516
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660517 s/n 0517
*12/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1991: Assigned as a ground trainer to Zelatovice AB.
*Currently preserved at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660518 s/n 0518
*12/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 11 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660519 s/n 0519
*1/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*6/14/1968: Crashed at Mosnov AB. Pilot was killed. Or on 6/18/1968?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660520 s/n 0520
*12/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1989: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*5/1989: Withdrawn from use at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the Brno-Kralovo Technical Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 05685141 s/n 0541
*11/1969: Built.
*1969-71: 47 PZLP.
*1 SLP.
*1983: 9 SLP.
*1992-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 660601 s/n 0601
*12/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 SLP.
*1967-69: 4 SLP.
*9/25/1969: Crashed near Ctibor/Vlasim due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760602 s/n 0602
*2/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760603 s/n 0603
*3/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*Was preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
*Currently preserved at the Bad Ischl Museum, Austria.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760604 s/n 0604
*2/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760605 s/n 0605
*3/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1976: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760606 s/n 0606
*3/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1988-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760607 s/n 0607
*4/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*1968: 9 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1987: 9 SLP.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
*Currently preserved with the Klatov Aeroclub?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760608 s/n 0608
*4/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760609 s/n 0609
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*4/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967-88: 9 SLP.
*1988-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 SLP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760610 s/n 0610
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*1968: 9 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*5/1988: 4 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760611 s/n 0611
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*5/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*9 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760612 s/n 0612
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*5/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
*9 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760613 s/n 0613
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*5/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
*Put into storage at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760614 s/n 0614
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*5/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760615 s/n 0615
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1970: 5 SLP.
*1983: 9 SLP.
*1983: Withdrawn from use. Used for fire training?
*10/1983: Written off.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760616 s/n 0616
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*4 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*4/15/1971: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760617 s/n 0617
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*Bailed to Aero Vodochody for tests as OK-47?
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760618 s/n 0618
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968: 47 PZLP.
*4 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*5/21/1983: Crashed at Prerov AB. Libyan cadet pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760619 s/n 0619
*Modified to MiG-21RF standard.
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968-69: 47 PZLP.
*1 SLP.
*1/4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kbely AB. As "8519"? A gate guard at LOK?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760620 s/n 0620
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1990: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 06685141 s/n 0641
*11/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*11 SLP.
*1/21/1983: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 06685146 s/n 0646
*4/1970: Built.
*5/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760701 s/n 0701
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*10/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
*1988: 5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760702 s/n 0702
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Used for flight training.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760703 s/n 0703
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*8/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968: 47 PZLP.
*1969: 1 SLP.
*1/4 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760704 s/n 0704
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*8/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968: 47 PZLP.
*1969: 1 SLP.
*1/4 SLP.
*1997: Perhaps burnt out in an accident?
*Later used for ground training at Brno-Slatina AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760705 s/n 0705
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*9/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
*8/11/1970: Crashed at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760706 s/n 0706
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*9/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 9 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760707 s/n 0707
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*9/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968: 47 PZLP
*1 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*12/1992: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760708 s/n 0708
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*10/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
*1968: 47 PZLP.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*4/9/1979: Crashed at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760709 s/n 0709
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*10/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 8 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760710 s/n 0710
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*11/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967-88: 9 SLP.
*1988-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Martin Air Museum in Slovakia.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760711 s/n 0711
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*11/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*1970: 5 SLP.
*Was preserved at the Hrabyne Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760712 s/n 0712
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*11/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*1970: 5 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*2004: Put into storage at Kbely AB. Or at the Piestany Military Museum?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760713 s/n 0713
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*11/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: 4 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1/26/1973: Crashed at Bechyne AB. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 760714 s/n 0714
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*12/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1967: VSL for training.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the base museum at Presov AB. Or at Olomouc?
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 07685132 s/n 0732
*11/1968: Built.
*11/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968-71: 47 PZLP.
*11 SLP.
*1992-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 07685146 s/n 0746
*5/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*4/11/1989: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760807 s/n 0807
*2/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF. Or in 1964?
*1965: 3rd Squadron (11 SLP).
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Nitra, Slovakia.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760809 s/n 0809
*2/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF s/n c/n 760810 0810
*2/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 3rd Squadron (11 SLP).
*1988: 8 SLP.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*2/1991: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760812 s/n 0812
*12/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF. Or in 2/1965?
*8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*Was preserved in Baak, Holland.
*Currently preserved at the Arnhem Oologsmuseum, Holland.
*Cockpit currently owned by a private citizen in Zevenaar, Holland?
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-400 c/n 660816 s/n 0816
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 1 LSP.
*1982: Bailed to the Aeronautical Research and Test Institute as OK-016.
*4 SLP.
*Put into storage at VZLÚ.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-400 c/n 660817 s/n 0817
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov AB museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 08685132 s/n 0832
*11/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968-71: 47 PZLP.
*11 SLP.
*1992-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*3/1996: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N9242N.
*8/24/1999: Crashed into the sea. American civilian pilot was killed. This info is perhaps incorrect, or for a
different airplane.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960903 s/n 0903
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
*Currently preserved at Piestany AB, marked as "903".
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n N74210904 s/n 0904
*Soviet-built pattern aircraft for future S-106 builds.
*9/1962: Transferred to the Czechoslovak AF.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960904 s/n 0904
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*9/1990: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960905 s/n 0905
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*8/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*9/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960906 s/n 0906
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*9/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*Was preserved at the Lafayette War Museum in Orange, France.
*Currently preserved at the Mus�e A�ronautique d' Orange, France.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 760912 s/n 0912
*12/1964: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*12/1992: Salvaged at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 09685148 s/n 0948
*6/1970: Built.
*7/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*28th SBoLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061001 s/n 1001
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*3/1993: Withdrawn from use Bechyne AB.
*Salvaged at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061002 s/n 1002
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061003 s/n 1003
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 LSP.
*1 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*Currently preserved at Ceskych-Budejovic AB? Or at the Vyskov Museum?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061004 s/n 1004
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*9/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 LSP.
*9/23/1974: Crashed at Prerov AV. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061005 s/n 1005
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 9 SLP.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*Currently preserved at Hradce Kralove AB? Or at Roudnice?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061006 s/n 1006
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 9 SLP.
*1976: 5 SLP.
*3/20/1976: Crashed at Pizen-Line AB. Or on 9/20/1990?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061007 s/n 1007
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*5/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 LSP.
*9/1990: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061008 s/n 1008
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*5/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 LSP.
*6/1990: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061009 s/n 1009
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061010 s/n 1010
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*9/26/1977: Crashed at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061011 s/n 1011
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1990: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*11/1994: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N1011E.
*Currently with Merle Maine Enterprises of Ontario, California.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061012 s/n 1012
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*1991: Salvaged at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061013 s/n 1013
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the VM VHU Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061014 s/n 1014
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*Currently preserved in Palm Springs, California.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061015 s/n 1015
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*Currently preserved at Cottbus, Germany.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 061016 s/n 1016
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*10/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 8 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*5/31/1982: Crashed at Prerov AB. Libyan cadet pilot was killed?
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 10685132 s/n 1032
*11/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*7/12/1983: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21US c/n 10685148 s/n 1048
*7/1970: Built.
*7/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*11/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516921061 s/n 1061
*10/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 9 SLP.
*8/3/1979: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 10695164 s/n 1064
*4/1972: Built.
*5 SLP.
*9/29/1973: Damaged beyond repair in an accident and later broken up for spare parts.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516921071 s/n 1071
*10/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 5 SLP.
*1974: 47 PZLP.
*1983: 6 SBoLP.
*1983: 47 PZLP.
*1986: 1 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1 LSP.
*1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1996: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N21EV.
*Currently preserved at the Marine Aviation Museum in Galveston, Texas.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 161101 s/n 1101
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*11/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved in Palm Springs, California. Or at the March AFB Museum, California?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 161102 s/n 1102
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*2/1990: Salvaged at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 161103 s/n 1103
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Le Bourget Museum in Paris, France.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 161104 s/n 1104
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*3/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*5/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved in Detroit, Michigan. Or in Ann Arbor, Michigan?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261105 s/n 1105
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*2/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1973-77: 4 SLP.
*5/24/1977: Crashed near Vsechovicich/Tisnova due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 161106 s/n 1106
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*1/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 8 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*Currently preserved at the museum at Vyskov AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261107 s/n 1107
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*4/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 9 SLP.
*1973: 4 SLP.
*2/23/1989: Crashed at LOK. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261108 s/n 1108
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*4/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Vodochody AB.
*1994: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N6285D.
*Currently preserved in Rochester, Minnesota?
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261109 s/n 1109
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*4/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*4/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1994: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N6285L.
*Was preserved with Jet Chevrolet of Federal Way, Washington.
*Currently preserved with the Classic Aircraft Aviation Museum in Hillsboro, OR and flight-ready.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261110 s/n 1110
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*4/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261111 s/n 1111
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1973-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*1991: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov museum.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261112 s/n 1112
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1989: 4 SLP.
*1989: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved in Palm Springs, California?
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961112 s/n 1112
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Piestany AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261113 s/n 1113
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*4/9/1980: Crashed at Pizen-Line AB. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961113 s/n 1113
*5/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Piestany AB.
Czechoslovak Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 261114 s/n 1114
*Modified to MiG-21FR standard.
*6/17/1972: First flight.
*7/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 9 SLP.
*1973-89: 4 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*4/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*11/1994: Sold to a private collector in Ontario, Canada and given civilian registration N211YA.
*Currently preserved with Yak Amerika of Saint Louis, Missouri?
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961114 s/n 1114
*5/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961115 s/n 1115
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-73: 4 SLP.
*3/26/1973: Spun out and crashed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-400 c/n 661117 s/n 1117
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 9 SLP.
*1990: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961201 s/n 1201
*5/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961202 s/n 1202
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-82: 47 PZLP.
*11/8/1982: Crashed due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961203 s/n 1203
*5/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-84: 47 PZLP.
*1984-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961204 s/n 1204
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-70: 4 SLP.
*8/12/1970: Crashed near Blatna due to electrical failure.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961205 s/n 1205
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-86: 47 PZLP.
*1986-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*4/22/1991: Crashed after a midair collision with MiG-21M 1207.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961206 s/n 1206
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-86: 47 PZLP.
*1986-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Malacky-Kuchyna AB.
*Currently preserved at Ocova.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961207 s/n 1207
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-84: 47 PZLP.
*1984-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*Currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961208 s/n 1208
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-84: 47 PZLP.
*1984-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Malacky-Kuchyna AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961209 s/n 1209
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-74: 4 SLP.
*1974-87: 47 PZLP.
*1987-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 961210 s/n 1210
*6/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-79: 4 SLP.
*1979-87: 47 PZLP.
*1987-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761212 s/n 1212
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF. Or in 11/1964?
*1968: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761213 s/n 1213
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*9 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761214 s/n 1214
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761215 s/n 1215
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*5/24/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB. Fire training?
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761301 s/n 1301
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*11 SLP.
*1979: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761302 s/n 1302
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 3rd Squadron (11 SLP).
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use at Presov AB.
*4/1990: Salvaged.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761303 s/n 1303
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761304 s/n 1304
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N5179Y.
*Currently preserved in Newark, Delaware?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761305 s/n 1305
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 11 SLP.
*9/29/1972: Crashed at Zatec AB. Pilot was killed. Also reported as in storage at VM VHU?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761306 s/n 1306
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761307 s/n 1307
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/8/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the museum at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761308 s/n 1308
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 11 SLP.
*1977: 9 SLP.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Brno AB.
*Currently preserved at Brno-Slatina APT.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761309 s/n 1309
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*1993: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N221MG.
*Currently preserved with Airmarc Inc of Wheaton, Illinois? Or is this one now in Galveston, TX?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761310 s/n 1310
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1965: 3rd Squadron (11 SLP).
*1/11/1975: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761311 s/n 1311
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov museum. Or at Hradec Kralove AB?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761312 s/n 1312
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761313 s/n 1313
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov AB museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761314 s/n 1314
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*10/13/1989: Crashed at Brno AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PF c/n 761315 s/n 1315
*4/1965: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 8 SLP.
*11/12/1974: Crashed at Mosnov AB. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01501 s/n 1501
*1/1969: Built.
*1/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*3/1994: Stress Squadron.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01502 s/n 1502
*1/1969: Built.
*1/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01624 s/n 1624
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-71: 47 PZLP
*9/21/1971: Crashed near Pardubice AB due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01625 s/n 1625
*7/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-93: 47 PZLP
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*6/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01701 s/n 1701
*7/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01702 s/n 1702
*5/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01703 s/n 1703
*5/1969: Built.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01704 s/n 1704
*7/1969: Built.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*6/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 01824 s/n 1824
*6/1971: Built.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1993: 47 PZLP
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 01903 s/n 1903
*6/1971: Built.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*6/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved in Caen, France, marked as SovAF "45".
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 01904 s/n 1904
*6/1971: Built.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N7803Z.
*Currently preserved with Vulcan Warbirds of Seattle, Washington?
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01918 s/n 1918
*3/1970: Built.
*4/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01919 s/n 1919
*5/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-72: 47 PZLP.
*8/21/1972: Crashed due to fuel problems. Or on 7/21/1972?
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01920 s/n 1920
*3/1970: Built.
*4/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01921 s/n 1921
*3/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-76: 47 PZLP
*7/1/1976: Crashed near Trebechovic/Orebem due to engine failure.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 94R01922 s/n 1922
*3/1970: Built.
*4/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-92: 47th PLZP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 01923 s/n 1923
*6/1971: Built.
*6/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 01924 s/n 1924
*3/1970: Built.
*5/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-92: 47 PZLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 021058 s/n 2058
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-73: 47 PZLP.
*11/8/1973: Written off in a hard landing at Pardubice AB in bad weather.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 020066 s/n 2066
*12/1971: Built.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N80634.
*Currently preserved in Gordo, Alabama?
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 020083 s/n 2083
*10/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-75: 47 PZLP.
*8/18/1975: Crashed near Cerveneho Kosteice in bad weather. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 021001 s/n 2101
*12/1971: Built.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 021009 s/n 2109
*12/1971: Built.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the Stafford Air and Space Museum in Weatherford, Oklahoma, as SovAF "15".
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 021033 s/n 2133
*12/1971: Built.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N80639.
*Currently preserved in Marin/Novato, California.
Czechoslovak MiG-21R c/n 021049 s/n 2149
*12/1971: Built.
*12/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-93: 47 PZLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*1/1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N30321.
*Currently preserved at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino, California. A derelict?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96002205 s/n 2205
*6/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1975-76: 4 SLP.
*1976: 9 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*82 SSLT.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2005: 211 TL.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*7/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96002410 s/n 2410
*6/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1975: 4 SLP.
*1976: 9 SLP.
*1993: 82 SSLT.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 662418 s/n 2418
*3/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 1 LSP.
*10/14/1988: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 662419 s/n 2419
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*3/1991: Put into storage Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96002500 s/n 2500
*6/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1975: 4 SLP.
*1976: 9 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 IFS.
*1993: 4th IFS.
*1995: 42nd FS.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2002: 4 zTL.
*2004-05: 21 zTL.
*5/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962613 s/n 2613
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-88: 4 SLP.
*4/15/1988: Ran out of fuel and crashed on approach to Pardubice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962614 s/n 2614
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989-91: 5 SLP.
*1993: 1 LSP.
*28 SBoLP.
*1995: 4 SLP.
*43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*12/1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Caslav AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962615 s/n 2615
*1/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1996: 1 SLP.
*1996: 31 SLK.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 962701 s/n 2701
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*8/1993: Assigned as a ground trainer to the Brno Military Academy.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962702 s/n 2702
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-81: 4 SLP.
*4/2/1981: Caught fire and crashed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962703 s/n 2703
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*11/1993: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov AB museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962704 s/n 2704
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*6/12/1991: Written off in an accident at Bechyne AB.
*Wreck used as a ground trainer at Presov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962705 s/n 2705
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962706 s/n 2706
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21M c/n 962707 s/n 2707
*5/1970: Built.
*6/1970: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1970-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 662820 s/n 2820
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*7/1990: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*Currently preserved at the Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 662916 s/n 2916
*5/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1994: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Martin Museum, Slovakia.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96003008 s/n 3008
*6/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1975: 9th FR.
*1993: 82 IFS.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1998: 4th TA AB.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*41 SLT.
*10/10/2000: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516913036 s/n 3036
*1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*47 PZLP.
*1 LSP.
*29th FBR?
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Line AB.
*7/1995: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N7238T.
*Was preserved with the Classic Aircraft Aviation Museum in Hillsboro, OR.
*Currently preserved with Premier Jets of Portland, OR.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516913041 s/n 3041
*1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1977: 1 LSP.
*1979: 47 PZLP.
*1984: 1 LSP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516913046 s/n 3046
*1/1974: Built.
*3/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1989: 4 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*9/1995: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N21UT.
*Currently preserved with Experimental Rocket Racing of Bothell, Washington?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516913051 s/n 3051
*2/1974: Built.
*1974: 9 SLP.
*1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Transferred to the Slovakian AF? Or not?
*Sold to America? Wrong number? Is this switched with 3041?s info?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931056 s/n 3156
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 4 SLP.
*1980: 5 SLP.
*1985-89: 4 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931066 s/n 3166
*4/1975: Built.
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1989: 4 SLP.
*1992: 82 SSLT.
*11 SLP
*11/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the VM VHU Kbely AB Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931071 s/n 3171
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 5 SLP.
*1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28th SBoLP.
*1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*2/2002: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N20739.
*11/1/2013: Crashed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931076 s/n 3176
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 9 SLP.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931081 s/n 3181
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*9 SBoLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28th SBoLP.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516931086 s/n 3186
*2/1975: Built.
*4/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1992: 1 LSP.
*1988: 4 zTL.
*6/1999: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice.
*Currently owned by Excalibur Ltd?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516937041 s/n 3741
*5/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1979: 1 SLP.
*1992: 1 LSP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516937046 s/n 3746
*5/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Transferred to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*1989: 4 SLP.
*1993: 1 LSP.
*1995: 42 FS.
*1998: 4 zTL.
*6/1999: Put into storage.
*Currently owned by Excalibur Ltd?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516937051 s/n 3751
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1979: 1 LSP.
*1979: 9 SLP.
*1980: 1 LSP.
*1988: 5 SLP.
*1990: 1 LSP.
*1994: 4 SSLT.
*11/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*9/1997: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N3751L.
*Currently preserved in Portland, Oregon?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516937056 s/n 3756
*5/1975: Built.
*7/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1983: 1 LSP.
*1994: 1 SLP.
*1994: Stressova Letka demo unit, at Caslav AB.
*6/8/1998: Crashed near Ceske Budejovice AB after a midair collision with MiG-21MF 7711.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004003 s/n 4003
*9/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1975: 5 SLP.
*1975: 9 SLP.
*1993: 82 IFS.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Line AB.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2000: 4th TA AB.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*5/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Caslav AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004008 s/n 4008
*7/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*9/1993: Withdrawn from use at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004017 s/n 4017
*7/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1993: 82 IFS.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Line AB.
*1998: 4th TA AB.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2001: 41 SLT.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*5/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004038 s/n 4038
*8/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the CFB Comox Museum in BC, Canada.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004101 s/n 4101
*8/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21 c/n 96004127 s/n 4127
*8/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1994: 4 SSLT.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*10/10/2000: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MFN c/n 96004175 s/n 4175
*8/1975: Built.
*9/1975: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*82 SSLT.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1994: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2002: 41 SLT.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*7/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*Nose section preserved somewhere.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964306 s/n 4306
*7/1971: Built.
*8/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*5/10/1985: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964307 s/n 4307
*6/1971: Built.
*8/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*1994: 11 SLP.
*1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1998: 4 zTL.
*1999: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged, some parts preserved at Ceske Budejovice AB, others at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964308 s/n 4308
*7/1971: Built.
*7/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovakia MiG-21MF c/n 964309 s/n 4309
*6/1971: Built.
*8/1971: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964310 s/n 4310
*7/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4311 s/n 4311
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1/6/1970: Crashed near Ceske Budejovice AB after a collision with MiG-21PFM 4312.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964311 s/n 4311
*5/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4312 s/n 4312
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP?
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1/6/1970: Crashed near Ceske Budejovice AB after a collision with MiG-21PFM 4311. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964312 s/n 4312
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964313 s/n 4313
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964314 s/n 4314
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973: 9 SLP.
*10/15/1977: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4315 s/n 4315
8/1966: Built.
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1981: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*10/1994: Sold to a private collector in America.
*Was preserved at the CAF Museum in Phoenix, AZ.
*Currently preserved at the Combat Air Museum, Forbes Field, Topeka, KS.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964315 s/n 4315
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973-76: 9 SLP.
*1976-85: 4 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*6/10/1992: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovakia MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4401 s/n 4401
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*5/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently a gate guard at the CzAF HQ at Stara Boleslav.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964401 s/n 4401
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973-76: 9 SLP.
*1976-86: 4 SLP.
*1986: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4402 s/n 4402
*8/1966: Built.
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*11/1994: Sold to a private collector in America.
*Currently preserved in Oregon?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 964402 s/n 4402
*6/1971: Built.
*1971-73: 4 SLP.
*1973-76: 9 SLP.
*1976-86: 4 SLP.
*1986: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4403 s/n 4403
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*6/1/1968: Crashed at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4404 s/n 4404
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1981: 3rd Squadron (1 SLP).
*1988: 8 SLP.
*7/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1993: Salvaged.
*Rear fuselage used to repair MiG-21MA 1207.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4405 s/n 4405
*8/1966: Built.
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved at Bad Ischl, Austria.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004405 s/n 4405
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*2000: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2001-02: 41 SLT.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*7/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4406 s/n 4406
*8/1966: Built.
*8/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Was preserved at the Lafayette War Museum in Orange, France.
*Currently preserved at the Mus�e A�ronautique d' Orange, France.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4407 s/n 4407
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*1983: 11 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*1989: 11 SLP.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use at Zatec AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere in Belgium? At Kolonie?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4408 s/n 4408
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8/5/1978: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4409 s/n 4409
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4410 s/n 4410
*8/1966: Built.
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1966: 9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1990: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*8/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4411 s/n 4411
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use at Zatec AB.
*Currently preserved at the VM VHU Kbely museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4412 s/n 4412
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1988: 11 SLP.
*11/2/1988: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4413 s/n 4413
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4414 s/n 4414
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4415 s/n 4415
*8/1966: Built.
*11/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Piestany Military Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96004421 s/n 4421
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*7/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4608 s/n 4608
*12/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 11 SLP.
*4/21/1988: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4609 s/n 4609
*9/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Zatec AB.
*Put into storage at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 s/n 4616
*--info needed.--
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 664820 s/n 4820
*8/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 4th FR
*1 LSP.
*7/1990: Withdrawn from use at Prerov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Sold to a private collector in Australia? Or in America? Currently at Burton Station, Ohio?
Czechoslovak MiG-21U c/n 664916 s/n 4916
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*4/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 664917 s/n 4917
*6/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1976: 1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*8/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21U-600 c/n 664918 s/n 4918
*9/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*8/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516905026 s/n 5026
*10/1973: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*4 SLP.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1977: 4 SLP.
*1978: 9 SLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1994: 1 SLP.
*2002: 1 SLK.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516905031 s/n 5031
*9/1973: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1977: 1 LSP.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1995: 42 SSLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*6/1999: Put into storage.
*Currently owned by Excalibur Ltd?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516923001 s/n 5101
*10/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516921066 s/n 5166
*10/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965209 s/n 5209
*3/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28th FBR.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL
*6/17/1999: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21UM 9342. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965210 s/n 5210
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4th FR
*1991: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 SSLT.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL
*10/2001: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Currently in storage at Prelouc?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965211 s/n 5211
*3/1972: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*8/7/1972: Crashed. Pilot was killed. Date also noted as 8/28/1972.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965212 s/n 5212
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1974: 9 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SLP.
*1995: 43 FS.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*21 zTL.
*2002: Put into storage at Caslav AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965213 s/n 5213
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*2/1999: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Currently preserved at Znojma APT?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965214 s/n 5214
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*1972: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SLP.
*1995: 43 FS.
*1997: 41 SLT.
*Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Currently preserved at Caslav AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965215 s/n 5215
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*9/2/1996: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Caslav AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965301 s/n 5301
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*3/1999: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Put into storage at Prelouc.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965302 s/n 5302
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL
*5/2001: Put into storage.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965302 s/n 5303
*9/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 IFS.
*1991-92: 11 SLP.
*1993: 4 IFS.
*1995: 42 FS.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*4/2000: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Put into storage at Prelouc.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965304 s/n 5304
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*8/1999: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Put into storage at Prelouc.
*Currently preserved outside a store in Bulle, Switzerland.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 965305 s/n 5305
*2/1972: Built.
*1972: 4 SLP.
*5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 SSLT.
*1993: 4 SSLT.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: 4 ZSL.
*2/2002: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
*Put into storage at Prelouc.
*Currently preserved in Orbe, Switzerland?
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5406 s/n 5406
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*10/1993: Struck off charge.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5407 s/n 5407
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*10/1993: Struck off charge.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5408 s/n 5408
*7/1966: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1/6/1972: Burned up on the flightline when afterburner ignited prematurely.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5409 s/n 5409
*2/1967: Built.
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1968: 1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently owned by a private citizen.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5410 s/n 5410
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5411 s/n 5411
*7/1967: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*9 SLP.
*1969: 8 SLP.
*1980: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005494 s/n 5494
*8/1975: Built.
*9/1975: 1 SLP.
*7/22/1980: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005508 s/n 5508
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 IFS.
*1993: 4th IFS.
*1995: 42nd FS.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*2002: 41 SLT.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*10/2004: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*9/2005: Sold to the Mali AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005512 s/n 5512
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1995: 42 SSLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*7/2005: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*2005: Sold to the Mali AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005581 s/n 5581
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 IFS.
*1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1998: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*Upgraded to MiG-21MF/RNAV standard.
*2001: 41 SLT.
*2005: 21 zTL.
*6/2005: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005603 s/n 5603
*9/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 IFS.
*1993: 4th IFS.
*1995: 42nd FS.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: Upgraded to MFN standard.
*2001-02: 41 SLT.
*2004-05: 21 zTL.
*6/2005: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*Front section currently preserved at Olomouc?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96005612 s/n 5612
*8/1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 82 SSLT.
*1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the Brno Technical Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7113 s/n 7113
*3/1968: Built.
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7114 s/n 7114
*4/1968: Built.
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7115 s/n 7115
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*8 SLP.
*1983: 11 SLP.
*5/28/1983: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7201 s/n 7201
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1979: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7202 s/n 7202
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7203 s/n 7203
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1978: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7204 s/n 7204
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*8/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7205 s/n 7205
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*11 SLP.
*Retained by LOK as pattern aircraft for future overhauls.
*10/1990: Salvaged at VLU Presov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7206 s/n 7206
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1990: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1994: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7207 s/n 7207
*4/1968: Built.
*5/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1990: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1994: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7208 s/n 7208
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1990: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7209 s/n 7209
*4/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1990: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1994: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967611 s/n 7611
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SLP.
*1973: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967701 s/n 7701
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1994: Stressova Letka demo unit, at Caslav AB.
*1998: 4 zTL.
*1999: 41 SLT.
*3/2002: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967702 s/n 7702
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967703 s/n 7703
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1996: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967704 s/n 7704
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*2002: 1 SLK.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967705 s/n 7705
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1992: 9 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Currently preserved at the Prague-Kbely Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967706 s/n 7706
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967707 s/n 7707
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Piestany AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967708 s/n 7708
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N7708.
*Currently preserved at the Southwest Florida Defense Antiquities Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967709 s/n 7709
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SLP.
*1988: 5 SLP.
*1991: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*8/28/1992: Crashed near Ceske Budejovice AB. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967710 s/n 7710
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967711 s/n 7711
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 IFS.
*1994: 4 IFS.
*1994: Stressova Letka demo unit, at Caslav AB.
*1994: 11 SLP.
*1994: 1 SLP.
*1995: LZO-LZS no. 1, at Line AB.
*6/8/1998: Written off after a midair collision with MiG-21UM 3756.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967712 s/n 7712
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1988: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1999: 31 LZ.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 96007713 s/n 7713
*6/1973: Built.
*1984: 6 SBoLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*1997-98: 31 SLK.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967714 s/n 7714
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993-94: 1 SLP.
*2002: 1 SLK.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967715 s/n 7715
*6/1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967801 s/n 7801
*7/1973: Built.
*1973-84: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967802 s/n 7802
*6/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 82 SSLT.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL
*10/2002: Put into storage at Caslav AB.
*Put into storage at Prelouc.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967803 s/n 7803
*7/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 967804 s/n 7804
*1973: Built.
*6 SBoLP.
*1/17/1979: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7906 s/n 7906
*7/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*2/15/1972: Crashed at Bechyne AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7907 s/n 7907
*7/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8/11/1981: Crashed at Zatec AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7908 s/n 7908
*7/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*1981: 11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*6/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*7/1994: Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7909 s/n 7909
*7/1968: Built.
*1/1969: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 4 SLP.
*1981: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*7/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7910 s/n 7910
*7/1968: Built.
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1993: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7911 s/n 7911
*8/1968: Built.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*4/11/1984: Crashed at Mosnov AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7912 s/n 7912
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*4/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7913 s/n 7913
*7/1968: Built.
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*7/1994: Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Martin Museum in Slovakia.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7914 s/n 7914
*7/1968: Built.
*9/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*4/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7915 s/n 7915
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*3/16/1970: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N8001 s/n 8001
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*1988: 8 SLP.
*11 SLP.
*3/1991: Withdrawn from use at Zatec AB.
*Currently preserved at the Vyskov AB museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21PFM c/n 94N8002 s/n 8002
*8/1968: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1969: 9 SLP.
*1973: 1 SLP.
*1981: 11 SLP.
*1991: Put into storage at Vodochody AB.
*5/1994: Salvaged at Vodochody AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 963008205 s/n 8205
*9/1973: Built.
*1973-84: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*1997: 31 SLK.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 963008206 s/n 8206
*9/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1990: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 963008207 s/n 8207
*9/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1994-95: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 963008208 s/n 8208
*9/1973: Built.
*1973-84: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 963008209 s/n 8209
*9/1973: Built.
*1973: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Was preserved at the Kosice Museum.
*Currently preserved in Nemsova, Slovakia.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516909011 s/n 9011
*12/1973: Built.
*1/1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1991: 5 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1995: 42 FS.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*6/1999: Put into storage.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516909016 s/n 9016
*1974: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1974: 9 SLP.
*9/14/1978: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF-75 c/n 963004307 s/n 9307
*Originally coded 4307, perhaps in error, but later changed to 9307, maybe between 1975 and 1980.
*1975: Built.
*1975: 1 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*9 SBoLP.
*82 SSLT.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*1998: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N9307.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516999332 s/n 9332
*10/1980: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*2004: 21 zTL.
*5/2005: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at VM VHU Kbely AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516999333 s/n 9333
*10/1980: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1 LSP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*10/2004: Put into storage.
*Currently owned by Hermes Company?
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516999341 s/n 9341
*4/1980: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1980: 1 LSP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*7/2005: Put into storage at Prerov AB.
*2005: Sold to the Mali AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516999342 s/n 9342
*4/1980: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1980: 1 LSP.
*1995: 42 SSLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*6/17/1999: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21MF 5209. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21UM c/n 516999399 s/n 9399
*3/1982: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*1982: 1 LSP.
*1995: 43 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*10/2002: Put into storage.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969404 s/n 9404
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Presov Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969406 s/n 9406
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969409 s/n 9409
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Cockpit section currently preserved at the Zruc Air Park.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969410 s/n 9410
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*1995: 4 zTL.
*1996: 1 SLP.
*2002: 41 SLT.
*211th LT.
*2/2004: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969411 s/n 9411
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 960412 s/n 9412
*6/1974: Built.
*1974-84: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1994: Stress Squadron
*9/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969413 s/n 9413
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1993: 1 LSP.
*9/1994: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Salvaged. Nose section at Brno-Cernovice APT?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969414 s/n 9414
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1994: 1 LSP.
*1994: Stress Squadron.
*1997: 4 ZSL.
*43 SLT.
*41 SLT.
*211 TL.
*5/2004: Put into storage at Caslav AB.
*Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969415 s/n 9415
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969501 s/n 9501
*6/1974: Built.
*1974-91: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently a gate guard at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969502 s/n 9502
*6/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1991: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Kosice Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969503 s/n 9503
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*11/23/1989: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969706 s/n 9706
*1974: Built.
*1974-84: 6 SBoLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1 LSP.
*10/1/1991: Crashed. Algerian cadet pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969797 s/n 9707
*8/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1989: 1 SLP.
*8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 4 zTL.
*1999: Withdrawn from use.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969708 s/n 9708
*8/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969709 s/n 9709
*8/1974: Built.
*1974: 6 SBoLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*9 SLP?
*1991: 1 LSP.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969710 s/n 9710
*8/1974: Built.
*1974-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1989: 81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969711 s/n 9711
*9/1974: Built.
*1974-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1991: 11 SLP.
*1991: 82 IFS?
*4 IFS?
*1995: 42 FS.
*1997: 41 SLT.
*211 TL.
*3/2004: Withdrawn from use.
Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969712 s/n 9712
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1994-95: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Trencin AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969713 s/n 9713
*8/1974: Built.
*1974-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1992: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1994: 1 SLP.
*1999: 31 LZ.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Piestany Military Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969714 s/n 9714
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-85: 4 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1988: 1 SLP.
*1989: 8 SLP.
*1992: 81 SSLT.
*9/1993: Put into storage at Pizen-Line AB.
*Salvaged? Or possibly transferred to Slovakia?
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969715 s/n 9715
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-82: 4 SLP.
*3/3/1982: Crashed near Zamberk. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969801 s/n 9801
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1993: 11 SLP.
*1993: 28 SBoLP.
*1995: 42 FS.
*1997: 41 SLT.
*211 TL.
*9/2004: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969802 s/n 9802
*9/1974: Built.
*1974-84: 4 SLP.
*1984-85: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 4 SLP.
*1994: Stress Squadron?
*1994: 4 SSLT.
*1995: LZO-LZS no. 1.
*1/23/1997: Damaged beyond repair in a landing accident at Pizen-Line AB and later written off.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969803 s/n 9803
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-77: 4 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*5/4/1988: Written off after a collision with MiG-21 9902.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969804 s/n 9804
*9/1974: Built.
*1974-77: 4 SLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 4 SLP.
*1995: 42 SLT.
*1997: 41 SLT.
*2002: 41 SLT.
*211th TL.
*9/2004: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969805 s/n 9805
*9/1974: Built.
*1974: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*1993: 4 IFS.
*1995: 42nd FS.
*1997: 41 SLT.
*2002: 41 SLT.
*2004: 211th TL.
*9/2004: Put into storage at Ceske Budejovice AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969812 s/n 9812
*9/1974: Built.
*1974: 5 SLP.
*12/19/1985: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969813 s/n 9813
*9/1974: Built.
*1974: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*1993: 1 SLP.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
*Currently preserved at the Martin Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969814 s/n 9814
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-85: 4 SLP.
*1985: 9 SLP.
*1986-89: 4 SLP.
*1989: 9 SLP.
*1991: 9 SBoLP.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Currently preserved at the Presov Museum.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969815 s/n 9815
*10/1974: Built.
*1974-84: 4 SLP.
*1984: 6 SBOLP.
*1985: 5 SLP.
*1991: 1 LSP.
*81 SSLT.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Put into storage at Sliac AB.
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n 269901 s/n 9901
*1961: Delivered as a CKD kit.
*4/20/1962: First flight.
*8/1962: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Training Squadron, at Mlada AB.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969901 s/n 9901
*1974: Built.
*1975: 5 SLP.
*4/21/1981: Written off.
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n 269902 s/n 9902
*1961: Delivered as a CKD kit.
*11/1962: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Training Squadron, at Mlada AB.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21MF c/n 969902 s/n 9902
*1974: Built.
*1974-86: 4 SLP.
*1986: 5 SLP.
*5/4/1988: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21MF 9803. Pilot was killed.
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n 269903 s/n 9903
*1961: Delivered as a CKD kit.
*4/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Training Squadron, at Mlada AB.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13 c/n 269904 s/n 9904
*1961: Delivered as a CKD kit.
*4/1963: Delivered to the Czechoslovak AF.
*Training Squadron, at Mlada AB.
*1973: Export sale to Syria cancelled.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Presov AB.
*1/1993: Transferred to the Slovakian AF.
*Was preserved at the Kosice Museum.
*Currently preserved at Piestany AB.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 02695174 s/n 167
*4/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+50.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 05695174 s/n 168
*4/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+51.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*12/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 03695174 s/n 169
*4/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+52.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*12/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 01695163 s/n 203
*5/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+84.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 02695163 s/n 204
*2/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+78.
*Currently preserved at Bad Ischl, Austria.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 03695163 s/n 205
*2/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+79.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Nose section currently preserved at Hermeskeil APT.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 04695164 s/n 206
*2/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+80.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Wurzburg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 10695162 s/n 207
*7/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+81.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Sanner, Bensheim-Auerbach. Owned by a private citizen?
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 03695165 s/n 210
*4/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+53.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 06695165 s/n 211
*5/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+70.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 05695168 s/n 212
*11/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+59.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Staffelde near Tangermunde.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 07695168 s/n 213
*2/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+85.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 01685134 s/n 215
*7/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+99.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Cottbus AB.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 07685145 s/n 217
*2/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+01.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Ankum Museum.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 08685145 s/n 218
*2/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+02.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Elbe Flugzeugwerke at the Dresden APT.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 09685145 s/n 219
*2/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+03.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Oyten in Bremen. Or since salvaged?
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 06685147 s/n 220
*8/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/11/1978: Crashed near Malchin.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 07685147 s/n 221
*5/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+04.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Fichtelberg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 10685147 s/n 222
*6/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/17/1974: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 02685134 s/n 225
*8/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+05.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Luftsportgemeinschaft Flugplatz Bayreuth.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915071 s/n 226
*5/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+71.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915076 s/n 227
*5/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+72.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 03685134 s/n 228
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/25/1971: Crashed near Zirkow. Or on Rugen Island?
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516921051 s/n 228
*8/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+62.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516921056 s/n 229
*10/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+60.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Currently preserved at Firma Rrichhardt Gilching.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 04685134 s/n 230
*9/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+06.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Aeroclub at Peenemunde APT.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915011 s/n 231
*5/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+82.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rimini AB Museum, Italy.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915001 s/n 232
*3/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+54.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915006 s/n 233
*5/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+61.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Finow.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516915021 s/n 234
*4/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+73.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660818 s/n 235
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JG-2.
*10/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 05685134 s/n 236
*9/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+07.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661119 s/n 237
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+86.
*Currently preserved at the Bad Ischl Technical Museum, Austria.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 02685139 s/n 238
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+08.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Hermeskiel APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660917 s/n 239
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 03685138 s/n 240
*6/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/5/1988: Crashed near Gorlitz.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660918 s/n 241
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/12/1980: Crashed near Waren/Muritz. Both crewmen were killed.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 04685139 s/n 242
*6/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+09.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Ankum Museum.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660920 s/n 243
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/13/1967: Stalled and crashed while landing at Rothenburg AB. Pilot was killed. Or after take-off?
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 51695031 s/n 243
*1/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+63.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661017 s/n 244
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/1966: JAG-15.
*1970: JG-3.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+87.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently owned by Aerotec Corp.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660916 s/n 245
*7/1975: Delivered to the East German AF. Or in 7/1965?
*8/9/1976: Crashed on take-off from Lodenau AB due to obstructed engine.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516996036 s/n 245
*1/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+64.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 05685139 s/n 246
*6/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+10.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Stendal APT, falsely marked as "241".
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661020 s/n 247
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 06685139 s/n 248
*5/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+11.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Seifertshofen Museum in Baarlo, Holland.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661116 s/n 249
*12/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/25/1971: Crashed in Poland.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 16995041 s/n 249
*1/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+65.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21US c/n 01685148 s/n 250
*6/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+12.
*Currently preserved in Bolsward, Holland, falsely marked as "707".
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661016 s/n 251
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/1967: JG-2.
*3/1973: JAG-15.
*8/1978: JG-3.
*5/1986: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+88.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Dermsdorf. Or at Sommerda?
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 09695155 s/n 252
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+74.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661019 s/n 253
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*5/10/1969: Crashed due control failure near Kolzig.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 10695155 s/n 253
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+75.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 01695156 s/n 254
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+76.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661018 s/n 255
*12/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*7/9/1973: Crashed due to engine blockage near Steinbach. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516995046 s/n 255
*1/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/9/1984: Crashed near Schneeberg near Eisenhuttenstadt.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 02695156 s/n 256
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+77.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow Museum.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 03695156 s/n 257
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+55.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 661118 s/n 258
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/1966: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+89.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in a museum in Dessau.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 04695156 s/n 259
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+56.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-400 c/n 660819 s/n 260
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1966: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use at Kamenz AB.
*Used for chemical warfare tests at Kamenz AB.
*6/1991: Salvaged at Kamenz AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662420 s/n 261
*6/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 05695156 s/n 262
*5/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+57.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662516 s/n 263
*3/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/20/1974: Crashed due to landing gear malfunction near Reitschen.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 06695156 s/n 264
*5/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+58.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662617 s/n 265
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+90.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in a museum in Ankum.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 07695156 s/n 266
*8/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+83.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Bad Oyenhausen.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516931001 s/n 267
*1/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+66.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516931041 s/n 268
*1/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+67.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516931046 s/n 269
*4/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+68.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21UM c/n 516931051 s/n 270
*4/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+69.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662618 s/n 271
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/11/1976: Crashed near Notlandung on the Nochten Range after the transmission drive shaft broke. Pilot
was killed.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662619 s/n 272
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+91.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Bad Oeyenhausen.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 662620 s/n 273
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/4/1974: Crashed near Zittau after an inflight explosion. Both crewmen were killed.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663218 s/n 274
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663219 s/n 275
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*JAG-15, at Rothenburg AB.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+92.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use, never actually flown with GAF.
*Currently preserved at Stammheim.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663220 s/n 276
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+93.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Lintel. Near Rheda?
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663315 s/n 277
*1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663316 s/n 278
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1991: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663818 s/n 279
*12/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/16/1969: Crashed in Poland after being struck by lightning. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663819 s/n 280
*12/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/14/1970: Crashed while landing at Preschen AB. Both crewmen were killed.
*Is wreck still at Preschen AB?
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663820 s/n 281
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-2.
*1975: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+94.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Montelimar Museum, France.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 663816 s/n 282
*Or is it 663916?
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-3.
*1972: JG-1.
*1974: JG-3.
*1985: JAG-15.
*1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664518 s/n 283
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/1971: JG-3.
*6/1972: JG-2.
*3/1977: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664519 s/n 284
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/1971: JG-8.
*9/1972: JG-2.
*6/1973: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*1990: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664520 s/n 285
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1/10/1970: Landed short of the runway and crashed.
*Is the cockpit now at the Rimini AB Museum, Italy?
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664616 s/n 286
*4/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/29/1972: Crashed in Poland due to defective engine pump.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664617 s/n 288
*4/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JAG-15.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled, though unclear if delivered.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664620 s/n 289
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-2.
*1975: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+95.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Dermsdorf/Sommerda.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664716 s/n 290
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1968: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled, though unclear if delivered.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664718 s/n 291
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N121TJ.
*Currently preservd at the South Florida Antiquities Museum in Fort Myers, FL.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664719 s/n 292
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+96.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rechlin-Larz Museum.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664720 s/n 293
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1973: JG-7.
*1974: AFS-31.
*1985: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664816 s/n 294
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1990: Used for firefighting training at Kamenz AB. Still there?
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664817 s/n 295
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+97.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Heidepark Soltau, Westfalica, falsely marked as USAF "337".
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664818 s/n 296
*7/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1972: JG-8.
*1973: JG-3.
*1974: AFS-31.
*1977: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+98.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 664819 s/n 297
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JAG-15.
*3/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1990: Assigned for fire training to Kamenz AB.
*Currently owned by Aerotech Corp.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 665118 s/n 298
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/1/1975: Crashed due to a landing gear problem near Brunn.
East Germany MiG-21U-600 c/n 665119 s/n 299
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/10/1968: Crashed at Neubrandenburg AB. Pilot was killed. Or on 12/12/1968?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962013 s/n 401
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/11/1970: Crashed at Marxwalde AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962014 s/n 402
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962015 s/n 403
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946702 s/n 404
*1/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-8.
*1975: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+08.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962101 s/n 406
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF as 7602.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962102 s/n 407
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962103 s/n 408
*3/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/28/1978: Crashed near Guben.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962104 s/n 410
*3/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+46.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962105 s/n 412
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962106 s/n 413
*3/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+90.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962107 s/n 414
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962108 s/n 415
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF as 7601.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962109 s/n 417
*3/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/20/1984: Crashed near Eisenhuttenstadt.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962110 s/n 418
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962111 s/n 419
*1/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+47.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 424
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF as 7502.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 962308 s/n 425
*5/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+77.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Nose section currently preserved at Niederaltlich.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967603 s/n 427
*5/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/1973: JG-9.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+03.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963204 s/n 428
*8/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+48.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946703 s/n 429
*1/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-8.
*1975: JG-1.
*1989: Recoded 771? No?
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+01.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967604 s/n 430
*1973: JG-8.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+04.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946706 s/n 431
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/1/1973: Crashed near Zempin.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963205 s/n 431
*Originally coded 430 but changed to 431 for some reason. In 1973?
*10/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+49.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*10/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946707 s/n 432
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1/29/1969: Crashed on take-off from Peenemunde AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963206 s/n 432
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+50.
*11/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963207 s/n 435
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+51.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946708 s/n 436
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967605 s/n 437
*7/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+05.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963209 s/n 438
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+52.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Neuhardenburg AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Neuhardenburg AB.
*Nose section currently preserved at Neuenkirchen.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946709 s/n 441
*1/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+02.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged at Drewitz AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946710 s/n 443
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963210 s/n 445
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+53.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Neubrandenburg AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946711 s/n 446
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*3/23/1978: Crashed near Dreibruck, North Berlin. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967606 s/n 447
*7/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/17/1977: Crashed after birdstrikes.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967607 s/n 448
*5/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+06.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden? Or preserved at Rothenburg AB, falsely marked as "7607"?
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946712 s/n 449
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved in Cammerswalde.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967608 s/n 460
*5/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+07.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963212 s/n 461
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+54.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946807 s/n 462
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946808 s/n 463
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1987: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+20.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at Guttenburg Castle.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963213 s/n 464
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/31/1974: Written off after an accident.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946802 s/n 465
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/15/1973: Crashed while landing and burnt out.
*Wreck used as a ground trainer until 1977 with JAG-15.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963211 s/n 465
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+55.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947003 s/n 466
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+03.
*Put into storage at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967610 s/n 467
*5/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+08.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Nose section currently preserved at Technikmuseum Speyer.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963214 s/n 468
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+56.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947004 s/n 469
*5/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*7/28/1977: Crashed near Gros-Schaksdorf. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967609 s/n 470
*6/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+09.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947005 s/n 472
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*3/15/1988: Written off.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Parts now at the Berlin-Gatow Museum? Front fuselage?
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947006 s/n 473
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/21/1971: Withdrawn from use after an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Was preserved at Kamp van Zeist, Holland.
*Currently preserved at Soesterberg AB, Holland. Or now at Lelystad, Holland? Falsely marked as Soviet AF
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967612 s/n 473
*6/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+10.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Was preserved at Twenthe AB, Holland.
*Currently preserved at Kamp van Zeist, Holland.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947007 s/n 474
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iraq cancelled.
*8/1989: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947008 s/n 476
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967613 s/n 477
*6/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+11.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967614 s/n 478
*6/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+12.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947009 s/n 479
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+09.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow APT museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947010 s/n 481
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1989: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+10.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF s/n 483
*This one might not exist, being confused with one below?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963215 s/n 483
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+57.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
*9/1996: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947210 s/n 484
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+04.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947211 s/n 486
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1989: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+11.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947212 s/n 487
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*11/14/1974: Crashed at Cottbus AB. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947213 s/n 489
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+05.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 967615 s/n 490
*6/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+13.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963301 s/n 491
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+58.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947214 s/n 492
*5/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1989: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+12.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963302 s/n 493
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+59.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963303 s/n 497
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+60.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963304 s/n 498
*11/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/7/1973: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21M 507.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963305 s/n 499
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+61.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Neubrandenburg AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged at Neubrandenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963306 s/n 502
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/13/1971: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963307 s/n 505
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+62.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Currently preserved at Drewitz AB, falsely marked as "23+82". Or at Holzdorf AB?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963308 s/n 507
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/7/1973: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21M 498.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968606 s/n 507
*1/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/21/1988: Crashed near Torgau after a collision with MiG-21 766.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960307 s/n 508
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+63.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*2/1994: Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968609 s/n 509
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+14.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968615 s/n 510
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+15.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968611 s/n 511
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+16.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968701 s/n 512
*1/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/25/1975: Crashed at Sagard on Rugen Island.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968613 s/n 513
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Kuhn Tech School at Bad Duben.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+17.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1992: WTD-61.
*1993: WTD-52.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968614 s/n 514
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+18.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960308 s/n 515
*11/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+64.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*2/1994: Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968610 s/n 516
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+19.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960309 s/n 517
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+78.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968608 s/n 518
*11/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+20.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960309 s/n 520
*1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/31/1974: Struck off charge after an accident.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 523
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/22/1978: Crashed. Or on 8/22/1978?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960401 s/n 526
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+65.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963310 s/n 527
*11/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+66.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1990: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 969008 s/n 529
*2/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/5/1980: Written off at Peenemunde AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Kuhn Tech School at Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved at Prora Eisenhahn. Or at the Rugen Museum?
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960402 s/n 531
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+91.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960403 s/n 532
*1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 969009 s/n 535
*2/1974: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+21.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960404 s/n 541
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+67.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947301 s/n 542
*6/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Was this one actually coded 549 until 1973?
*1976: JG-1.
*Recoded again as 674 for some reason.
*4/25/1984: Crashed near Schweinitz due to landing gear problems.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963311 s/n 542
*9/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+68.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947215 s/n 545
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1989: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+21.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg AB Museum.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 968612 s/n 548
*2/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+22.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960405 s/n 549
*12/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+69.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960406 s/n 552
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+79.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960401 s/n 553
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+80.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Cockpit currently preserved at the Technical Museum in Speyer.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960408 s/n 555
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/26/1971: Crashed near Garz.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947302 s/n 559
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1970: Recoded as 567 for some reason. Or in 1977? Or before delivery?
*1/19/1978: Crashed near Lubben.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960409 s/n 559
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+81.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947303 s/n 560
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+06.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged? Or preserved still at Sommerda?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960410 s/n 560
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1/10/1974: Withdrawn from use after an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Was preserved at the Officer's Academy at Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved in Dermsdorf. Or at the Sommerda Museum?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960501 s/n 561
*1/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+70.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Neubrandenburg AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Neubrandenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960502 s/n 562
*7/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+82.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947304 s/n 565
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1989: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+13.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963312 s/n 565
*10/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/23/1971: Crashed near Kattenborn.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963313 s/n 566
*12/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+71.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960505 s/n 568
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/23/1971: Recoded as 571 for some reason.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+83.
*8/1993: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Halle.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960503 s/n 570
*1/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+72.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 947305 s/n 572
*4/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+07.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Cockpit section currently preserved in Savannah, Georgia.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963314 s/n 573
*10/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+73.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960504 s/n 575
*1/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+74.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960506 s/n 578
*2/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+75.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960507 s/n 579
*1/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+84.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Bunde? Or in Bremen Osterholz?
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963315 s/n 580
*10/1970: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+76.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960508 s/n 581
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+85.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg AB Museum.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960509 s/n 582
*1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF as 7603.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960510 s/n 583
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+92.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Nose section currently preserved in Savannah, Georgia.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 963401 s/n 585
*10/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/28/1974: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960511 s/n 586
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1/1976: Written off after an accident.
*Used as a ground trainer at Kamenz AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960512 s/n 587
*2/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+93.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960513 s/n 588
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+86.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Currently preserved in Toulouse, France.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960514 s/n 589
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+87.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use in Dresden.
*Currently preserved in Finow.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960515 s/n 590
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/16/1985: Crashed at Cottbus AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960601 s/n 592
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/8/1970: Crashed at Peenemunde AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960602 s/n 594
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+94.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960801 s/n 595
*2/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+95.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960708 s/n 596
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/20/1973: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Peenemunde AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow museum.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960705 s/n 597
*2/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+96.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 960706 s/n 602
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+88.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Now owned by Aerotec Corp.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960707 s/n 603
*3/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+97.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741008 s/n 604
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1975: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Peenemunde AB.
*Currently preserved at the Peenemunde AB museum?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741009 s/n 605
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: JAG-15.
*2/1981: Withdrawn from use at Kamenz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged at Kamenz AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960709 s/n 607
*1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/24/1972: Crashed near Garz.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741002 s/n 608
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1963: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*7/28/1964: Damaged beyond repair in an accident. Parts used as ground trainer aids.
*10/1985: Salvaged at Bad Duben.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960711 s/n 609
*3/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+98.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960710 s/n 610
*1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
East Germany MiG-21MR c/n 961111 s/n 611
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-7.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+89.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*8/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740913 s/n 612
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
*3/1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960712 s/n 614
*3/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+99.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960713 s/n 616
*3/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+01.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741003 s/n 617
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*7/27/1965: Crashed near Dobern.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960714 s/n 617
*1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/10/1973: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211709 s/n 618
*5/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1975: JAG-15.
*6/1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Used as a target on the Jerischke Preschen Range.
*1995: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741004 s/n 619
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*11/1982: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Neuhardenburg, falsely marked as "335 0505". Or at Laage AB as "335"?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740904 s/n 620
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1968: JAG-15.
*8/10/1968: Crashed near Ullersdorf.
East Germany MiG-21M c/n 960715 s/n 621
*8/1969: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+02.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740902 s/n 622
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Put into storage.
*5/1994: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741916 s/n 623
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved in the Rothenburg Museum.
*Currently owned by the Aerotec Company.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740905 s/n 624
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
*1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741522 s/n 625
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JAG-15.
*10/1985: Salvaged.
*Or did this one crash in 5/1971 due to a birdstrike? Or withdrawn in 5/1991 following a birdstrike?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741523 s/n 626
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*12/13/1964: Crashed near Kreis Strausberg after an aileron broke off in flight. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740908 s/n 627
*6/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/23/1965: Crashed near Jarmen.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741602 s/n 628
*6/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage.
*3/1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741917 s/n 629
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1970: JAG-15.
*11/1983: Withdrawn from use.
*10/1990: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741603 s/n 631
*10/1963: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/13/1965: Crashed near Sassen.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741918 s/n 633
*10/1963: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*9/27/1967: Crashed near Preschen on the Polish border.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741524 s/n 635
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1975: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for firefighting training at Kamenz AB?
*6/1993: Salvaged? Or in 1990?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211919 s/n 637
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*8/4/1964: Crashed on take-off. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211922 s/n 639
*1/1962: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1976: AFS-31.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use at MTS Bad Duben.
*Nose section used as a ground trainer at MTS Bad Duben.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741618 s/n 641
*3/1962: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1966: JG-3.
*1972: JAG-15.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*12/1980: Withdrawn from use at Storkow AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Storkow AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211923 s/n 642
*1/1962: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1976: JAG-15.
*1978: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Put into storage.
*9/1993: Salvaged at Neuhardenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 s/n 643
*Currently preserved at Bautzen AB?
*Was there never a 643 and this is a false number?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741617 s/n 644
*6/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
*3/1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211924 s/n 645
*4/1962: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1962: JG-3.
*1964: JAG-15.
*1978: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*12/1980: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Bautzen AB.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow Museum
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211925 s/n 649
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1/16/1965: Crash landed in a forest near Preschen AB due to engine failure.
*Nose section used as a ground trainer.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965306 s/n 649
*2/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+23.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1997: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965307 s/n 650
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+24.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Cockpit section currently preserved in Savannah, Georgia.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965308 s/n 651
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+25.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212004 s/n 652
*7/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*9/13/1963: Crashed near Zechin.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965310 s/n 652
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+26.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965311 s/n 653
*4/1971: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/26/1977: Withdrawn from use after an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved at Cottbus AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212011 s/n 654
*7/1963: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/28/1963: Written off in a ground accident? Pilot was killed? Wreck used as a decoy for a while? Broken
up in 1978 eventually?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965312 s/n 654
*4/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/23/1976: Crashed near Dresden after a collision with MiG-21MF 656.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965309 s/n 656
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/23/1973: Crashed near Dresden after a collision with MiG-21MF 654.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965313 s/n 657
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+27.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1992: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965314 s/n 658
*5/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+38.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Motorfliegerclub Bad Worishofen.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211920 s/n 659
*8/1962: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1967: JG-8.
*4/18/1969: Crash landed, later written off due to damage. Or was accident in 12/1964?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965315 s/n 659
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+28.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965401 s/n 660
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+29.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212001 s/n 661
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*1976: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Marxwalde AB, falsely marked as "049".
*6/1993: Salvaged at Marxwalde AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965402 s/n 662
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+30.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212002 s/n 663
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1/7/1963: Burned up in a ground accident.
*7/1963: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741525 s/n 663
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*Also coded 633 as a replacement for the first 663 which didn't stay in service long.
*1968: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Cottbus AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965403 s/n 664
*3/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+31.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 965404 s/n 665
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+32.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741001 s/n 666
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*4/2/1970: Crashed near Gorlitz, Poland.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966205 s/n 667
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+33.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741601 s/n 669
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use at Peenemunde AB.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966206 s/n 670
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/15/1984: Written off at Dresden.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved in Merseburg.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741620 s/n 671
*7/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1971: JAG-15.
*1971: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at MHM in Dresden, falsely marked as "1801" and then "268".
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740912 s/n 672
*8/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*4/1978: Crashed near Drehsa. Pilot was killed. On 5/26/1978? Or on 5/25/1978?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966207 s/n 673
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/9/1981: Written off at Dresden.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved in Merseburg.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966208 s/n 674
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/30/1973: Crashed near Senftenberg.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740909 s/n 675
*10/1963: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-9.
*1968: JAG-15.
*8/8/1968: Crashed on take-off. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966209 s/n 675
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+34.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740910 s/n 676
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*10/1978: Put into storage at Cottbus AB, falsely marked as "678".
*5/1994: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741619 s/n 677
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Peenemunde AB.
*Currently preserved at the Peenemunde AB museum.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741615 s/n 678
*7/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*6/1975: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Holzdorf AB? Or salvaged there in 5/1994?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740901 s/n 679
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-3.
*11/1978: Put into storage.
*Was preserved at Neuhardenburg AB as "696" for a while? Or at Ankum as "696"?
*6/1993: Salvaged?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966210 s/n 680
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+35.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*10/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966211 s/n 681
*8/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+39.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Now owned by Aerotec Corp.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740906 s/n 682
*10/1963: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*1/1969: Withdrawn from use.
*12/1969: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966212 s/n 682
*9/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/6/1976: Crashed after a collision with helicopter Mi-4 578.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966213 s/n 683
*9/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+36.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741005 s/n 684
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-9.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741003 s/n 685
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*6/1993: Burnt up in fire training.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966214 s/n 685
*9/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+37.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Rothenburg AB?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966301 s/n 686
*11/1972: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/26/1977: Written off at Dresden.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow Museum.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 966215 s/n 687
*1/1973: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+40.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Schleissheim Aviation Museum in Munich.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741006 s/n 688
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-3.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
*Currently preserved at Laatzen-Hannover APT.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741007 s/n 689
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*7/26/1965: Written off after a hard landing.
*Used as an experimental airframe in Dresden after that.
*3/1976: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740815 s/n 693
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Peenemunde AB.
*Currently preserved in the Peenemunde AB museum.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 742004 s/n 696
*Or is this on 742003?
*7/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*12/16/1976: Crashed while landing. Pilot was killed. Wreck not salvaged until 6/1993?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944503 s/n 698
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/1969: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Sold to a private collector in America? Or preserved in Hatten, France as ?869??
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741613 s/n 699
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*8/16/1967: Crashed in Poland.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211706 s/n 701
*5/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JAG-15.
*12/1978: Withdrawn from use. After an accident?
*Was preserved at Rothenburg Barracks, perhaps marked as "1701/7011"? As a gate guard?
*5/1994: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212005 s/n 702
*6/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*10/12/1967: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944006 s/n 703
*4/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-3.
*1982: JAG-15.
*10/1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+22.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Wernigerode.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944007 s/n 704
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*1980: JG-2.
*1/18/1981: Crashed after canopy came off in flight. Pilot was killed. Or on 1/8/1981?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211707 s/n 705
*5/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*4/1966: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Dresden.
*Was preserved at the FWD museum at Dresden-Klotsche.
*Currently preserved in Welzow.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944008 s/n 706
*4/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*1978: JG-2.
*9/1/1980: Collided with MiG-21PFM 984 while landing on a tactical airstrip on the Warbelow Range and was
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741611 s/n 708
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1976: JAG-15.
*10/1985: Put into storage at Holzdorf AB.
*Currently preserved in a museum? At FWD? In Finow?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944009 s/n 709
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-3.
*1982: JAG-15.
*1/1989: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*10/1989: Salvaged at Drewitz AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212010 s/n 710
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*9/30/1963: Crashed near Letschin.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944208 s/n 711
*12/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-3.
*9/13/1989: Written off after a crash landing.
*Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741010 s/n 712
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
*Salvaged at Preschen AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740914 s/n 713
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1975: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
*Currently preserved in Lehnin.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741610 s/n 714
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: AFS-31/TAFS-47.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1993: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740911 s/n 716
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Marxwalde AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged at Neuhardenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944209 s/n 717
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*1988: JAG-15.
*10/1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+23.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in the Ankum Museum.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 742012 s/n 718
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1969: Withdrawn from use. Or written off on 2/14/1972?
*Currently preserved at the Military Technical Museum in Dresden. At the Army Museum there?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944210 s/n 719
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/3/1968: Crashed after canopy failed near Lunow. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741604 s/n 720
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*7/27/1967: Written off in a ground accident.
*Then used as a ground trainer.
*2/1972: Withdrawn from use. Or in 1969?
*Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741605 s/n 721
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*10/1/1964: Crashed near Oertzhof.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944211 s/n 722
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212013 s/n 724
*8/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944212 s/n 725
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/1976: Withdrawn from use. Or in 12/1975?
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved at Merseburg.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741606 s/n 726
*7/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1976: AFS-31.
*10/1985: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
*Currently preserved at Lehnin.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740915 s/n 728
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-9.
*1976: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
*1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944213 s/n 729
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1968: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+24.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB. Or in 10/1990?
*Currently preserved at the War Eagles Museum in Santa Teresa, NM.
East Germany MiG-21PFM c/n 944214 s/n 730
*6/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-7.
*1978: JAG-15.
*5/30/1980: Crashed on the Nochten Range. Pilot was killed. Or on 5/8/1980?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212014 s/n 732
*6/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*2/1974: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Dresden.
*Currently preserved in Jura.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944215 s/n 733
*6/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-3.
*1982: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 740907 s/n 734
*10/1963: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-8.
*1964: JG-9.
*1976: JAG-15.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
*7/1988: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741607 s/n 736
*7/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*1964: JG-9.
*1976: AFS-31.
*11/1985: Put into storage at Preschen AB.
*Currently preserved at Lehnin.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741608 s/n 737
*7/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1978: AFS-31.
*4/1980: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the German Spaceflight Museum at Morgenrothe-Rautenkrautz.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944301 s/n 738
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-1.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+25.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Technical Museum in Speyer, falsely painted in Indian AF colors as "C-993".
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944302 s/n 740
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-7.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+26.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in a museum in the Museo del Aire, Madrid-Cuarto Vientos, Spain.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741612 s/n 741
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*11/1978: Put into storage.
*4/1994: Salvaged? Or still at Holzdorf AB?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944303 s/n 742
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-7.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+27.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB. Or in 10/1990?
*Currently preserved outside a supermarket in Zwickau. Or now at Nobitz?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212006 s/n 744
*6/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*1978: AFS-31.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211921 s/n 745
*5/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-9.
*1967: JG-3.
*11/1978: Put into storage at Marxwalde AB, falsely marked as "555".
*5/1994: Salvaged at Marxwalde AB. Or in 6/1993? Or still at Neuhardenburg AB?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741614 s/n 747
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*11/1978: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741616 s/n 749
*6/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1976: AFS-31.
*10/1985: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1993: Salvaged at MTS Bad Duben. Parts preserved at the Dresden Army Museum?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944304 s/n 750
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-3.
*1974: JG-7.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944305 s/n 751
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-7.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944306 s/n 755
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/18/1968: Crashed near Schlabendorf. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944307 s/n 756
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-7.
*1978: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical warfare tests at Waldievesdorf.
*Was preserved in Mauerpark Berlin. Salvaged since?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944308 s/n 758
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JG-1.
*10/1989: Salvaged. Or in 9/1999? Parts preserved at Groszrohrsdorf?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741609 s/n 759
*5/1964: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1975: AFS-31.
*10/12/1977: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944309 s/n 760
*7/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JG-1.
*1987: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+28.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in the Ankum museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944606 s/n 762
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JG-1.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in El Paso, TX?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944313 s/n 763
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JG-1.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical weapons tests at Waldieversdorf.
*Currently preserved in Berlin?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944314 s/n 764
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Is this one now preserved at the Wycombe Air Park, England? Just the nose section?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944505 s/n 765
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1985: JG-2.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in a museum in Koln? Or salvaged in 10/1989?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96001085 s/n 765
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/1976: Recoded as 773 for some reason. Or in 1975?
*3/29/1976: Crashed at Peenemunde AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944506 s/n 766
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*1980: Recoded as 833 for some reason.
*1982: JAG-15.
*1989: JG-7.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+32.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Bad Ischl Museum, Austria.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96001001 s/n 766
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/21/1988: Crashed near Torgau after a collision with MiG-21 507.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944507 s/n 767
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/2/1971: Written off after a hard landing.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved at Seifertshofen?
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96001012 s/n 767
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+41.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Seifertshofen Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944607 s/n 768
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JG-1.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944509 s/n 770
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1980: JG-1.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved in a museum at Toulouse-Blagnac AB, France.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944510 s/n 771
*12/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+29.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at Erfurt-Bindersleben APT.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96001039 s/n 772
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+42.
*10/1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Cerasolo, Rimini AB, Italy.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96001091 s/n 774
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+43.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Savigny-les-Beaune Museum, France.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002003 s/n 775
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+44.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Hermeskiel APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002009 s/n 776
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+45.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Trenton, Ontario, Canada.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002022 s/n 777
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/19/1980: Ditched into the Baltic Sea off Rugen Island.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944501 s/n 778
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*12/30/1983: Crashed on the Nochten Range.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944502 s/n 779
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/1969: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved in the Merseburg museum.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002045 s/n 779
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+46.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at Kunstpark Emlichheim.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944310 s/n 780
*8/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1983: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+30.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Grossenhain.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002037 s/n 781
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+47.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothlenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at Neuenkirchen.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002112 s/n 782
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+48.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Motortechnica Museum in Bad Oeyenhausen, falsely marked as "22+28".
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944504 s/n 783
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+31.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Now owned by Aerotech Corp.
East Germany MiG-21MF c/n 96002170 s/n 784
*5/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 23+49.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg AB Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944610 s/n 787
*11/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*1982: JG-2.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944612 s/n 789
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/10/1973: Crashed near Oppelhausen. Or Oppelhain?
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211708 s/n 790
*5/1962: Delivered to the East Germany AF.
*1964: JG-3.
*10/22/1966: Crashed while landing.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944613 s/n 791
*9/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-3.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Currently preserved at Aeronauticum Nordholtz.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051035 s/n 792
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+13.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944611 s/n 793
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051108 s/n 794
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+14.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*4/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944614 s/n 795
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JG-1.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944615 s/n 796
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21F-13 c/n 741621 s/n 797
*5/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/25/1969: Written off after crash-landing at Marxwalde AB.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051121 s/n 797
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+15.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944701 s/n 798
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JG-1.
*9/1/1981: Crashed near Crinitz. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760511 s/n 805
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/12/1965: Crashed near Zerbst.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760512 s/n 807
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/7/1967: Crashed and burned while landing. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944702 s/n 808
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/26/1973: Crashed on the Jerischke Range. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760513 s/n 809
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*8/29/1986: Crashed near Klein Dratow due to engine failure.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760514 s/n 812
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB. Or to Rothenburg AB?
*5/1994: Salvaged at Rothenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944703 s/n 813
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1973: JG-7.
*1978: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760515 s/n 814
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*8/11/1967: Crashed near Burow.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760602 s/n 816
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*3/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1991: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760603 s/n 818
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-2.
*3/25/1974: Crashed due to a defective pump at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944704 s/n 819
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JG-1.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical warfare tests at the Storkow Range.
*3/1994: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760604 s/n 821
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1968: JG-2.
*10/1986: Put into storage at Peenemunde AB, falsley marked as "992" for a time.
*Was preserved at the Peenemunde Space Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Cottbus AB Museum.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760605 s/n 823
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*12/1987: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760606 s/n 825
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*12/1987: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*Currently preserved at Neubrandenburg AB.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760607 s/n 826
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*11/30/1988: Struck off charge.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760609 s/n 828
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*2/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1991: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944705 s/n 829
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*6/1979: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in a museum in Merseburg.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760611 s/n 830
*11/1964: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1968: JG-2.
*4/29/1969: Crashed near Padderow.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761001 s/n 832
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*10/1985: Put into storage at Trollenhagen AB.
*6/1988: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761002 s/n 835
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/25/1965: Crashed in Poland.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051345 s/n 835
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+16.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944706 s/n 836
*10/1966: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JG-2.
*1/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in the Eberswalde-Finow museum. Just the cockpit section?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761003 s/n 837
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/30/1965: Crashed due to engine failure.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051347 s/n 837
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+17.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 944508 s/n 838
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/7/1967: Crashed due to birdstrikes near Klosterdorf.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051378 s/n 838
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+18.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Rothenburg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761004 s/n 840
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/1973: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051384 s/n 840
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+19.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945113 s/n 841
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1985: JG-2.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761005 s/n 843
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1965: JG-8.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*3/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051400 s/n 844
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*2/19/1990: Crashed in Poland.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761006 s/n 846
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/1972: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051402 s/n 846
*10/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+20.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*1991: WTD-61.
*Currently preserved at Koblenz AB, marked as Soviet AF "2".
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945114 s/n 847
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761007 s/n 848
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*10/2/1976: Crashed after birdstrikes near Glienke. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051407 s/n 848
*Or is this 75051405?
*9/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+21.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved in De Peel, Holland.
*Currently preserved at the Cottbus AB Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945115 s/n 849
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1/14/1975: Crashed into a residental block in the city of Cottbus. Pilot, plus six civilians on the ground were
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75051426 s/n 849
*10/1977: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+22.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75058003 s/n 850
*5/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+23.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761008 s/n 851
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*8/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*3/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1991: Salvaged at Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945201 s/n 852
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1982: JAG-15.
*9/9/1989: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB. Due to crash landing damage?
*9/1989: Salvaged at Drewitz AB.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75058015 s/n 853
*5/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+24.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Hermeskeil APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761009 s/n 854
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1987: Put into storage at Dresden.
*Used for chemical warfare training on the Storkow Range.
*3/1994: Salvaged on the Storkow Range.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75058087 s/n 856
*5/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+16.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Alten. As "24+25"?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761010 s/n 858
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-1.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use at Dresden.
*3/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1991: Salvaged at Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75058099 s/n 859
*5/1978: Delivered to the East German AF.
*11/2/1986: Crashed in Poland. Or on 11/21/1986?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761011 s/n 860
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/5/1966: Crashed. Pilot was killed. Or blew up during start-up?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945202 s/n 861
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1988: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+33.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in the Oberschleisheim Museum. Or at the Auto and Technik Museum Sinsheim?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760811 s/n 862
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*3/1986: Withdrawn from use.
*1990: Salvaged in Dresden. Or in 1988?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760913 s/n 864
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical warfare tests on the Storkow Range.
*3/1994: Salvaged on the Storkow Range.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945203 s/n 865
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical weapons tests on the Storkow Range.
*3/1994: Salvaged on the Storkow Range.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761103 s/n 868
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1965: JG-1.
*1969: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Dresden Army Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945204 s/n 869
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1987: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+34.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Bauern Technikmuseum. Or at the Seifertshofen Museum?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760914 s/n 870
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*3/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*Currently preserved at the museum at Rimini AB, Italy, falsely marked as Iranian AF "3-0914".
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945205 s/n 871
*2/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/16/1969: Crashed due to pilot error near Gubin, Poland.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033148 s/n 871
*10/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+26.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033151 s/n 872
*10/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+27.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033169 s/n 873
*8/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+28.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Ruppichteroth. Owned by a private citizen?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 760915 s/n 874
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1966: JG-9.
*10/14/1966: Crashed.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033205 s/n 874
*10/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+29.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Beauvechain AB 1st Wing Museum, Belgium.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033211 s/n 875
*10/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+30.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Staffelde.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033213 s/n 876
*10/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+31.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*6/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761012 s/n 877
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1971: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Holzdorf AB, falsely marked as "1982" and then "23+82".
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945206 s/n 878
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1987: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+35.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rotheburg AB.
*Currently owned by a private citizen in Germany. Sitting outside a restaurant in Harbke?
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033219 s/n 879
*7/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+32.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761104 s/n 881
*6/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/5/1966: Crashed in Poland.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033305 s/n 881
*7/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+33.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945207 s/n 882
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/25/1968: Written off after a hard landing.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*Currently preserved in Albert, France?
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033397 s/n 882
*7/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+34.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761105 s/n 883
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*2/1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*1990: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945208 s/n 884
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761106 s/n 885
*4/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1974: JG-2.
*8/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033419 s/n 886
*4/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+35.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761107 s/n 887
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*10/11/1974: Destroyed in a ground explosion. After 990 caught fire? Or 920?
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035190 s/n 887
*7/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+36.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945209 s/n 889
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+36.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Hermeskeil APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761108 s/n 890
*7/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1974: JG-2.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*5/1994: Put into storage at Neubrandenburg AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945210 s/n 891
*1/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1982: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+37.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Bodo, Norway.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033445 s/n 892
*6/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+37.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PFM c/n 761109 s/n 893
*Or is this a MiG-21PF?
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*1971: JG-2.
*1/26/1973: Destroyed in a ground fire.
*Wreck used as a ground trainer for a while.
*2/1974: Salvaged.
*Is this one still around with civilian registration N6285? In America?
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033507 s/n 893
*6/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+38.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Is cockpit still preserved in Dresden?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945211 s/n 894
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033515 s/n 895
*4/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+39.
*6/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761110 s/n 896
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB. Or at Marxwalde AB?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945509 s/n 897
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1985: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+38.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Eberswalde-Finow museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945510 s/n 898
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+39.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Overloon, Holland.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761111 s/n 899
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*10/1/1971: Damaged beyond repair in a ground accident while refueling.
*5/1973: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75033522 s/n 899
*6/1975: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+40.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035201 s/n 900
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+41.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761112 s/n 901
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*Used for chemical warfare tests on the Storkow Range.
*3/1994: Salvaged on the Storkow Range.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035213 s/n 904
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+42.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761113 s/n 908
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1965: JG-8.
*1967: JG-3.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB. Or at Marxwalde AB?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761114 s/n 913
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1968: JG-2.
*8/4/1968: Crashed near Tetzleben.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035284 s/n 916
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+43.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035289 s/n 917
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+44.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761115 s/n 918
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*6/1994: Salvaged at Drewitz AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945511 s/n 919
*3/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+40.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved at Soesterberg AB, Holland, falsely marked as "804".
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761201 s/n 920
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*1974: JG-2.
*10/11/1974: Destroyed in a ground explosion at Proelauf AB. One mechanic was killed. Along with 887?
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035291 s/n 920
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+45.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*3/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761202 s/n 922
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*4/27/1971: Crashed near Zuhlen. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945512 s/n 924
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/21/1967: Crashed near Werben. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761203 s/n 928
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-3.
*6/15/1972: Crashed after a collision with a Soviet AF Su-7B near Penzlin. Pilot was killed.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945513 s/n 929
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761204 s/n 931
*2/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*2/5/1970: Brakes failed on landing and crashed into an airfield building at Erfurt AB, later written off.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945514 s/n 932
*5/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/7/1967: Crashed near Kalkwitz. Pilot was killed. Or on 2/5/1970?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945515 s/n 933
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1/23/1976: Crashed in Poland. Or on 1/29/1976?
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035304 s/n 933
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+46.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*11/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761205 s/n 934
*2/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*1975: JG-2.
*10/1986: Withdrawn from use at Peenemunde AB.
*Currently preserved at Peenemunde AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945601 s/n 935
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*3/8/1990: Crashed near Lodenau.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761207 s/n 936
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/20/1972: Written off after an emergency landing due to a birdstrike.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035374 s/n 936
*5/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+47.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945602 s/n 937
*4/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+41.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg.
*Currently preserved at Passau?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945603 s/n 938
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1982: JAG-15.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761208 s/n 939
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*1975: JG-2.
*5/6/1988: Crashed due to birdstrikes.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945604 s/n 940
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+42.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in a front garden in Giessen.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035385 s/n 941
*7/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/16/1979: Crashed near Finkenherd, Poland after a collision with MiG-21bis 917. Or on 8/3/1979?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761209 s/n 942
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*1975: JG-2.
*11/1987: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Dresden Army museum. Just the fuselage?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945605 s/n 943
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JAG-15.
*1985: JG-2.
*5/1988: Withdrawn from use. Or in 1989?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761210 s/n 944
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*1974: JG-2.
*8/1/1987: Written off.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035399 s/n 946
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+48.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761211 s/n 947
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-2.
*1989: Export sale to Iran cancelled.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945606 s/n 948
*4/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+43.
*Currently preserved at Firma Kleber in Neugersdorf.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 945607 s/n 949
*6/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1968: JG-9.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*6/1993: Salvaged at Bad Duben. Or still intact at Bad Duben?
East Germany MiG-21PF c/n 761402 s/n 950
*5/1965: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1967: JG-9.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Fassberg AB.
*Currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035400 s/n 950
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*3/9/1987: Crashed. Or on 3/9/1983?
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035445 s/n 951
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+49.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946407 s/n 952
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946408 s/n 953
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1969: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+44.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothenburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Bad Oeyenhausen, falsely marked as Soviet AF "353".
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035422 s/n 954
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+50.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*5/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035445 s/n 956
*Wrong construction number?
*7/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+51.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*1/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035501 s/n 957
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*2/20/1987: Crashed near Joachimstal.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946409 s/n 958
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1978: JG-1.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946503 s/n 959
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1973: JG-1.
*1977: JG-2.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kamenz AB.
*Was preserved at the Imperial War Museum at RAF Duxford, England.
*Currently preserved in Coventry, England.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946410 s/n 963
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+45.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Rothernburg AB.
*Currently preserved in Zwanenburg, Holland. Or in Baarlo, Holland?
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946411 s/n 964
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS c/n 946412 s/n 965
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1975: JG-3.
*1978: JAG-15.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946413 s/n 966
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*6/6/1972: Crashed while landing at Trollenhagen AB.
*Used for ground training at Kamenz AB then.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946414 s/n 967
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+14.
*10/1900: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946415 s/n 968
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946501 s/n 969
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use at Bautzen AB.
*Currently preserved at the Ankum Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946502 s/n 970
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*2/10/1973: Crashed due to landing gear problems near Neu Boltenhagen.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946504 s/n 972
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*7/20/1968: Crashed into the sea near Greifswalder Bodden.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035502 s/n 978
*5/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+52.
*7/1991: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*2/1993: Salvaged in Dresden.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946505 s/n 979
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-1.
*11/1989: Withdrawn from use at Kamenz AB.
*1991: Salvaged in Dresden.
*Fuselage parts currently preserved at the Hermeskeil APT Museum? Just the front fuselage?
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946506 s/n 980
*12/1967: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+15.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*1993: WTD-52. Or in 1994?
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946704 s/n 981
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/1989: Withdrawn from use at Drewitz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Cottbus Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946705 s/n 982
*1/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+16.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946713 s/n 983
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1976: JG-2.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+17.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946714 s/n 984
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*9/1/1980: Destroyed in a landing accident along with MiG-21PFM 706 at a tactical airstrip on the Warbelow
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946715 s/n 986
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*10/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Kamenz AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946801 s/n 987
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-1.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to MTS Bad Duben.
*6/1993: Salvaged.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946803 s/n 988
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1990: Absorbed into the German AF.
*Recoded as 22+18.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946804 s/n 989
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-8.
*1975: JG-1.
*1990: Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 22+19.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use at Trollenhagen AB.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Trollenhagen AB.
*Cockpit section currently preserved at the Berlin-Gatow APT Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946805 s/n 990
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*12/16/1968: Crashed into a forest near Eulo.
East Germany MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035841 s/n 990
*6/1976: Delivered to the East German AF.
*Absorbed into the unified German AF.
*Recoded as 24+53.
*10/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at the Berlin-Gatow APT Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Neuhardenberg Museum.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946806 s/n 992
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*8/1989: Withdrawn from use.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946809 s/n 998
*3/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*5/14/1973: Crashed near Insel Vilm.
*Wreck used as a training aid for a while.
East Germany MiG-21SPS-K c/n 946810 s/n 999
*2/1968: Delivered to the East German AF.
*1974: JG-2.
*4/27/1982: Crashed due to engine failure near Woggersin near Neubrandenburg AB.
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 0001
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21US s/n 0642 (or just 642?)
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21U s/n 0692
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PF s/n 807
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PFM s/n 1072
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21RF s/n 1501
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 2154
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 2358
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
*Currently preserved in Luxor, serial 2358 certainly spurious.
Egypt MiG-21PF s/n 2759
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5001
*1962: Built.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5002
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5006
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5009
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5010
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5011
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5020
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U c/n ? s/n 5068
*Sold on the private market and registered as N4318W and N423LZ.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5071
*1962: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL (or MiG-21PFM?) c/n ? s/n 5072
*43 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21PFM (or MiG-21PFM?) s/n 5081
*21 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5108
*1963: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5110
*1964: Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5119
*1963: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5172
*1963: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5201
*1963: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5202
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5203
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5204
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5205
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5206
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL (or MiG-21PFM?) c/n ? s/n 5207
*1964: Built.
*1966: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5208
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5209
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5210
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5211
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5212
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5213
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5214
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5215
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5216
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5217
*1964: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5218
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5219
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5220
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5221
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5222
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5223
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5224
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5225
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5240
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL (or MiG-21PFM?) c/n ? s/n 5250
*1964: Built.
*1966: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
*Sent to the USA for testing in the early 1980s.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5251
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5254
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21PFM s/n 5257
*1966: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
*46 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 s/n 5258
*1973-75: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL (or MiG-21PFM?) c/n ? s/n 5258
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5259
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5264
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5279
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5341
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5358
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 5364
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5401
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5401
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5402
*1964: Built.
*102 AB.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5403
*102 AB.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5404
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5405
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5406
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5407
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5408
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5409
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5410
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5411
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5412
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5413
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5414
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5415
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5416
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5417
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5418
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5419
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5420
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5421
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5422
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5423
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5424
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5425
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5426
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5427
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5428
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5429
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5430
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5431
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5432
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5433
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5434
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5435
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5436
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5437
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5438
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5439
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5440
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5528
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5540
*1964: Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5590
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21U-600 c/n 664318 s/n 5608
*1966: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U-600 c/n 664319 s/n 5609
*1966: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U-600 c/n 664320 s/n 5610
*1966: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U-600 c/n 664416 s/n 5611
*1967: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U c/n ? s/n 5615
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5617
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n ? s/n 5617
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 5620
*1966: Built.
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
*Sent to the USA for testing in the early 1980s.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n 03685143 s/n 5624
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n ? s/n 5632
*106 AB.
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 5634
*1966: Built.
Egypt MiG-21U (or MiG-21US?) s/n 5640
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n ? s/n 5641
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21US c/n ? s/n 5642
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt MiG-21PFM s/n 5642
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21US c/n 06685154 s/n 5643
*1971: Built.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n 07685154 s/n 5644
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF. Or in 1971?
Egypt MiG-21US c/n 08685154 s/n 5645
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5646
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5647
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5648
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5649
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5650
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5651
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5652
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5653
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 5654
*1966: Built.
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5654
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5655
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5656
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5657
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5658
*1970: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5659
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5660
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5661
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5662
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5663
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 5664
*--info needed.--
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 860801 s/n 5701
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 860802 s/n 5702
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 860803 s/n 5703
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 860804 s/n 5704
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 860805 s/n 5705
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*4/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960806 s/n 5706
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960807 s/n 5707
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960808 s/n 5708
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960809 s/n 5709
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960810 s/n 5710
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960811 s/n 5711
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960812 s/n 5712
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960813 s/n 5713
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960814 s/n 5714
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960815 s/n 5715
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*6/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960901 s/n 5716
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960902 s/n 5717
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*7/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960907 s/n 5718
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960908 s/n 5719
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960909 s/n 5720
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960910 s/n 5721
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960911 s/n 5722
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960912 s/n 5723
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960913 s/n 5724
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960914 s/n 5725
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt Aero S-106 (MiG-21F-13) c/n 960915 s/n 5726
*Modified to MiG-21R standard.
*12/1969: Delivered to the Egyptian AF.
Egypt MiG-21US s/n 5742
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5813
*1964: Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 s/n 5818
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5826
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 s/n 5840
*1973-75: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5843
*1964 Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 5843
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5844
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5846
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21FL (or MiG-21PPS?) c/n ? s/n 5860
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5902
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5903
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5908
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Cairo Military Museum.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5909
*1964: Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5911
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
*10/7/1973: Shot down by Israeli aircraft over Jiancalis AB.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5913
*1964: Built.
*26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5914
*1964: Built.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5916
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5918
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 5919
*1964: Built.
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 5919
*104 FB.
Egypt MiG-21F-13 s/n 5940
*1973: 26 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 6104
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 6128
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 6138
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 6151
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 6154
*45 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 6358
*Currently preserved in Hurghada.
Egypt MiG-21MF s/n 7303
*ex-Soviet AF.
*135th Air Regiment.
*1970: TDY'd to Egypt and given Arabic serial 7303.
*7/1972: Transferred to the Egyptian AF when the Soviets left.
Egypt MiG-21MF s/n 7304
*ex-Soviet AF.
*135th Air Regiment.
*1970: TDY'd to Egypt and given Arabic serial 7304.
*7/1972: Transferred to the Egyptian AF when the Soviets left.
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 7460
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 7501
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 7502
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8025
*44 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21PFS s/n 8036
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8038
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PPS (or MiG-21PFS?) c/n ? s/n 8040
*44 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the 1973 October War Panorama near Cairo.
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8045
*44 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8047
*Currently preserved at Hurgada AB.
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 8061
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8065
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8067
*Currently preserved at an airbase somewhere in Egypt.
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8070
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8072
*Currently preserved at the 1973 October War Panorama near Cairo.
Egypt MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 8075
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 8081
*47 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21 s/n 8083
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8212
*1969: Built.
*104 FB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8224
*203 FB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 961013 s/n 8226
*1969: Built.
*104 Squadron.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 26.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 96101x s/n 8228
*1969: Built.
*104 FB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8251
*203 FB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8301
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8302
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8303
*135 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 8304
*135 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8305
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8306
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8307
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8308
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8309
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8310
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8311
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21M (or MiG-21PFM?) c/n ? s/n 8312
*106 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962312 s/n 8316
*1970: Built.
*104 Squadron.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 16.
*Or was this c/n serialed 8116?
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962313 s/n 8317
*1970: Built.
*106 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962314 s/n 8318
*1970: Built.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 18.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962315 s/n 8319
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962401 s/n 8320
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962402 s/n 8321
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962403 s/n 8322
*1970: Built.
*Transferred to the Libyan AF as 22.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962404 s/n 8323
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962405 s/n 8324
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962406 s/n 8325
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962407 s/n 8326
*1970: Built.
*Transferred to the Libyan AF as 26.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962409 s/n 8328
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962410 s/n 8329
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962411 s/n 8330
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962412 s/n 8331
*1970: Built.
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962413 s/n 8332
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962414 s/n 8333
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962415 s/n 8334
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962501 s/n 8335
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n 962502 s/n 8336
*1970: Built.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8341
*108 AB.
Egypt MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 8354
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 962607 s/n 8355 (or 8655?)
*1970: Built.
*104 Squadron.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 55.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965008 s/n 8360
*2/1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8404
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8410
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965201 s/n 8421
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965202 s/n 8422
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965203 s/n 8423
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965204 s/n 8424
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965205 s/n 8425
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965206 s/n 8426
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965207 (wrong?) s/n 8427
*1972: Built.
*25 Squadron.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 27.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 965208 s/n 8428
*1972: Built.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8430
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8437
*203 FB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n 963513 s/n 8438
*1970: Built.
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 38.
*Or was this c/n serialed 6138?
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8451
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8454
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8457
*Sent to the USA for testing in the early 1980s.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8460
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8468
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8478
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01719 s/n 8501
*1969: Built.
*21 Squadron.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8501
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01720 s/n 8502
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8502
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01721 s/n 8503
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01722 s/n 8504
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01723 s/n 8505
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01724 s/n 8506
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8506
*46 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01725 s/n 8507
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01801 s/n 8508
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01802 s/n 8509
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01803 s/n 8510
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
Egypt MiG-21RF c/n 94R01804 s/n 8511
*1969: Built.
*64 Squadron.
*1972: Written off in an accident. Date?
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n xxx5207 s/n 8522
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 22.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8602
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8604
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8610
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8611
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8618
*Sold to the Libyan AF as 18.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8620
*EG 02.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8627
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8632
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8640
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8652
*27 Squadron (104 AB).
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8654
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8655
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8656
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8661
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8663
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8666
*104 AB
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8668
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8676
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8678
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8686
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8687
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8688
*--info needed.--
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8690
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8691
*26 AB.
*104 AB.
Egypt MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 8692
*ex-Soviet AF.
*135th Air Regiment.
*1970: TDY'd to Egypt and given Arabic serial 8692.
*7/1972: Transferred to the Egyptian AF when the Soviets left.
*22 AB.
Egypt MiG-21US c/n 04685150 s/n 8807
*1970: Built.
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1002
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1003
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1005
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1012
*Sold to the Eritrean AF?
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1013
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1014
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75051xxx s/n 1051
*1977: Built.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75051511 s/n 1052
*1977: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1053
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1054
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1055
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1056
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75052707 s/n 1057
*1977: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF as 2237.
*Sold to the Croatian AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75052746 s/n 1058
*1977: Built.
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75052786 s/n 1059
*1977: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1060
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1061
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75052808 s/n 1062
*1977: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75053045 s/n 1063
*1977: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1064
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1065
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1067
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1070
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1074
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1080
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1081
*7/1981: Shot down. Date?
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1082
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1083
*Upgraded to MiG-21-2000 standard?
*6/6/1998: Shot down by Israel.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1084
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1086
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1087
*Upgraded to MiG-21-2000 standard? In Israel?
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1088
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1091
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75058180 s/n 1092
*1978: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1095
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1098
*Sold to the Eritrean AF?
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75059379 s/n 1099
*1978: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n 75059405 s/n 1100
*1978: Built.
*Sold to the Yemeni AF.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1102
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1103
*11 Squadron.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1106
*11 Squadron.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1113
*Currently preserved in Mekele-Hawulti.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1114
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1116
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1117
*11 Squadron.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1125
*11 Squadron.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1126
*Assigned as a ground trainer?
Ethiopia MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 1127
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1129
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1130
*Sold to the Sudanese AF?
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 1134
*--info needed.--
Ethiopia MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 1454
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Defense Engineering College.
Ethiopia MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 1455
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 1461
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 1464
*1991: Captured by Eritrean rebels at Asmara APT, though never flown by them.
Ethiopia MiG-21 c/n ? s/n 1998
*Eventually a derelict at Asmara APT.
Ethiopia MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 5107
*--info needed.--
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740305 s/n MG-1/MG-31
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-131.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740401 s/n MG-2/MG-32
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-129.
*5/2006: Withdrawn from use at Tikkakoski AB.
*Currently preserved at the Central Finland Aviation Museum.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740403 s/n MG-3/MG-33
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*9/7/1975: Written off?
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-133.
*1999: Salvaged? Or preserved at Halli AB?
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740404 s/n MG-4/MG-34
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-124.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kuorevesi AB.
*1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
*Nose section currently preserved at Kymi. Or at Karhula?
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740405 s/n MG-5/MG-35
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy at Utti AB, serialed as MG-135.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740406 s/n MG-6/MG-46
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-116.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740407 s/n MG-7/MG-47
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*11 Squadron, at Rovaniemi AB.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-117.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740408 s/n MG-8/MG-48
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-118.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740409 s/n MG-9/MG-49
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-119.
*8/2001: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-12 c/n 740410 s/n MG-10/MG-50
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-140.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741117 s/n MG-61
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1983: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Kulio/Rissala AB. Or as a gate guard at Kuopio APT?
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741119 s/n MG-62
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*7/2/1971: Crashed into some trees near Pielavisie and was destroyed. Or on 7/1/1971?
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741120 s/n MG-63
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*11/19/1977: Crashed at Rissala AB. Or at Juankoski after a landing gear failure?
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741201 s/n MG-64
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*5/20/1964: Crashed due to turbine failure near Kupio/Kallavesi. Or near Kotka?
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741202 s/n MG-65
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-125.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741203 s/n MG-76
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*3/3/1972: Written off? Or on 3/3/1976?
*8/2001: Salvaged?
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741204 s/n MG-77
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-127.
*Currently preserved at the Aviation Museum in Vantaalle, marked as MG-127.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741205 s/n MG-78
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Halli AB.
*1996: Donated to the Karhulan Ilmailukerhon Lentomuseo in Kymi.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741206 s/n MG-79
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*9/8/1975: Crashed due to engine problems near Siilinjarvi.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741207 s/n MG-80
*4/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*5/6/1970: Crashed near Joroinen/Juurusvesi. Birdstrikes? Pilot was killed.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741208 s/n MG-91
*11/1963: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MG-114.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741721 s/n MG-92
*10/1965: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*Currently preserved in the Central Finland Aviation Museum at Tikkakoski AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75064540 s/n MB-111/MG-111
*9/1978: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Helskinki-Vantaa Museum.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75064587 s/n MB-114/MG-114
*9/1978: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to MiG-21bis/T recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1995: 31 Squadron.
*3/1998: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Pori AB.
*Currently preserved at a museum?
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75083858 s/n MG-115
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*8/24/1984: Crashed due to engine failure near Anttola.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75083895 s/n MG-116
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Karhulan Ilmailukerhon Lentomuseo in Kymi.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75083914 s/n MG-117
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*11/5/1991: Crashed near Sotkamo after landing gear problems caused the pilot to eject.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75083945 s/n MG-118
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*4/1999: Salvaged? Or not? Preserved at Kuahava AB?
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098121 s/n MG-119
*2/1985: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at Kuopio-Rissala AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75083978 s/n MG-120
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*9/30/1986: Crashed due to engine problems near Juankoski.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098135 s/n MG-121
*7/1986: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 7/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*1996: Salvaged? Or not? A ground trainer at Halli AB?
Finland MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n N75084145 s/n MG-122
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*3/22/1985: Crashed due to engine problems near Maainka.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098140 s/n MG-123
*7/1986: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Halli AB.
*1995: Assigned as a ground trainer to Halli AB.
*Currently preserved at Tampere.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084151 s/n MG-124
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*Converted to MiG-21bis/T recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1995: 31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the AF Technical School at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084204 s/n MG-125
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*Converted to MiG-21bis/T recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1995: 31 Squadron.
*3/1998: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the college at Kuopio.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084215 s/n MG-127
*12/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved near a south Finland beach. At Lappenrenta?
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098124 s/n MG-128
*2/1985: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*11/11/1992: Crashed in bad weather near Tammisaari. Pilot was killed.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084228 s/n MG-129
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Converted to MiG-21bis/T recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1995: 31 Squadron.
*3/1998: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Kuopio Rissa Flight Engineer School.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084403 s/n MG-130
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Menkijarvi museum.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084511 s/n MG-131
*7/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*3/1998: Withdrawn from use at Halli AB.
*Currently preserved at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084524 s/n MG-132
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Assigned as a ground trainer.
*2004: Withdrawn from use at Halli AB.
*Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084545 s/n MG-133
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*Converted to MiG-21bis/T recon variant.
*Recon Squadron, at Jyvaskyla-Luonetjarvi AB.
*1995: 31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098143 s/n MG-134
*7/1986: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Karelia Air Command at Kuopio-Rissala AB.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084554 s/n MG-135
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Helsinki-Vantaa museum.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75098129 s/n MG-136
*2/1985: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*6/1994: Withdrawn from use at Halli AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Tampereelle Aeronautical Engineering Facility.
*Cockpit currently preserved at the Finnish AF Museum.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084608 s/n MG-138
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF. Or in 12/1980?
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Tikkakoski museum.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084624 s/n MG-139
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*6/11/1982: Crashed near Kiuruvesi when pilot lost consciousness. Pilot was killed.
Finland MiG-21bis c/n N75084645 s/n MG-140
*9/1980: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved in Vesivehmaa.
Finland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661416 s/n MK-103
*4/1965: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved in the Central Finland Aviation Museum at Tikkakoski.
Finland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661417 s/n MK-104
*3/1965: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Became an airfield decoy, serialed as MK-106.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Finland MiG-21UM c/n N516917001 s/n MK-105
*6/1974: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Helsinki-Vantaa museum.
Finland MiG-21UM c/n N516917006 s/n MK-106
*6/1974: Delivered to the Finnish AF.
*31 Squadron.
*7/1998: Withdrawn from use at Halli AB.
*Currently preserved at Hallinport.
Finland MiG-21UM c/n N516999410 s/n MK-126
*8/1982: Delivered to the Finnish AF by rail.
*9/23/1982: First flight.
*31 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Tikakkoski Air Force museum.
Finland MiG-21UM c/n N516999411 s/n MK-143
*9/1982: Delivered to the Finnish AF by rail.
*9/27/1982: First flight.
*31 Squadron.
*5/1999: Salvaged at Halli AB.
Georgia MiG-21UM c/n 516999001 s/n 27
*1978: Built.
*ex-Soviet AF.
*1992: Transferred to the Georgian AF.
*44763rd Composite Air Unit.
Guinea-Bissau MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 31
*1986: Delivered to the Guinea-Bissau AF.
Guinea-Bissau MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 75
*1986: Delivered to the Guinea-Bissau AF.
Guinea-Bissau MiG-21UM c/n 516999512 s/n 120
*1986: Delivered to the Guinea-Bissau AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 740510 s/n 10
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760510 s/n 10
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741514 s/n 14
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761514 s/n 14
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved in Budapest.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999201 s/n 16
*6/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*7/1981: Recoded as 19.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Sold on the private market.
*Currently preserved at Budaors Airfield.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999202 s/n 17
*6/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999203 s/n 18
*6/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB. Or at Lettorszag, Tukums?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 s/n 20
*--info needed.--
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741201 s/n 25
*Renumbered 301 for some reason.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 25
*--info needed.--
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999208 (or 516999302?) s/n 35
*1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF. Or in 1980?
*47 HRE.
*5/6/1988: Crashed near Papa AB. Or on 6/6/1988?
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077711 s/n 41
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077729 s/n 42
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077754 s/n 43
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077798 s/n 44
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*4/12/1984: Crashed near Vaszarnal.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077800 s/n 45
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*8/19/1988: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077805 s/n 46
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75077813 s/n 47
*10/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75081501 s/n 48
*3/1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75081510 s/n 49
*3/1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*1997: 47 HVO.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75081614 s/n 50
*1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*8/22/1991: Crashed near Tatabanya. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75081637 s/n 51
*3/1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000" Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75081645 s/n 52
*1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*7/7/1981: Crashed in Austria. Why there?
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999204 s/n 53
*6/1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999209 s/n 54
*4/1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999301 s/n 55
*4/1980: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n ? s/n 73
*Also noted as being a MiG-21SMT?
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516955086 s/n 086
*4/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB. Or at Budaors?
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516959091 s/n 091
*4/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors Airfield.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516995096 s/n 096
*4/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Tokol AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 01695158 s/n 0158
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Currently preserved at the Pinter Kecel Museum.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n ? s/n 163
*Sold to a private collector and given civilian registrations G-BRAO and N213DM.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741211 s/n 211
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*9/2/1971: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741212 s/n 212
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741213 s/n 213
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*47 HVO.
*2/12/1964: Crashed in a snow storm. Pilot was killed. Or in 2/1962?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741214 s/n 214
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741215 s/n 215
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF. Or in 1972?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741216 s/n 216
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1972: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741217 s/n 217
*1961: Built.
*8/12/1963: Crashed near Nyarlorinc due to engine problems. Pilot was killed. Or on 5/16/1963?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741218 s/n 218
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Alsonemido, falsely marked as "15".
*Currently preserved at Vecses. Since salvaged?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741219 s/n 219
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1964: 47 HVO.
*7/10/1964: Crashed in Yugoslavia. Was it shot down by the Yugos?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 560220 s/n 0220
*Currently preserved at Vecses.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741221 s/n 221
*1961: Built.
*7/10/1964: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741222 s/n 222
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741223 s/n 223
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*2/5/1964: Crashed at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741224 s/n 224
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Szolnok Museum.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741225 s/n 225
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*Recoded as 1225.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at a museum in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany, falsely marked as "1981".
Hungary MiG-21bis-K c/n 75093741 s/n 235
*--info needed.--
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 02695158 s/n 0258
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*10/16/1984: Crashed after hitting a goose while landing at Taszar AB. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 02695165 (or 51690265? or 02695168?) s/n 0265
*4/1972: Delivered to the Hungarian AF. Or in 1971?
*47 HRE.
*59 HVE.
*7/17/1986: Crashed on take-off from Kecskemet AB. Both crewmen were killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741301 s/n 301
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Kecskemet Museum, falsely marked as "25".
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741302 s/n 302
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741303 s/n 303
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*9/13/1966: Crashed near Papa AB. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741304 s/n 304
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*5/10/1969: Crashed near Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741305 s/n 305
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Budaors APT.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741306 s/n 306
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741307 s/n 307
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*6/23/1966: Crashed near Papa AB. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741308 s/n 308
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Vecses, falsely marked as "1981". Or now at a depot somewhere?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741309 s/n 309
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*3/1/1966: Crashed near Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741311 s/n 311
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741312 s/n 312
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*9/9/1971: Crashed near Tasza AB. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741313 s/n 313
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Tokol AB.
*Currently preserved in Szigethalom.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741314 s/n 314
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741320 s/n 320
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741324 s/n 324
*1961: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 03695158 (or 51690358?) s/n 0358
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF. Or in 1971?
*31 HRE.
*59 HVE.
*1/28/1983: Crashed at Kecskemet AB. Both crewmen were killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 406
*Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760406 s/n 406
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*4/7/1981: Crashed.
*Also noted as being WFU at Szolnok in 1988?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760407 s/n 407
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1/31/1968: Crashed near Kecskemet AB. Pilot was killed. Or on 1/30/1968?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760408 s/n 408
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use. Or in 1987?
*Currently preserved at the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760409 s/n 409
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kacskemet AB. Or in 1987?
*Currently preserved at Taszar AB, falsely marked as "1989". Since salvaged?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741414 s/n 414
*1964: Built.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 04695165 (or 51690465?) s/n 0465
*5/1972: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760501 s/n 501
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Imperial War Museum at RAF Duxford, England.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760502 s/n 502
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*3/25/1986: Crashed near Taszar AB due to engine failure.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760503 s/n 503
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at RAF Cosford, England, registered as G-BRAM. Or at RAE Farnborough, England?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 740504 s/n 504
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760504 s/n 504
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760505 s/n 505
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at Taszar AB, falsely marked as "1989".
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760506 s/n 506
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB. Or in 1987?
*Sold to a private collector and given civilian registraitons G-BRAN and N316DM.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760507 s/n 507
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use. Or in 1987?
*Was preserved at the USMC Museum in Quantico, Virginia.
*Was preserved at the Pima Air and Space Museum, Arizona.
*Currently preserved at Falcon Field, Mesa, Arizona.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760508 s/n 508
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB, falsely marked as "1965". Since salvaged?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760509 s/n 509
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF. Or in 1964?
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 760510 s/n 510
*1964: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*59 HVE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use. Written off?
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 05695165 (or 516906565?) s/n 0565
*5/1972: : Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Was preserved at Haaksbergen.
*Currently preserved at Saint Isodorushoeve, Holland.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761602 s/n 602
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741801 s/n 801
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1980: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Taszar AB, falsely marked as "1975".
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741802 s/n 802
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*9/26/1970: Crashed near Ujszasz.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741803 s/n 803
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*5/16/1968: Crashed in Yugoslavia.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741804 s/n 804
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*10/5/1967: Crashed near Papa AB. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741805 s/n 805
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*9/7/1967: Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Papa AB.
*Still in the dump at Kecskemet AB?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741806 s/n 806
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Heritage Park at Papa AB, falsely marked as "1976".
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741807 s/n 807
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*5/15/1975: Lost control and crashed near Galateto in the Matraban Mountains. Pilot was killed. Or on 5/14/1975?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741808 s/n 808
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Tata AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741809 s/n 809
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*5/16/1963: Crashed near Kungyalu.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741810 s/n 810
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741811 s/n 811
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741812 s/n 812
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741813 s/n 813
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741814 s/n 814
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741815 s/n 815
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*12/21/1967: Crashed near Szentesnel. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741816 s/n 816
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741817 s/n 817
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Gyulahaza, falsely marked as "1980".
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741818 s/n 818
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*8/31/1967: Crashed after catching fire on take-off from Papa AB. Or while landing?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741819 s/n 819
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741820 s/n 820
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 660820 s/n 0820
*1963: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-670.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741821 s/n 821
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741822 s/n 822
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Tata AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741823 s/n 823
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Keneyri.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741824 s/n 824
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741825 s/n 825
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Tapioszecso.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741901 s/n 901
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*6/17/1969: Crashed near Kecskemet AB. Or on 7/17/1969?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741902 s/n 902
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*47 HVO.
*10/3/1972: Crashed near Nyarlorinc/Kecskemet.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741903 s/n 903
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Keneyri.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741904 s/n 904
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*8/12/1963: Crashed near Nyarlorinc due to engine problems. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999504 s/n 904
*10/1985: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Tokol AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741905 s/n 905
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*Export sale to Syria cancelled.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at the Seifertshofen Museum, Holland, falsely marked as "1981".
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999505 s/n 905
*12/1985: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB. Or at Dunavarsany?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741906 s/n 906
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999506 s/n 906
*3/1986: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Dunavarsany.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741907 s/n 907
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Jozsef Pinter Museum at Kecel, falsely marked as "1907".
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516999507 s/n 907
*3/1986: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Dunavarsany.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741908 s/n 908
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*7/31/1969: Crashed near Kunmadarasnal.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741909 s/n 909
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1976: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Kecskemet AB, marked as "1977" and "1978".
*Currently presreved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741910 s/n 910
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*5/11/1967: Crashed near Kecskemet AB due to hydraulics failure. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741911 s/n 911
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*7/28/1964: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741912 s/n 912
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*7/14/1964: Crashed near Abony/Cegled. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741913 s/n 913
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Papa AB. Still in the dump there?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741914 s/n 914
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 741915 s/n 915
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Was stored at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at the Seifertshofen Museum, Germany.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 660919 s/n 919
*1963: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1987: Sold to the Indian AF as ?U-3001?.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 s/n 1281
*Falsely marked as "1981" at some point.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661319 s/n 1319
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1984: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Tokol AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 1320
*Currently preserved at Vecses.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661320 s/n 1320
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Withdrawn from use at Alsonemedi.
*Put into storage at the Vecses dump.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661418 s/n 1418
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1984: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Pinter Kecel Museum.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661419 s/n 1419
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*47 HRE.
*1987: Sold to the Indian AF as U-3002. Or in 1986?
*Currently preserved at the HAL Auditorium in Koraput.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661420 s/n 1420
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-671.
*2/1988: Crashed. Date?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761511 s/n 1511
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*10/17/1968: Written off.
*Used as a ground trainer at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761512 s/n 1512
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761513 s/n 1513
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*4/22/1968: Crashed. Or on 4/2/1968?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761514 s/n 1514
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Front fuselage currently preserved at the Transport Museum in Budapest, falsely marked as "14".
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761515 s/n 1515
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*4/10/1980: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661516 s/n 1516
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*4/6/1972: Crashed at Kecskemet AB. Both crewmen were killed.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661517 s/n 1517
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Miskolc.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761601 s/n 1601
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761602 s/n 1602
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Written off?
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761603 s/n 1603
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Sold to a private collector and given civilian registrations G-BRAO and N21MG (or N213MG?).
*Currently preserved in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761604 s/n 1604
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*4/23/1971: Crashed near Harkakotony in Bacs-Kisun County.
Hungary MiG-21PF c/n 761605 s/n 1605
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/1988: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661720 s/n 1720
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-672.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661816 s/n 1816
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-673.
Hungary MiG-21U-400 c/n 661817 s/n 1817
*1965: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-674.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061844 s/n 1844
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061867 s/n 1867
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061874 s/n 1874
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1993: 31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Kapos Regiment, at Taszar AB.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the Niederalteich Museum.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061889 s/n 1889
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061900 s/n 1900
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061904 s/n 1904
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1993: 31 HRE.
*1996: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Was preserved at the Taszar AB Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Szolnok AB Museum.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211907 s/n 1907
*Currently preserved at the Pinter Kecel Museum.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061953 s/n 1953
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*Currently preserved at the Pinter Kecel Museum.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75061968 s/n 1968
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75062001 s/n 2001
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*6/10/1988: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2015
*--info needed.--
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75062021 s/n 2021
*5/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Kapos Regiment, at Taszar AB.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75062098 s/n 2098
*6/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-AP c/n 75062105 s/n 2105
*6/1978: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742219 s/n 2219
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*31 HVO.
*5/20/1966: Crashed near Bugacnal.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742221 s/n 2221
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szoknok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742222 s/n 2222
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*8/18/1967: Crashed near Balatonendred. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742311 s/n 2311
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szoknok AB. Or at Kovesgyurpuszta?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742312 s/n 2312
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*5/2/1966: Crashed near Kettornyulak.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742313 s/n 2313
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*1988: Sold to the USA.
*Currently in storage at the AMARC bone yard.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742314 s/n 2314
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*31 HVO.
*8/17/1968: Crashed near Sarpilsnel. Pilot was killed. Or on 5/2/1966?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742315 s/n 2315
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742316 s/n 2316
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szoknok AB.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742317 s/n 2317
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*47 HVO.
*3/12/1968: Crashed. Pilot was killed. Or on 3/1/1968?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742318 s/n 2318
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the ROK AF Academy at Kangshan AB, Taiwan.
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742319 s/n 2319
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Vecses, falsely marked as "1981". Or since salvaged?
Hungary MiG-21F-13 c/n 742320 s/n 2320
*1962: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVO.
*47 HVO.
*6/5/1969: Crashed near Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516903031 s/n 3031
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*6/1/1994: Crashed near Ajkanal. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516903036 s/n 3036
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*Was preserved at Gravenland.
*Currently preserved at the Best Museum, Holland.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516903041 s/n 3041
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*Currently preserved at the Szolnok AB Museum.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033537 s/n 3537
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*5/16/1984: Damaged beyond repair in an accident and later written off.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033547 s/n 3547
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*3/14/1998: Crashed near Bata after a collision with MiG-21bis 3931.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033732 s/n 3732
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033745 s/n 3745
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033931 s/n 3931
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*3/14/1998: Crashed near Bata after a collision with MiG-21bis 3547.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033945 s/n 3945
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033955 s/n 3955
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033964 s/n 3964
*4/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at NAS Fallon Heritage Park, Nevada.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75033987 s/n 3987
*1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*6/9/1981: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034009 s/n 4009
*31 HRE.
*8/1992: Withdrawn from use.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664020 (or 674020?) s/n 4020
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*2/9/1982: Crashed. Both crewmen were killed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034025 s/n 4025
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the Magyragencs Military Park
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034029 s/n 4029
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*8/27/1981: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034058 s/n 4058
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034097 s/n 4097
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*7/7/1983: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21 6207.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034112 s/n 4112
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*1995: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664116 s/n 4116
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*3/8/1969: Crashed near Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664117 s/n 4117
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1986: Sold to the Indian AF as U-3003. Or in 1987?
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75034133 s/n 4133
*5/1975: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*8/3/1976: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964403 s/n 4403
*6/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964404 s/n 4404
*6/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the National Defense University in Budapest.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964405 s/n 4405
*6/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the Zanka Military Park.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964406 s/n 4406
*6/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1996: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at the Graz-Thalerhof Museum, Austria.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964407 s/n 4407
*6/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*7/13/1977: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Csepel AB.
*Was preserved at the Lajos Lossuth Museum in Budapest.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964408 s/n 4408
*7/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964409 s/n 4409
*7/1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664118 (or 674118?) s/n 4418
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*1985: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registrations N315DM and N315RF.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664119 (or 674119?) s/n 4419
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVO.
*1986: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n 664120 s/n 4420
*1967: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HVO.
*47 HVO.
*1987: Sold to the Indian AF as U-3004.
*30 Squadron.
*Currently preserved as a gate guard. Where?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964602 s/n 4602
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*6/5/1984: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21MF 9314. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964603 s/n 4603
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964604 s/n 4604
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*6/27/1978: Crashed near Nagykoros. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964605 s/n 4605
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Szolnok AB Technical School.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964606 s/n 4606
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Szolnok AB Technical School.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964607 s/n 4607
*1979: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 964608 s/n 4608
*1971: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n 5068?
*Serial or c/n incorrect?
*Now in private hands as ?N4318W??
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516915081 s/n 5081
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors Airfield.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516915086 s/n 5086
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*10/2/1979: Crashed while landing at Kecskemet AB due to engine failure.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516915091 s/n 5091
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-A c/n 75035321 s/n 5321
*1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*3/1/1984: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035531 s/n 5531
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*1999-00: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Leeorszag, Tukums.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035540 s/n 5540
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1993: 31 HRE.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035705 s/n 5705
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*12/13/1977: Crashed near Komlonal.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035721 s/n 5721
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*1996: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035809 s/n 5809
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*6/29/1990: Crashed near Komlonal.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75035822 s/n 5822
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1993: 31 HRE.
*9/18/1996: Crashed near Ugod due to hydraulics failure.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036007 s/n 6007
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Dunavarsany.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036009 s/n 6009
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036021 s/n 6021
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*1997: 47 HVO.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75036115 s/n 6115
*5/1976: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*2000: 47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Dunavarsany.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046145 s/n 6145
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Budaors Airfield.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046207 s/n 6207
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*7/7/1983: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21 4097.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046224 s/n 6224
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*11/11/1980: Damaged beyond repair in a ground accident at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046253 s/n 6253
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046264 s/n 6264
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*31 HRE.
*47 HRE.
*4/25/1996: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046305 s/n 6305
*2/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the Nahyatad Military Park.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046327 s/n 6327
*3/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75046384 s/n 6384
*3/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21UM c/n 516917011 s/n 7011
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968108 s/n 8108
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968109 s/n 8109
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968110 s/n 8110
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968111 s/n 8111
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB. Is cockpit still around somewhere?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968112 s/n 8112
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*12/18/1975: Crashed near Taszar AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968113 s/n 8113
*1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968114 s/n 8114
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Dunavarsany.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968115 s/n 8115
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968201 s/n 8201
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Stromfeld. Or at Papa AB?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968202 s/n 8202
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at the Kecel Museum.
*Currently preserved at Stromfeld.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968203 s/n 8203
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 968204 s/n 8204
*9/1973: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Stromfeld. Or at Papa AB?
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75049099 s/n 9099
*5/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the San Diego Museum, California.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75049125 s/n 9125
*5/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75049178 s/n 9178
*5/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*2000: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75049207 s/n 9207
*5/1977: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*10/13/1981: Crashed near Taszar AB. Pilot was killed. Or on 10/17/1981?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969306 s/n 9306
*1977: 59 HVE.
*12/2006: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969307 s/n 9307
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969308 s/n 9308
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*1977: 59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at the Komutanligi Museum at Ankara-Etimesku APT, Turkey.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969309 s/n 9309
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969310 s/n 9310
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Salvaged at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969311 s/n 9311
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Kecsel Museum.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969312 s/n 9312
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at the Belgian Military Radio Museum in Lanaken, Belgium.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969313 s/n 9313
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1/18/1977: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969314 s/n 9314
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*6/5/1984: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21MF 4602.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969315 s/n 9315
*5/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969507 s/n 9507
*6/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969508 s/n 9508
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*9/25/1976: Crashed.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969509 s/n 9509
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969510 s/n 9510
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969511 s/n 9511
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969512 s/n 9512
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1981: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Szolnok AB.
*Currently preserved at Szolnok AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969513 s/n 9513
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
*Currently preserved at the Belgian Military Radio Museum in Lanaken, Belgium.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969514 s/n 9514
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969515 s/n 9515
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969601 s/n 9601
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*7/25/1985: Crashed near Nagykorosnel.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969602 s/n 9602
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969603 s/n 9603
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969604 s/n 9604
*1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HVE.
*Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Papa AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969605 s/n 9605
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*59 HVE.
*9/13/1991: Crashed. Pilot was killed. Or on 9/21/1991?
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n 969606 s/n 9606
*7/1974: Delivered to the Hungarian AF.
*47 HRE.
*1997: Withdrawn from use at Papa AB.
*Currently preserved at Kecskemet AB.
Hungary MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 9611
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-458
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-460
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-498
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-499
*3 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the IAF Museum at Palam AB, Delhi.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-500
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-501
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-502
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-503
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-504
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-505
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-506
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-507
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-508
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-509
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-510
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-511
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-512
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-513
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-514
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-515
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-516
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-517
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-518
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-519
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-520
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-521
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-522
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-523
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-524
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-525
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-526
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-527
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-528
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-529
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-530
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-531
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-532
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-533
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-534
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-535
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL s/n C-560
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Jallahali AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-582
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-583
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-584
*Currently preserved at the Dundigal AMA Museum.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-585
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-586
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-587
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-588
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-589
*28 Squadron.
*8 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the IAF Technical College at Jallahali AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-590
*28 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the IAF Technical College at Jallahali AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-591
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-592
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-593
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-594
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-595
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-596
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-597
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-598
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-599
*30 Squadron.
*Parts currently preserved at the 30 Squadron Museum at Tezpur AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-600
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-601
*8 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Jeet Aerospace Institute in Pune, Girinagar.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-602
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-603
*1971: 47 Squadron.
*12/12/1971: Shot down by ground fire near Agartala, Pakistan. Or undershot runway at Palam AB?
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-604
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-605
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-606
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-607
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-608
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-609
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-610
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-611
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-612
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-616
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-619
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-699
*28 Squadron.
*47 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-703
*Currently preserved at the HAL Museum in Koraput, Sunabeda.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-705
*1971: 47 Squadron.
*12/13/1971: Shot down by ground fire over Badin/Southern Sind, Pakistan. Pilot was killed.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-706
*1999: 30 Squadron.
*12/15/1999: Crashed at Tezpur AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-707
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-708
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-709
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-711
*47 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-712
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-713
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-715
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-716
*1971: 29 Squadron.
*12/17/1971: Shot down by a Pakistani F-86F near Pasroor.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-717
*Currently preserved at the Regional Science Center in Guwahati.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-718
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-719
*Currently preserved in Lengpui.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-720
*28 Squadron.
*47 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-724
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-725
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-726
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-731
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-734
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-735
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-736
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-741
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-742
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-743
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-744
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-745
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-746
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-747
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-750
*47 Squadron.
*1971: 28 Squadron.
*12/12/1971: Credited with shooting down a Pakistani F-104A with cannon fire over the Gulf of Kutch.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-751
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-754
*52 Squadron.
*8 Squadron.
*Credited with shooting down a Pakistani AF F-6. When?
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-755
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-756
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-757
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-761
*1979: 30 Squadron.
*3/26/1979: Crashed after an engine fire. Or crash landed at Tezpur AB on 8/25/1994?
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-762
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-763
*30 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at Daly College, Inhore.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-764
*1971: 29 Squadron.
*12/5/1971: Shot down by ground fire near Suleimanke, Pakistan.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-765
*28 Squadron.
*47 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-766
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-772
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-773
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-774
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-775
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-776
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-777
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-778
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-779
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21F-13 c/n 740101 s/n BC-816
*10/1962: Built.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21F-13 c/n 740102 s/n BC-817
*10/1962: Built.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21F-13 (or MiG-21FL?) c/n 740201 s/n BC-818
*10/1962: Built.
*1965: 28 Squadron.
*9/6/1965: Destroyed on the ground at Adampur AB by attacking Pakistani AF B-57s.
India MiG-21F-13 c/n 740202 s/n BC-819
*10/1962: Built.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21F-13 c/n 740203 s/n BC-820
*10/1962: Built.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21F-13 c/n 740204 s/n BC-821
*10/1962: Built.
*1/1963: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-822
*1965: Built.
*Later renamed C-827.
*28 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Deolali Artillery Center, Ojhar.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-823
*1965: Built.
*1965: 28 Squadron.
*9/6/1965: Destroyed on the ground at Pathankot AB by attacking Pakistani AF F-86s.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-824
*1965: Built.
*1965: 28 Squadron.
*9/6/1965: Destroyed on the ground at Pathankot AB by attacking Pakistani AF F-86s.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-825
*1965: Built.
*28 Squadron.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-826
*1965: Built.
*1965: 28 Squadron.
*9/6/1965: Destroyed on the ground in a Pakistani AF attack.
India MiG-21PF (Type 76) c/n ? s/n BC-827
*Later renamed C-822.
*1965: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*1965: 28 Squadron.
*1967-79: 45 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Ozhar Repair Depot.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-982
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-989
*8 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Army Public School in Ranchi.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-990
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-991
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-992
*1 Squadron.
*9/2/1997: Crashed at Ambala AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-993
*The one at a museum in Germany marked as "C-993" is not the real one, but an East German model painted as
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-994
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-995
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-996
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-997
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-998
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-999
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1000
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1001
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1002
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1003
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1100
*8 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at the Eastern Air Command HQ, at Shillong AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1101
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1102
*Dumped at Chabua AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1103
*1971: 45 Squadron.
*2002: MiG OFTU.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1104
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1105
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1106
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1107
*1971: 1 Squadron.
*12/11/1971: Shot down in error by another IAF MiG-21FL over Adampur, India. Pilot was killed.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1108
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1109
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1111
*28 Squadron.
*12/4/1971: Credited with shooting down a Pakistani F-86 with two R-3S missiles.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1112
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1113
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1114
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1115
*28 Squadron.
*47 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1116
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1117
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1118
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1119
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1120
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1121
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1122
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1123
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1124
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1125
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1126
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1127
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1128
*1 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1129
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1130
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1131
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1132
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1133
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1134
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1135
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1136
*Dumped at Chabua AB.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1137
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1138
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1139
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1140
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1141
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1142
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1143
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1144
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1145
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1146
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1147
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1148
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1149
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1150
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1151
*Currently preserved at the Eastern Command HQ, Fort William, Calcutta.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1152
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1153
*1998: MOFTU.
*Currently preserved at Sherwood College, Naini Tal.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1154
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1155
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1156
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1157
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1158
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1159
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1160
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1161
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1162
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1163
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1164
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1165
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1166
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1167
*Currently preserved at the Dundigal AF Academy in Hyderabad.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1168
*Currently preserved at the Pragathi Maidan Exposition in Delhi.
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1169
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1170
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1171
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1172
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1173
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1174
India MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n C-1175
*Currently preserved at the Hindustan Aerospace Museum in Nasik.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1474
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1476
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1478
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1481
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1482
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1485
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1487
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*7 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1491
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1492
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1493
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1494
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1495
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*101 Squadron.
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1496
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1497
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*7 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1500
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1501
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*7 Squadron.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1503
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1504
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n C-1505
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1521
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*7 Squadron.
India MiG-21M c/n ? s/n C-1531
*Soviet-built pattern aircraft.
*1971: Delivered to the Indian AF. Or in 1973?
*108 Squadron.
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1532
*1973: Built.
*First HAL-built MiG-21M.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1533
*1973: Built.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1534
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1535
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1536
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1537
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1538
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1539
*1999: 17 Squadron.
*5/27/1999: Shot down by a Pakistani Anza SAM near Kargil. Pilot was killed.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1540
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1541
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1542
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1543
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1544
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1545
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1546
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1547
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1548
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1553
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1555
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1556
*108 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at Dalhousie Cantanoment, Chamba.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1562
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1566
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1568
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1572
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1573
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1574
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1576
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1586
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1592
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1594
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1598
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1599
*Currently preserved at the Central Air Command HQ at Allahabad.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1603
*7 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1608
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1609
*9/1977: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*2010: 35 Squadron.
*Currently preserved at Saint Joseph's College, Allahabad.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1610
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1611
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1612
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1616
*108 Squadron.
*6/9/1995: Crashed.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1625
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1626
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1631
*2/21/2004: Crashed.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1632
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1633
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1635
*2/20/2004: Crashed near Jamnagar AB. 4 civilians on the ground were killed. Or on 1/20/2004?
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1641
*17 Squadron.
*9/10/2009: Crashed after take-off from Bhisiana AB. Pilot was killed.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1644
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1648
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1651
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1654
*35 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1658
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1661
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1663
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1666
*6/9/1995: Crashed.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1668
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1672
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1673
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1679
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1681
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1683
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1690
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21M (Type 88) c/n ? s/n C-1691
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2069
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2069.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2070
*221 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2070.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2071
*2001: 23 Squadron.
*9/17/2001: Crashed on take-off from Suratgarh AB.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2072
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2072.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2074
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2074.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2075
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2077
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2078
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2078.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2079
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2079.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2084
*11/1/2004: Crashed due to engine failure near Bikaner Canasaur after take-off from Nal AB.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2088
*6 Squadron.
*8/5/2000: Crashed.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2089
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2089.
*2011: 23 Squadron.
*8/8/2011: Crashed.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2090
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the National Aerospace Lab at Bangalore.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2091
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2091.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2092
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2092.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2096
*3 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2098
*Currently preserved as a gate guard at Poona AB.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2100
*26 Squadron.
*51 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2103
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2103.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2104
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2105
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2105.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2106
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2106.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2107
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2107.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2109
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2110
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2110.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2112
*23 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2112.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2113
*15 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2115
*15 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2115.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2116
*Currently preserved at the Barnes School in Delhi.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2117
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2119
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2119.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2120
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2122
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2123
*21 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2126
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2126.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2129
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2129.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2136
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2136.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2141
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2100.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2185
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2185.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2187
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2187.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2188
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2188.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2189
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2189.
*9/6/2011: Written off.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2192
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2192.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2194
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2194.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2195
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2195.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2196
*15 Squadron.
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2196.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2198
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2198.
*2011: 3 Squadron.
*9/6/2011: Crashed near Sambhu, Patiala near Raipura, Punjab.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2199
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2199.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2200
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2201
*26 Squadron.
*Currently preserved in Nashik.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2204
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2205
*4 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2205.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2206
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2206.
*12/1/2011: Crashed near Raina Mandi, Haryana Sirsa.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2208
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2210
*3 Squadron.
*45 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2210.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2211
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2212
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2212.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2213
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2213.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2217
*8/11/1994: Crashed due to systems failure.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2219
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2219.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2220
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2220.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2223
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2224
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2224.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2228
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2228.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2229
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2230
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2230.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2231
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2233
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2234
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2234.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2235
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2235.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2236
*37 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2238
*26 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2238.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2239
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2239.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2241
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2241.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2242
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2244
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2244.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2248
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2248.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2250
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2250.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2251
*1/6/1995: Crashed due to birdstrikes.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2252
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2252.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2255
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2255.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2257
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2257.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2258
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2258.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2259
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2259.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2260
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2260.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2261
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2261.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2262
*21 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2262.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2263
*21 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2263.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2264
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2265
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2265.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2266
*37 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2266.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2268
*23 Squadron.
*24 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2269
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2269.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2270
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2272
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2272.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2275
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2275.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2276
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2276.
*9/9/2002: Crashed.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2277
*12/12/1994: Damaged beyond repair in a landing accident, later salvaged.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2278
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2278.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2280
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2280.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2281
*26 Squadron.
*45 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2283
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2283.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2284
*Currently preserved in the IAF Museum at Palam AB, Delhi.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2285
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2285.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2286
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2286.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2291
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2291.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2294
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2294.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2296
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2296.
*11/24/2012: Crashed near Kutch, Gujarat.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2297
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2297.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2303
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2303.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2304
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2304.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2305
*4 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2306
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2307
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2307.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2308
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2308.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2312
*3 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2314
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2314.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2316
*24 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2316.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2318
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2318.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2319
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2319.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2320
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2320.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2323
*4 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2324
*37 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2324.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2325
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2325.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2327
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2327.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2328
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2328.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2331
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2332
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2332.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2333
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2333.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2335
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2335.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2767
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2767.
India MiG-21bis c/n 04-001 s/n C-2769
*Rebuilt as second MiG-21Bison prototype as CU-2769.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2770
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2770.
*2003: TACDE.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2771
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2771.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2772
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2772.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2774
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2774.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2775
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2775.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2776
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n 04-002 s/n C-2777
*3 Squadron.
*Rebuilt as first MiG-21Bison prototype as CU-2777.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2778
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2778.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2779
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2779.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2780
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2780.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2781
*26 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2782
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2782.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2784
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2785
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2785.
*2015: 51 Squadron.
*8/24/2015: Crashed in Soibugh, Srinagar, Budgam District.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2787
*24 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2787.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2788
*24 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2788.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2790
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2790.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2791
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2793
*24 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2794
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2794.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2796
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2796.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2797
*2002: 23 Squadron.
*5/3/2002: Crashed in Jallandar City. 8 civilians on the ground were killed.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2798
*1988: 17 Squadron.
*11/8/1988: Crashed near Delhi-Nazafgarh during a flypast.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2799
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2799.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2800
*10/21/2002: Crashed on night approach to Ulttarlai AB.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2801
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2801.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2802
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2802.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2803
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2803.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2804
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2804.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2805
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2805.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2808
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2809
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2810
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2810.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2813
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2813.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2815
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2815.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2816
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2816.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2817
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2817.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2818
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2818.
*2011: TACDE.
*2/4/2011: Crashed near Anup Nagar, Bela-Bhimlat.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2819
*4 Squadron.
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2819.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2821
*15 Squadron.
*31 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2821.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2822
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2822.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2824
*24 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2824.
*7/20/2013: Written off.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2826
*3 Squadron.
*24 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2826.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2827
*32 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2827.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2828
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2828.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2829
*4 Squadron.
*Crashed. Date?
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2832
*3 Squadron.
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2832.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2833
*4 Squadron.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2835
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2835.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2836
*Currently preserved at the Hindustan Aerospace Museum.
India MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n C-2837
*Upgraded to MiG-21Bison standard as CU-2837.
India MiG-21U-400 c/n 661617 s/n U-45
*1965: Built.
India MiG-21U-400 c/n ? s/n U-360
*1964: Built.
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21U-400 c/n 661818 s/n U-455
*1965: Built.
*ex-Romanian AF.
*Currently preserved at a park in Nagercoil.
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-456
*1965: Built.
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-457
*1965: Built.
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-458
*1965: Built.
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-459
*1965: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-460
*1965: Built.
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-553
*1966: Built.
*1982: 7 Squadron.
*10/29/1982: Crashed after take-off from Kanpur AB after a birdstrike. Pilot was killed.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-655
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-656
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-657
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n ? s/n U-658
*1967: Built.
*9/1968: Delivered to the Indian AF.
*Currently preserved at the College of Aeronautical Engineering in Guwahati.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665217 s/n U-659
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665218 s/n U-660
*1966: Delivered to the Indian AF. Or in 1967?
*8 Squadron.
*1993: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the College of Defense Management at Alwal.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665316 s/n U-661
*1967: Built.
*ex-Romanian AF.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665317 s/n U-662
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665xxx s/n U-663
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21U-600 c/n 665xxx s/n U-664
*1967: Built.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1719
*30 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1723
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1724
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1725
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1727
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1729
*8 Squadron.
*7/15/2002: Crashed on take-off from Baghdogra AB.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1737
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1739
*8 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-1740
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-1799
*7/15/2002: Written off.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2142
*21 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2143
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2145
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2146
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2148
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2151
*52 Squadron.
India MiG-21U c/n ? s/n U-2153
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2156
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2157
*2003: TACDE.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2159
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n 516975001 s/n U-2160
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-2163
*101 Squadron.
India MiG-21M s/n U-2970
*Currently preserved at the Sainik School in Goalpara, Assam.
India MiG-21U-400 c/n ? s/n U-2972
*Possibly an ex-Romanian aircraft.
India MiG-21U-400 c/n ? s/n U-2974
*Currently preserved at the HAL Heritage Center.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3282
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3284
*51 Squadron.
*7/14/2003: Crashed in Budgam District, Kashmir. Both crewmen were killed.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3288
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3289
*108 Squadron.
*2002: OCU.
India MiG-21UM c/n 516999238 s/n U-3292
*1980: Built.
India MiG-21U s/n U-3293
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3294
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3296
*1990: Delivered to the Indian AF.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3307
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-3310
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4002
*32 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4003
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4004
*--info needed.--
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4005
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4006
*108 Squadron.
India MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n U-4008
*108 Squadron.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2151
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2152
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2153
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
*Currently preserved at Nellis AFB, NV, marked as ?84?.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2154
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*1968: Written off. Date?
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212103 s/n 2155
*5/1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2156
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14 as "F".
*Sold to the USA.
*Currently preserved in Suitland, Maryland.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212107 s/n 2157
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
*Currently preserved at the Brussels Army Museum, Belgium, falsely marked as Soviet AF "77".
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212101 s/n 2158
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bandung Technical College. Still there?
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2159
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212110 s/n 2160
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Currently preserved at the IAF Museum in Yogyakarta.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2161
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2162
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212106 s/n 2163
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
*Currently preserved at NASM/Udvar-Hazy Center, Virginia, falsley marked as Soviet AF "63".
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212113 s/n 2164
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Currently preserved at the Armed Forces Museum in Jakarta.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2165
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2166
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2167
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Currently preserved at Jakarta-Halim APT.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2168
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 2169
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
Indonesia MiG-21F-13 c/n N74212116 s/n 2170
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*SkU 14.
*Sold to the USA.
Indonesia MiG-21U-400 c/n 51660703 (or 03665107?) s/n 2171
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*Written off.
Indonesia MiG-21U-400 c/n 51660703 (or 04665107?) s/n 2172
*1962: Delivered to the Indonesian AF.
*Sold to the USA.
Iraq MiG-21PF c/n ? s/n 005
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21PF c/n ? s/n 091
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21F-13 s/n 521
*Was a derelict in the Al Qadisiyah AB dump.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212121 s/n 522
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*Was a derelict in the Al Qadisiyah AB dump.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212122 s/n 523
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212123 s/n 524
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212124 s/n 525
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212125 s/n 526
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212201 s/n 527
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212202 s/n 528
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212203 s/n 529
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212204 s/n 530
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212205 s/n 531
*1962: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741102 s/n 532
*1963: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741103 s/n 533
*1963: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741104 s/n 534
*1963: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*11 Squadron.
*8/16/1966: Flown to Israel by a defecting pilot.
*1967: Given to the USAF for evaluation, coded as "68-0965".
*The one preserved at the IAF Museum at Hatzerim AB is not this aircraft, despite common thought, but
another MiG-21 with the same IAF number.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741105 s/n 535
*1963: Built.
*11 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741106 s/n 536
*1963: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n 741107 s/n 537
*1963: Built.
*11 Squadron.
*27 OTU.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 649
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 665
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 666
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 667
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 668
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 669
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 670
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 671
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 672
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 673
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21005.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 674
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 675
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 676
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 677
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 678
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 679
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21111.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 680
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21112.
Iraq MiG-21FL (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 681
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21113.
*Was a derelict at Mosul AB.
Iraq MiG-21FL (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n 682
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21114.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 683
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
*Recoded as 21115.
*Currently preserved at Qayyarah West AB.
Iraq MiG-21FL c/n ? s/n 684
*12/1965: Built.
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 702
*1967: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 703
*1967: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 704
*1967: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 705
*1967: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 706
*1966: Built.
*17 OCU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 707
*1966: Built.
*17 OCU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 708
*1966: Built.
*17 OCU.
Iraq MiG-21F-13 c/n ? s/n 709
*1966: Built.
*17 OCU.
*Currently preserved as a gate guard at Shaibah AB.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 710
*1967: Built.
*14 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 711
*1967: Built.
*14 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 712
*1967: Built.
*14 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 713
*1967: Built.
*14 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 714
*1967: Built.
*14 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 715
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 716
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 717
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 718
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 719
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 720
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 721
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 722
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 723
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 724
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 725
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 726
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 727
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 728
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 729
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 730
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 731
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 732
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 733
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 734
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 735
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 736
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 737
*1967: Built.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 818
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 819
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 820
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 821
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 822
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 823
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 824
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 825
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 826
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 827
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 828
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 829
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 830
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 831
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 832
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 833
*1969: Built.
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 1019
*1971: Built.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1036
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 1051
*1971: Built.
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 1099
*1971: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PF s/n 1114
*Was a derelict at Mosul AB.
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 1180
*1973: Built.
*1980: Shot down. Date?
Iraq MiG-21MF (or MiG-21MF-75?) c/n ? s/n 1181
*1973: Built. Or in 1976?
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21MF (or MiG-21MF-75?) c/n ? s/n 1184
*1973: Built. Or in 1976?
*9 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21PFM (or MiG-21MF? or MiG-21MF-75?) c/n ? s/n 1190
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21MF (or MiG-21MF-75?) c/n ? s/n 1195
*1973: Built. Or in 1976?
Iraq MiG-21MF (or MiG-21MF-75?) c/n ? s/n 1232
*1973: Built. Or in 1976?
*17 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1463
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 1464
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21R c/n ? s/n 1828
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2030
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2031
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2040
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2044
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2045
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2092
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2095
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2099
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 2118
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2123
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2124
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 2125
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4053
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4061
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4086
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4097
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4098
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4106
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4125
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4141
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 4144
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21PF c/n ? s/n 4902
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 8001
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 8034
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 8039
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 8042
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 8044
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75070101 s/n 8137
*1979: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21US c/n 05685147 s/n 8708
*1970: Built.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n 948801 s/n 8801
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21015
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21016
*27 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21017
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21023
*1991: Destroyed on the ground. Date?
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21027
*Withdrawn from use at Al Qadisiyah AB. Written off?
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21036
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21038
*Withdrawn from use at Al Qadisiyah AB.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21039
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21040
*Withdrawn from use at Al Qadisiyah AB.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21043
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21045
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21046
*Was a derelict at Habbaniyan AB.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21047
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21050
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21054
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21057
*Withdrawn from use at Al Qadisiyah AB.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21061
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21062
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n 516999436 s/n 21068
*1982: Built.
*Impounded in Germany due to the Gulf Wars.
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21069
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21070
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21071
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21072
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21073
*29 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21UM s/n 21074
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21079
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 21091
*Withdrawn from use at Al Qadisiyah AB.
Iraq MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 21124
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bisK (or MiG-21M?) c/n ? s/n 21138
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 21140
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 21155
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21MF s/n 21158
*Was a derelict at Habbaniyan AB.
Iraq MiG-21bisK (or MiG-21bis-SAU?) c/n N75044845 s/n 21168
*1977: Built.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75046xxx s/n 21173
*2/1977: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75046xxx s/n 21174
*2/1977: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75046xxx s/n 21177
*2/1977: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75046xxx s/n 21178
*2/1977: Built.
*33 Squadron.
*11 Squadron.
*1991: Destroyed on the ground. Date?
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75062xxx s/n 21182
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75064888 s/n 21186
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75064xxx s/n 21190
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75064xxx s/n 21195
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75064xxx s/n 21196
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bisK (or MiG-21bis-SAU?) c/n N75070204 (or 75064xxx?) s/n 21198
*1978: Built.
*47 Squadron.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 7507xxxx s/n 21202
*1979: Built.
*47 Squadron.
Iraq MiG-21bisK (or MiG-21bis-SAU?) c/n N75071709 (or 75070204?) s/n 21204
*1979: Built.
*47 Squadron.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bisK (or MiG-21bis-SAU?) c/n N75071395 s/n 21206
*1979: Built.
*47 Squadron.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 75071709 s/n 21208
*1979: Built.
*47 Squadron.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21216
*1982: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21221
*1982: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21225
*1982: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21226
*1982: Built.
*Was a derelict after the Gulf War.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093445 s/n 21230
*1982: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21231
*1982: Built.
*Was a derelict at Habbaniyan AB.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21233
*1982: Built.
*Was a derelict at Habbaniyan AB.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n 75093xxx s/n 21238
*1982: Built.
*Was a derelict after the Gulf War.
Iraq MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n 75093xxx s/n 21240
*1982: Built.
*47 Squadron.
*Was a derelict at Habbaniya AB. Or at Mosul AB?
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 21250
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 21252
*Was a derelict after the Gulf War.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 21256
*Was a derelict at Habbaniyan AB.
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 21261
*--info needed.--
Iraq MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 21262
*1983: Built.
Iraq MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 21285
*1983: Built.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21bis-LAZUR c/n ? s/n 21286
*1983: Built.
*Impounded and put into storage at Batajnica AB, Serbia.
Iraq MiG-21RF c/n ? s/n 21302
*This one also noted being MiG-21PF, MiG-21MF, and MiG-21bis!
*70 Squadron.
*3/1991: Captured by the US Army at Tallil AB and subsequently destroyed there.
Iraq MiG-21 s/n 21340
*Was a derelict at Camp Habbaniyah Al Anbar.
Iraq MiG-21MF c/n 968715 s/n 21507
*1974: Built.
Kyrgyzstan MiG-21UM s/n 100
*--info needed.--
Laos MiG-21 s/n 01
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 03
*1976: Delivered to the Laotian AF.
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 05
*1976: Delivered to the Laotian AF.
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 07
*1976: Delivered to the Laotian AF.
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96014024 (or 96014124?) s/n 14
*1976: Built.
*Was this one coded 10 at one time?
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21bis s/n 16
*Or is this a MiG-21PFM?
Laos MiG-21bis s/n 17
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21bis s/n 18
*Is this a MiG-21MF?
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 21
*Is this one a MiG-21MF?
*Currently in storage at Vietiane-Wattay AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 24
*Is this one a MiG-21MF? Or a MiG-21bis?
*Currently in storage at Vietiane-Wattay AB.
Laos MiG-21UM s/n 710
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 722
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 724
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 728
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Laos MiG-21PFM s/n 729
*Currently in storage at Xieng Kuang AB.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n 962312 s/n 16
*ex-Egyptian AF 8116.
*2014: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 18
*ex-Egyptian AF 8618.
*2014: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 21
*ex-Egyptian AF.
*Sold to the Free Libyan AF.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n xxx5207 s/n 22
*ex-Egyptian AF 8522.
*2015: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 26
*ex-Egyptian AF s/n 8526 (or 8226?).
*10/2014: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n ? s/n 27
*ex-Egyptian AF 8227.
*10/2014: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n 963513 s/n 38
*ex-Egyptian AF 6138 (or 8138?).
*2015: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21MF (or MiG-21bis?) c/n ? s/n 51
*ex-Egyptian AF.
Libya MiG-21MF c/n 962607 s/n 55
*ex-Egyptian AF 8655.
*2015: Delivered to the Lybian AF.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999069 s/n 069
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*8/29/2014: Crashed near Tobruk. Pilot was killed. Or on 8/19/2014?
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999071 s/n 071
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Withdrawn from use.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999073 s/n 073
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999074 s/n 074
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Withdrawn from use.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 7505075x s/n 75
*1977: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999076 s/n 076
*1978: Built.
*formerly coded 110?
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999112 s/n 112
*1978: Built.
*formerly coded 115?
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999113 s/n 113
*1979: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Put into storage at Tobruk AB.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999114 s/n 114
*1979: Built.
*formerly coded 116?
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*9/2/2014: Crashed near Benghazi. Pilot was killed.
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999117 s/n 117
*1979: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Withdrawn from use.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75066174 s/n 174
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75066208 s/n 208
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2014: 1021 Squadron.
*8/29/2014: Crashed near Beida due to mechanical failure. Pilot was killed.
*Also noted as still flying as late as 2016?
Libya MiG-21UM c/n 516999218 s/n 218
*1979: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*Put into storage at Tobruk AB.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 750xx308 s/n 308
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 319
*--info needed.--
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75066404 s/n 404
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2016: 1060 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 750xx451 s/n 451
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Withdrawn from use.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 750xx500 s/n 500
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Also noted as shot down in 2011?
Libya MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 533
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*Withdrawn from use.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 600
*--info needed.--
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 750xx614 s/n 614
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2016: 1021 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 631
*--info needed.--
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 750xx633 s/n 633
*1978: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75065698 s/n 698
*1978: Built.
*2016: 1060 Squadron.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75050701 s/n 701
*1977: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75050704 s/n 704
*1977: Built.
*1060 Squadron.
*2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75065764 s/n 764
*1978: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*4/2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*7/29/2014: Crashed near Kuwefiyeh due to mechanical failure. Pilot was killed. Or on 8/29/2014?
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75050800 s/n 800
*1977: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*4/2012: Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*2014: 1021 Squadron.
*9/2/2014: Written off? Repaired?
Libya MiG-21bis c/n 75050804 s/n 804
*1977: Built.
*1021 Squadron.
*Taken over by the Free Libya AF during the revolution.
*3/17/2011: Shot down by ground fire (or MANPAD?) near Kwefiyeh/Benghazi. Or on 3/16/2011?
Libya MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 814
*1021 Squadron.
Madagascar MiG-21MF s/n 94
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx108 s/n 108
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx130 s/n 130
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx138 s/n 138
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis s/n 163
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx164 s/n 164
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx169 s/n 169
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx173 s/n 173
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx204 s/n 204
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21bis-SAU c/n 750xx211 s/n 211
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx233 s/n 233
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx255 s/n 255
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21bis c/n 750xx266 s/n 266
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21UM s/n 281
*Or perhaps a MiG-21UB?
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Madagascar MiG-21UM c/n 516999291 s/n 291
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
*Was stored at Tananarive-Ivato AB.
Madagascar MiG-21UM c/n 516999339 s/n 339
*1980: Built.
*Escadrille de Chasse.
Mali MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n TZ-002
*Currently preserved somewhere.
Mali MiG-21 s/n TZ-357
*--info needed.--
Mali MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n TZ-358
*101 AFB.
*Was in storage at Bamako AB.
Mali MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n TZ-364
*Was in storage at Bamako AB.
Mali MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n TZ-371
*Was in storage at Bamako AB.
Mali MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n ? s/n TZ-372
*Was in storage at Bamako AB.
Mali MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n TZ-375
*--info needed.--
Mali MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n TZ-376
*--info needed.--
Mali MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n TZ-377
*Withdrawn from use?
Mali MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n TZ-378
*--info needed.--
Mali MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n TZ-381
*1974: Delivered to the Mali AF.
*Withdrawn from use?
Mali MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n TZ-382
*Was in storage at Bamako AB.
Mali MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n TZ-385
*--info needed.--
Mali MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n TZ-389
*1974: Delivered to the Mali AF.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB01 s/n 001
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB02 s/n 002
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n 940AB03 s/n 003
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 004
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 005
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 006
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 007
1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 008
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 009
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 010
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 011
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PPS c/n ? s/n 012
*1965: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PFM s/n 016
*--info needed.--
Mongolia MiG-21PFM s/n 020
*--info needed.--
Mongolia MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 024
*--info needed.--
Mongolia MiG-21UM c/n 516919006 s/n 25
*1974: Built.
Mongolia MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 027
*--info needed.--
Mongolia MiG-21PFM s/n 031
*--info needed.--
Mongolia MiG-21UM s/n 101
*--info needed.--
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096782 s/n 149
*12/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75095084 s/n 202
*1/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
*2014: Upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75095095 s/n 203
*1/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75095103 s/n 204
*1/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75095154 s/n 207
*1/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 750951xx s/n 208
*1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096037 (or 75095037?) s/n 221
*1982: Delivered to the Mozambique AF. Or in 8/1983?
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096055 s/n 222
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
*2014: Upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 223
*1982: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096105 s/n 226
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096124 s/n 227
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096176 s/n 228
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
*2014: Upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096182 s/n 229
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 230
*2014: Burnt out in a runway fire while being upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096189 s/n 231
*9/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 240
*2014: Upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096524 s/n 241
*12/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
*2014: Upgraded in Romania.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096601 s/n 242
*1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096608 s/n 244
*12/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis c/n 75096624 s/n 245
*12/1983: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
Mozambique MiG-21bis-SAU c/n ? s/n 247
*1982: Delivered to the Mozambique AF.
*Was a derelict at Beira-Sofala APT.
Namibia MiG-21bis c/n 75085304 s/n ?
*2002: Delivered to the Namibian AF.
Namibia MiG-21bis c/n 75097455 s/n ?
*2002: Delivered to the Namibian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 650
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 651
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*11/4/1981: Crashed.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 652
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 653
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003137 s/n 654
*7/1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*Put into storage at Makurdi APT.
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n 516935031 s/n 655
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 656
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 657
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 658
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003295 s/n 659
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*Put into storage at Makurdi APT.
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 660
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*5/13/1986: Written off.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 661
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 662
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 663
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 664
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 665
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*3/1/1978: Crashed.
*This one also noted as a MiG-21UM?
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 666
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 667
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 668
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 669
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 670
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 671
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*2 Regiment.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 672
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*6/19/1981: Crashed.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 673
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 674
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 675
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*10/1/1976: Crashed.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 676
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 677
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96003xxx s/n 678
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*Crashed. Date?
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 680
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 681
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 682
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 683
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 684
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21UM c/n ? s/n 685
*1975: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 686
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 687
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 688
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 689
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 690
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 691
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 692
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 693
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
*Currently preserved at Nnamdi Azikwe APT, in Abuja.
Nigeria MiG-21bis c/n ? s/n 694
*1985: Delivered to the Nigerian AF.
*81 AM.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x002 s/n 002
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x006 s/n 006
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x015 s/n 015
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21bis c/n 750xxx34 s/n 34
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21bis c/n 75014205 s/n 42
*1999: Bought from the Kazakhistan AF.
North Korea MiG-21bis c/n 75014513 s/n 53
*1999: Bought from the Kazakhistan AF.
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 105
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x201 s/n 201
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x204 s/n 204
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 205
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x206 s/n 206
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 208
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212209 s/n 209
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x210 s/n 210
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x212 s/n 212
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x214 s/n 214
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x215 s/n 215
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x218 s/n 218
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212225 s/n 225
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x301 s/n 301
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212302 s/n 302
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x302 s/n 302
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212304 s/n 304
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x304 s/n 304
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21U s/n 304
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x305 s/n 305
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x309 s/n 309
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212310 s/n 310
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x311 s/n 311
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x312 s/n 312
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x313 s/n 313
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x314 s/n 314
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x315 s/n 315
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x319 s/n 319
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212323 s/n 323
*1962: Built.
*ex-Chinese AF.
*1st FS.
North Korea MiG-21PFM s/n 323
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21bis c/n 750xx323 s/n 323
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x401 s/n 401
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x402 s/n 402
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 94x406 s/n 406
*1967: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PF s/n 4.15
*Or is this a MiG-21PFM?
*Certainly a spurious number to denote the Great Leader's birthday.
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 505
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944511 s/n 511
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944512 s/n 512
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944513 s/n 513
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944514 s/n 514
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944515 s/n 515
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21UM s/n 515
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944601 s/n 601
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944602 s/n 602
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944603 s/n 603
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21bis c/n 750xx603 s/n 603
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944604 s/n 604
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 944605 s/n 605
*1966: Built.
North Korea MiG-21PFM s/n 613
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 634
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n 750xx643 s/n 643
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 645
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21bis (or MiG-21MF?) c/n 750xx652 s/n 652
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947701 s/n 701
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947702 s/n 702
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 c/n ? s/n 702
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947703 s/n 703
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947704 s/n 704
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947705 s/n 705
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 706
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 709
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 710
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM (or MiG-21F-13?) c/n 947711 s/n 711
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21F-13 s/n 714
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947715 s/n 715
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 720
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 728
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21F-13 s/n 735
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 736
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 737
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947801 s/n 801
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947803 s/n 803
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21PFM c/n 947804 s/n 804
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21 s/n 903
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21UM c/n 5169x9071 s/n 921
*--info needed.--
North Korea MiG-21UM s/n 971
*--info needed.--
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-01 s/n 01
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*1988: Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-02 s/n 02
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-03 s/n 03
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*4/1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-04 s/n 04
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bemowo AB.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-05 s/n 05
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*4/1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-06 (or 940MT-06?) s/n 06
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*4/1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB.
*Was preserved at Lodz AB.
*Put into storage at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-07 s/n 07
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966-68: 40 PLM.
*1/23/1968: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-08 s/n 08
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-09 s/n 09
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*Was preserved in Lodz.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94ML-10 s/n 10
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*Was preserved in Lodz.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94MO-022 s/n 022
*2/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1966: 40 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Currently preserved at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760607 s/n 0607
*12/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 1 PLM.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-89: 1 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760608 s/n 0608
*12/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 1 PLM.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-74: 1 PLM.
*1978: 10 PLM.
*1978-83: 1 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
*1987-88: 1 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Bydgoszcz AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760610 s/n 0610
*12/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 1 PLM.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-88: 1 PLM.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760612 s/n 0612
*12/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 1 PLM.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-88: 1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760613 s/n 0613
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-78: 1 PLM.
*1978: 10 PLM.
*1986-88: 1 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Jozefow.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760614 s/n 0614
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-73: 1 PLM.
*1980: 39 PLM.
*1980-82: 1 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
*1987-88: 1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760615 s/n 0615
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-74: 1 PLM.
*1980: 39 PLM.
*1980-88: 1 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Warsaw-Rakowice.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760701 s/n 0701
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965-66: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-72: 1 PLM.
*1972: 10 PLM.
*1975-76: 1 PLM.
*12/11/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080701 s/n 0701
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-89: 34 PLM.
*4/13/1989: Written off.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760702 s/n 0702
*10/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964: 62 PLM.
*1966: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-72: 1 PLM.
*1972-78: 10 PLM.
*1978-88: 1 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1/1990: Salvaged in accordance with CTF treaty.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760703 s/n 0703
*10/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964: 62 PLM.
*1966: 11 PLM.
*1971: 13 PLM.
*1971-74: 1 PLM.
*1980: 39 PLM.
*1978-88: 1 PLM.
*Currently preserved at the Lask Barracks.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760704 s/n 0704
*10/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964: 62 PLM.
*1966: 11 PLM.
*8/14/1979: Crashed. Or on 8/14/1978?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760705 s/n 0705
*10/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964: 62 PLM.
*1966: 11 PLM.
*1980: 39 PLM.
*1980-88: 1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080774 s/n 0774
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080786 s/n 0786
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-81: 34 PLM.
*1/26/1981: Written off.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080798 s/n 0798
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2001: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080800 s/n 0800
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740802 s/n 802
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-65: 26 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740803 s/n 803
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-65: 26 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740804 s/n 804
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-65: 26 PLM.
*1965: 13 PLM.
*10/13/1965: Crashed near Poddebice.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080804 s/n 0804
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1998: 1 DLMW.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at the Witoszow Musuem at Swindin AB.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740805 s/n 805
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-65: 26 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740806 s/n 806
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-74: 2 PLM.
*1974-77: CASSTWL.
*10/1977: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Skleczki AB.
*Currently preserved at Kutno-Skleczki APT.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740807 s/n 807
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 1 PLM.
*1964-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-74: 2 PLM.
*1974: Assigned as a ground trainer to COSSTWL.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740808 s/n 808
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964-67: 40 PLM.
*1967: 4 PLM.
*3/8/1967: Crashed near Wierzchoslaw.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740809 s/n 809
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964-67: 40 PLM.
*1967-74: 2 PLM.
*1974-77: COSSTWL.
*1977: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Lotnictwa Museum in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080809 s/n 0809
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740811 s/n 811
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964-67: 40 PLM.
*1967: 4 PLM.
*1967-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740812 s/n 812
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964-67: 40 PLM.
*1967: 4 PLM.
*1967-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740813 s/n 813
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964: 40 PLM.
*1973: 2 PLM.
*8/24/1973: Crashed near Wolin due to engine failure.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 740814 s/n 814
*9/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 11 PLM.
*1964-65: 40 PLM.
*6/23/1965: Crashed near Chlebowek.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080845 s/n 0845
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved in Ketrzyn.
*Currently preserved at Wilamowo AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 08695156 s/n 0856
*7/1971: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1971: 41 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*32 PLRT.
*Currently preserved outside a store in Sion, Switzerland.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080876 s/n 0876
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1998: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080880 s/n 0880
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995-99: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75080887 s/n 0887
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995-99: 1 DLMW.
*10/29/1999: Crashed on the Hel Penisula. Or on 10/20/1999?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760901 s/n 0901
*5/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 11 PLM.
*1965: 1 PLM.
*1965: CSL.
*1973: 10 PLM.
*1073-86: 1 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Gydnia-Babie Doly APT, falsely marked as "0716".
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760902 s/n 0902
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760903 s/n 0903
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760905 s/n 0905
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*5/11/1971: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21U 1219.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760906 s/n 0906
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 760907 s/n 0907
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1973: 10 PLM.
*1973-79: 1 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
*1987-88: 1 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bydgoszcz AB. Now at Buk AB?
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75081007 s/n 1007
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M s/n 1008
*--info needed.--
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75081029 s/n 1029
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21064 s/n 1064
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-98: WZL-3.
*Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Miezecicach.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21071 s/n 1071
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21085 s/n 1085
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-200: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Olesnicy/Boguszyce.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21101 s/n 1101
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21125 s/n 1125
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-96: 32 PLRT.
*Currently preserved in the Krakow Military Musuem.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21139 s/n 1139
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-91: 32 PLRT.
*1991-93: BSP.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741216 s/n 1216
*6/1961: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 741217 s/n 1217
*6/1961: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1961-69: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*7/1969: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to TSWL.
*Currently preserved at the Hermeskiel APT Museum, Germany.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661217 s/n 1217
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*40 PLM.
*1970: 1 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661218 s/n 1218
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*40 PLM.
*1970: 1 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661219 s/n 1219
*5/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*41 PLM.
*39 PLM.
*5/11/1971: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21PF 0905.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661220 s/n 1220
*5/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*39 PLM.
*6/14/1978: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21273 s/n 1273
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-2002: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21311 s/n 1311
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661317 s/n 1317
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1 PLM.
*1978: 39 PLM.
*1/16/1978: Crashed near Mierzecice/Siewierza due to engine failure. Pilot was killed.
Poland MiG-21U-400 c/n 661318 s/n 1318
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1980-82: 10 PLM.
*1982-90: 1 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Drzonow Museum.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21375 s/n 1375
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-91: 32 PLRT.
*1991-93: BSP.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21412 s/n 1412
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997: WZL-3.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1422 s/n 1422
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968-69: 41 PLM.
*1969-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-90: 32 PLRT.
*5/22/1990: Crashed. Or on 2/22/1990? Or on 9/22/1990?
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1423 s/n 1423
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968-69: 41 PLM.
*1969-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-96: 32 PLRT.
*1996-00: WZL-3.
*Currently preserved at the Drzonow Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761506 s/n 1506
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO21507 s/n 1507
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-91: 32 PLRT.
*1991-93: BSP.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB? Or salvaged?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761606 s/n 1606
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761607 s/n 1607
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761608 s/n 1608
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Glinianka.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761610 s/n 1610
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761611 s/n 1611
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761612 s/n 1612
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761613 s/n 1613
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761614 s/n 1614
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761615 s/n 1615
*1/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Warsaw Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761701 s/n 1701
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761702 s/n 1702
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*1989: 1 PLM.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Lodz.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761703 s/n 1703
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Lodz City.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761704 s/n 1704
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Bialobrzegi-Rynia.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761705 s/n 1705
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*3/22/1979: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1705 s/n 1705
*7/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-95: 32 PLRT.
*1995-97: WZL-3.
*8/1998: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761706 s/n 1706
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved in Hagenbrunn/Gersdorf, Austria.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1706 s/n 1706
*11/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*196-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-94: 32 PLRT.
*1994: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Sochaczew Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761707 s/n 1707
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761708 s/n 1708
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761709 s/n 1709
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761710 s/n 1710
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761711 s/n 1711
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*2/23/1966: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761712 s/n 1712
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*3 PLM.
*1968: 10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761713 s/n 1713
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzicice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761714 s/n 1714
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzicice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761715 s/n 1715
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761801 s/n 1801
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Lask AB, falsely marked as "2000". Back to 1801 now?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761802 s/n 1802
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzicice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Warsaw Technical Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761803 s/n 1803
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761804 s/n 1804
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Katowice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761805 s/n 1805
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzicice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761806 s/n 1806
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761807 s/n 1807
*4/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961807 s/n 1807
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-76: 9 PLM.
*9/13/1976: Damaged beyond repair in a runway accident.
*1/1979: Assigned as a ground trainer to TSWL Zamosc.
*3/1986: Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB, as "02".
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761808 s/n 1808
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*90 ELT.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Sold to Germany?
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961808 s/n 1808
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-86: 9 PLM.
*1986-03: COSSTWL.
*Was preserved at Radom AB, falsely marked as "04".
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum, falsely marked as "04".
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761809 s/n 1809
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*Was preserved in Lodz.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961809 s/n 1809
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-76: 9 PLM.
*1976-79: TSWL Zamosc.
*1980-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-00: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Kessel/Baarlo, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761810 s/n 1810
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*1966: 4 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB
*Currently preserved at Katowice AB. Salvaged since?
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961810 s/n 1810
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-88: 9 PLM.
*198-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-94: BSP.
*1994-96: 11 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*Currently preserved at Zarnow/Trojanowicach.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761811 s/n 1811
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*1966: 4 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bydgoszcz AB.
*6/1991: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N21PF.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961811 s/n 1811
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-95: BSP.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Dabrowie Gorniczej.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761812 s/n 1812
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961812 s/n 1812
*12/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1969-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1994-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-00: 10 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Baarlo, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761813 s/n 1813
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961813 s/n 1813
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-99: 11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Nowa Ruda.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761814 s/n 1814
*5/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1972: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961814 s/n 1814
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-74: 41 PLM.
*1974-89: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-94: 10 PLM.
*1994-99: 45 LED.
*1999: 11 PLM.
*2003: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
*Currently owned by a private citizen in Poznania.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761815 s/n 1815
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Slupsk AB, falsely marked as "1974".
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961815 s/n 1815
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970: 41 PLM.
*7/24/1970: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to COSSTWL.
*Currently preserved in Presary/Psarach near Wroclaw.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761901 s/n 1901
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961901 s/n 1901
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-85: 9 PLM.
*1985-86: 10 PLM.
*1986-89: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 41 PLM.
*1996-00: 10 PLM.
*Was preserved at Biala Podlaska.
*Currently preserved in Terespol.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761902 s/n 1902
*7/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961902 s/n 1902
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 9 PLM.
*11/17/1982: Crashed near Rogowo/Znina. Pilot was killed.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761903 s/n 1903
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*1966: 4 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961903 s/n 1903
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-99: 11 PLM.
*10/2005: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
*Currently owned by a private citizen in Poznania.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761904 s/n 1904
*6/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961904 s/n 1904
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-99: 11 PLM.
*1999-00: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved at the Savigny-les-Beaune Museum, France.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961905 s/n 1905
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-00: 41 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Bialymstoku.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961906 s/n 1906
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-00: 41 PLM.
*Put into storage at Malbork AB.
*Was preserved at the Koszalinska Institute of Technology.
*Currently preserved in Zegrzu Pmorskim, falsely marked as "5202".
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961907 s/n 1907
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1983-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-99: 11 PLM.
*1999-00: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Lodz.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961908 s/n 1908
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-78: 9 PLM.
*7/30/1978: Crashed near Scholastykowo.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961909 s/n 1909
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-00: 41 PLM.
*Currently preserved as the gate guard at Malbork AB, falsely marked as "2001".
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1909 s/n 1909
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-96: 32 PLRT.
*1996-97: WZL-3.
*11/30/1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Kessel/Baarlo, Holland.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961910 s/n 1910
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-00: 41 PLM.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761911 s/n 1911
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961911 s/n 1911
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-86: 9 PLM.
*3/1986: Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB, as "01".
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1911 s/n 1911
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-1987: 32 PLRT.
*6/3/1987: Crashed near Zuromin due to pilot error. Pilot was killed.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961912 s/n 1912
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-00: 41 PLM.
*Currently preserved on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1912 s/n 1912
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Front fuselage currently preserved in Boronia.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 761913 s/n 1913
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at a funfair in Chorzow.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961913 s/n 1913
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*1973-85: 9 PLM.
*1985-86: 10 PLM.
*1986-88: 9 PLM.
*1989-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-00: 41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1913 s/n 1913
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-95: 32 PLRT.
*1995: WZL-3.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961914 s/n 1914
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*1973-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 1 PLM.
*1996-98: 41 PLM.
*1998-00: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Baarlo, Holland.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1914 s/n 1914
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-80: 21 PLRT.
*5/26/1980: Crashed near Niechanowo due to engine failure.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 961915 s/n 1915
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*1973-88: 9 PLM.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-96: 41 PLM.
*9/3/1996: Crashed near Rychonowy.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1915 s/n 1915
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-83: 32 PLTR.
*7/6/1983: Crashed due to engine failure.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1916 s/n 1916
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO1917 s/n 1917
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-82: 21 PLRT.
*1982-95: 32 PLRT.
*1995-97: WZL-3.
*11/1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962001 s/n 2001
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Was preserved at Bydgoszcz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762002 s/n 2002
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962002 s/n 2002
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*12/31/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762003 s/n 2003
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*1966: 4 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
*Possibly preserved at Buk AB?
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962003 s/n 2003
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1999: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Polish Aviation Museum.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762004 s/n 2004
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962004 s/n 2004
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*2/2/1974: Struck off charge.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762005 s/n 2005
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1965: 40 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use at Mierzicice AB.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962005 s/n 2005
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*Was preserved at Lask AB.
*Currently preserved in Maasbracht, Holland. Or at Baarlo, Holland?
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962006 s/n 2006
*1/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762006 s/n 2006
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742007 s/n 2007
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1973: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762007 s/n 2007
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1990: Salvaged.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962007 s/n 2007
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Kessel, Holland. Or in Baarlo, Holland?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n ? s/n 2007
*1 PLM.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742008 s/n 2008
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1973: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762008 s/n 2008
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*4/17/1967: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962008 s/n 2008
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*1973-86: 9 PLM.
*1986-88: 45 LED.
*1988-93: 2 PLM.
*1993-95: 1 PLM.
*1995-00: 10 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Weeze, Germany. Or in Baarlo/Kassel, Holland?
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742009 s/n 2009
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1973: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762009 s/n 2009
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962009 s/n 2009
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*1973-86: 9 PLM.
*1986: Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB, as "05".
*Assigned as a ground trainer to WAT Warsaw.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762010 s/n 2010
*8/1965: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962010 s/n 2010
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*5/30/1977: Struck off charge. Or on 6/20/1979?
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962011 s/n 2011
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-72: 41 PLM.
*1972-79: 9 PLM.
*6/20/1979: Crashed near Gwiezdin/Czluchowa on a night flight.
Poland MiG-21M c/n 962012 s/n 2012
*2/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1970-73: 41 PLM.
*6/3/1973: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742015 (or 74212015?) s/n 2015
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1974: 2 PLM.
*1974-77: COSSTWL.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Military Technical Academy in Warsaw.
*Was owned by a private citizen in Lodz.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742016 s/n 2016
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL Air Training Center, at Modlin AB.
*1962-63: 62 PLM.
*11/20/1963: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21 2220.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742017 s/n 2017
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1962-64: 62 PLM.
*1964-65: 3 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*1/11/1973: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742018 s/n 2018
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1962: 62 PLM.
*1973: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742019 s/n 2019
*9/1962: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1962: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1962-64: 62 PLM.
*1964-65: 3 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22051 s/n 2051
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-91: 32 PLRT.
*1991-93: BSP.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*9/1993: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22089 s/n 2089
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-99: 3 PLM.
*1999-00: 23 LES.
*7/11/2000: Crash landed at Wyszyna-Macorowska APT and written off.
*Currently preserved at Machorowska APT.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22097 s/n 2097
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-96: 32 PLRT.
*1996-97: WZL-3.
*11/30/1997: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
*Currently preserved at the Drzewce Training Grounds.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22111 s/n 2111
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22213 s/n 2213
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Los Angeles, California?
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742220 s/n 2220
*1/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-65: 62 PLM.
*11/20/1963: Damaged beyond repair in a flying accident.
*12/1965: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742223 s/n 2223
*1/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 62 PLM.
*1964-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742224 s/n 2224
*1/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 62 PLM.
*1964-65: 3 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-73: 2 PLM.
*10/1973: Sold to the Syrian AF.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22301 s/n 2301
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-96: 32 PLRT.
*10/11/1996: Crashed on take-off.
Poland MiG-21F-13 c/n 742307 s/n 2307
*1/1963: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1963-64: 62 PLM.
*1964-65: 3 PLM.
*1965-68: 13 PLM.
*1968-74: 2 PLM.
*1974-77: COSSTWL.
*10/1977: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Drzonow Museum.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22355 s/n 2355
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-93: 32 PLRT.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762401 s/n 2401
*4/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 62 PLM.
*1965-82: 1 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*8/1988: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the White Eagle Museum at Skarzysko Kamienna.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762402 s/n 2402
*4/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 62 PLM.
*1965-76: 1 PLM.
*11/6/1976: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21 0701.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22402 s/n 2402
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-81: 32 PLRT.
*7/21/1981: Written off.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762403 s/n 2403
*4/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 62 PLM.
*1965-68: 1 PLM.
*1/22/1968: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762404 s/n 2404
*4/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 62 PLM.
*1965-88: 1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762405 s/n 2405
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-66: 1 PLM.
*6/30/1966: Crashed. Pilot was killed.
*Still coded just 405 at the time of the crash?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762406 s/n 2406
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-80: 1 PLM.
*1981-88: 10 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bydgoszcz AB.
*Currently preserved at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum, Glenville, NY.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762407 s/n 2407
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-79: 1 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762408 s/n 2408
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-79: 1 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*1997: Assigned as a ground trainer to WZL-2, at Bydgoszcz AB.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762409 s/n 2409
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 11 PLM.
*1969-79: 1 PLM.
*8/2/1979: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762410 s/n 2410
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 11 PLM.
*1965-79: 1 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*5/1991: Sold to a private collector in America and given civilian registration N21MF.
*Is this one now at the Pima Air and Space Museum, Arizona?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762411 s/n 2411
*5/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: 11 PLM.
*1965-82: 1 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bydgoszcz AB.
*Currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland? Just the nose?
Poland MiG-21PF c/n 762412 s/n 2412
*4/1964: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1964-65: CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1965-79: 1 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*3/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Bydgoszcz AB.
*Front section currently preserved at the Cerbaiola Museum, Italy.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22426 s/n 2426
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-93: 32 PLRT.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22503 s/n 2503
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-99: 45 LED.
*1999: 23 LES.
*1999: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Olchowa. Owned by a civilian?
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22533 s/n 2533
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-97: 32 PLRT.
*1997-00: 3 PLM.
*2001-02: 3 ELT.
*5/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22617 s/n 2617
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-95: 32 PLRT.
*1995-97: WZL-3.
*11/1997: Withdrawn from use at Delbin AB.
Poland MiG-21R c/n 94RO22657 s/n 2657
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-93: 32 PLRT.
*9/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere, falsely marked as "1057".
Poland MiG-21U-600 c/n 662718 s/n 2718
*7/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*1970: 1 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Savigny-les-Beaune Museum, France.
Poland MiG-21U-600 c/n 662719 s/n 2719
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*2/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Polish Eagles Foundation in Goraszka, falsely marked as "2420". Or now back as
Poland MiG-21U-600 c/n 662720 s/n 2720
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1975: 1 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at the Lodz Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516903046 s/n 3046
*11/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1973: 32 PLRT.
*Withdrawn from use at Babimost AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516913056 s/n 3056
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM
*3/1992: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N317DM.
*Currently preserved in Wilmington, DE, falsely marked as Soviet AF "905".
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516913061 s/n 3061
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10/1/1980: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21U-600 c/n 663317 s/n 3317
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*1970: 1 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21U-600 c/n 663318 s/n 3318
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*1970: 1 PLM.
*12/1989: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 07685140 s/n 4007
*9/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Pigeon Forge near Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4010 s/n 4010
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 10685140 s/n 4010
*9/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Dumped at Poznan-Krzesiny APT.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4011 s/n 4011
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4012 s/n 4012
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4013 s/n 4013
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*40 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4014 s/n 4014
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4015 s/n 4015
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4101 s/n 4101
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4102 s/n 4102
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*4/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Elmira Corning, New York.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4103 s/n 4103
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4104 s/n 4104
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4105 s/n 4105
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved onboard the USS Intrepid in New York.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4106 s/n 4106
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Citadel Museum in Poznan.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4107 s/n 4107
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4108 s/n 4108
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4109 s/n 4109
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4110 s/n 4110
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*4/4/1967: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4111 s/n 4111
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*6/19/1967: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4114 s/n 4114
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4115 s/n 4115
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4201 s/n 4201
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4203 s/n 4203
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1987: 10 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4204 s/n 4204
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1/23/1968: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4205 s/n 4205
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Warsaw-Bemowo APT. Or at Krakow now?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4206 s/n 4206
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4207 s/n 4207
*8/1966: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*1978: Struck off charge.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 01685144 s/n 4401
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*62 PLM.
*1/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 02685144 s/n 4402
*3/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1 PLM.
*3/1996: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registrations N6285U and N22FR.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 02685145 s/n 4502
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Was in storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N221MG.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 03685145 s/n 4503
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*4/1994: Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 04685145 s/n 4504
*4/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*1/1995: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N1121M. Or just N1121?
*Currently preserved in the Cavanaugh Collection in Dallas, TX.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 08685146 s/n 4608
*6/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Was in storage at Mierzecice AB.
*10/1995: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N9149F.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 09685146 s/n 4609
*6/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*9/20/1977: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 10685146 s/n 4610
*7/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*2/1990: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 01685147 s/n 4701
*7/1970: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Was in storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4909 s/n 4909
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olenisca AB, as "10".
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4910 s/n 4910
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4911 s/n 4911
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4912 s/n 4912
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Nose section currently preserved at Finsterwalde.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4913 s/n 4913
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4914 s/n 4914
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4915 s/n 4915
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5001 s/n 5001
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5002 s/n 5002
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5003 s/n 5003
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5004 s/n 5004
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5005 s/n 5005
*1/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 40 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516905006 s/n 5006
*10/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1975: 41 PLM.
*32 PLRT.
*2/2002: Sold to a private collector? Or not?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516905011 s/n 5011
*11/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*12/1992: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registrations VH-XXI and U-2146 (fake Indian AF).
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516905016 s/n 5016
*11/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1973: 26 PLM.
*32 PLRT.
*3 PLM.
*5/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB. Or as early as 1999?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516905021 s/n 5021
*11/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Was preserved in Orbe, Switzerland.
*Currently preserved outside a store in Stabio, Switzerland.
Poland MiG-21US c/n 01685141 s/n 5141
*8/1969: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*62 PLM.
*5/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Was in storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Wanaka Transport and Toy Museum in New Zealand.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5212 s/n 5212
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5213 s/n 5213
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5214 s/n 5214
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5307 s/n 5307
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5308 s/n 5308
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5309 s/n 5309
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5310 s/n 5310
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*8/31/1971: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21PFM 5611.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5311 s/n 5311
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5312 s/n 5312
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5313 s/n 5313
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5314 s/n 5314
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5315 s/n 5315
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5401 s/n 5401
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5402 s/n 5402
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/28/1967: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5403 s/n 5403
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5404 s/n 5404
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1991: 62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5405 s/n 5405
*3/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5608 s/n 5608
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Nose section currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5609 s/n 5609
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1994: Withdrawn from use at Olesnica AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Psie Pole AB.
*Currently preserved in Wroclaw.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5610 s/n 5610
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5611 s/n 5611
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*8/31/1971: Crashed after a collision with MiG-21PFM 5310.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5612 s/n 5612
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*3 PLM.
*1997: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Zdjecie AB. Or at the Best Museum, Holland? Just the nose?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5613 s/n 5613
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5614 s/n 5614
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*11/20/1992: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5615 s/n 5615
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1967: 26 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Gliwice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5701 s/n 5701
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5702 s/n 5702
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5703 s/n 5703
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5704 s/n 5704
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5705 s/n 5705
*6/1967: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*8/1990: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Lodz.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 09695157 s/n 5709
*9/1971: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*32 PLRT.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB. Still there?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 10695157 s/n 5710
*9/1971: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*62 PLRT.
*3 PLM.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 06695160 s/n 6006
*1/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Warszawa-Katyn Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966503 s/n 6503
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1993: 11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Mierzecice AB. Or since salvaged?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966504 s/n 6504
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972: 34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1996: 10 PLM.
*1996: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966505 s/n 6505
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966506 s/n 6506
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Barrax, Spain. Or at Lask AB?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6507 s/n 6507
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966507 s/n 6507
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Glendale/Scottsdale, Arizona.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 07695165 s/n 6507
*6/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*32 PLRT.
*1991: 62 PLM.
*10/2004: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N321ST.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6508 s/n 6508
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966508 s/n 6508
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1979: 28 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 08695165 s/n 6508
*6/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*32 PLRT.
*62 PLM.
*5/11/1985: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6509 s/n 6509
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Was preserved at Lodz.
*Currently preserved at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966509 s/n 6509
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olenisca, as "99".
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 09695165 s/n 6509
*6/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*32 PLRT.
*Currently preserved at Aeolus Park in Sexbierum, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6510 s/n 6510
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Zarska Wies/Zgorzelec.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966510 s/n 6510
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*45 LED.
*Currently preserved at the Lodz-Lublinek APT Museum. Or at Bukow?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 10695165 s/n 6510
*6/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1972-73: 32 PLM.
*1973-79: 28 PLM.
*1979-80: 26 PLM.
*1980-96: 10 PLM.
*2/2002: Sold to a private collector?
*Currently preserved at the Bukowie Resort. Or now in Lodz?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6511 s/n 6511
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*62 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966511 s/n 6511
*12/1972: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6512 s/n 6512
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966512 s/n 6512
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6513 s/n 6513
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966513 s/n 6513
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Lubliniec.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6514 s/n 6514
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*5/23/1968: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966514 s/n 6514
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*6/2004: Withdrawn from use at Lask AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6515 s/n 6515
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966515 s/n 6515
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*3 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6601 s/n 6601
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved in Ontarion, Oregon?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966601 s/n 6601
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*3 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6602 s/n 6602
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*2/25/1980: Written off.
*Then used as a ground trainer at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966602 s/n 6602
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Deblin Technical School.
*5/1993: Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6603 s/n 6603
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966603 s/n 6603
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Nose section currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6604 s/n 6604
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Warszawa-Katyn Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966604 s/n 6604
*2/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Krakow-Balice.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6605 s/n 6605
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6606 s/n 6606
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Zarska Wies/Zgorzelec.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6607 s/n 6607
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*6/10/1997: Written off?
*1998: 3 PLM.
*Still in storage at Poznan AB?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6608 s/n 6608
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6609 s/n 6609
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6610 s/n 6610
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Zarska Wies/Zgorzelec.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6611 s/n 6611
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*45 LED.
*Put into storage at Modlin AB.
*Was preserved in Ontario, Oregon.
*Currently preserved at the Gowan Field Museum, Boise, Idaho.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6612 s/n 6612
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Nose section currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6613 s/n 6613
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6614 s/n 6614
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Krakow.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6615 s/n 6615
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6701 s/n 6701
*3/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*CSL, at Modlin AB.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966715 s/n 6715
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Lask AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966804 s/n 6804
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966808 s/n 6808
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966810 s/n 6810
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*4/1992: Assigned as a ground trainer to Bemowo AB.
*Currently preserved in Warszawa.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966812 s/n 6812
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966813 s/n 6813
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Pyrzowice APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 966814 s/n 6814
*3/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*3 PLM.
*1994: 41 PLM.
*45 LET.
*3 ELT.
*Currently preserved at Poznan-Kobylnica APT.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6908 s/n 6908
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1998: 3 PLM.
*Currently preserved at a gas station in Adamowice near Kutno.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6909 s/n 6909
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Nose section currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6910 s/n 6910
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1998: 3 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Buk AB. Or now at Weiterstadt?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6911 s/n 6911
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1998: 3 PLM.
*Was preserved in Voghera, Italy.
*Currently preserved at the Volandia Museum in Vizzola Ticino, Italy.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6912 s/n 6912
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/18/1970: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6913 s/n 6913
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6914 s/n 6914
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*1999: Salvaged.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A6915 s/n 6915
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*5/2006: Salvaged at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7001 s/n 7001
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10/20/1971: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved somewhere.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7002 s/n 7002
*4/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7011 s/n 7011
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7012 s/n 7012
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*3 PLM.
*1999: Salvaged.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7013 s/n 7013
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7014 s/n 7014
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7015 s/n 7015
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Nose section currently preserved in Bad Vibel, Germany.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7101 s/n 7101
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Wroclaw-Zereniki.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7102 s/n 7102
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*5/2006: Withdrawn from use at Szrtum AB.
*Currently preserved at Buk AB? Or at Stawki? Or salvaged by now?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94A7103 s/n 7103
*5/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007399 s/n 7399
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Nose section currently preserved at Leeuwarden AB, Holland.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007405 s/n 7405
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1991: 11 PLM.
*3/1/1991: Crashed after a midair collision with MiG-21MF 8015.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007436 s/n 7436
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1975: 41 PLM.
*1975-80: 34 PLM.
*1980-81: 26 PLM.
*1981-83: 10 PLM.
*1983-84: WZL-3.
*1989: 11 PLM.
*1994: 2 ELM.
*Was preserved at Nowa Sol.
*Currently preserved at Schoonlo/Emmeloord, Holland.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007489 s/n 7489
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 02695175 s/n 7502
*7/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Psie Pole AB.
*Currently preserved in Wroclaw.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007502 s/n 7502
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Przesocin.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 03695175 s/n 7503
*7/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 05695175 s/n 7505
*6/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1981: 10 PLM.
*5/24/1991: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*10/1994: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N711MG.
*Currently preserved in Oldsmar, FL. Serial as 7505U?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 06695175 s/n 7506
*6/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 07695175 s/n 7507
*6/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*2/62 PLM.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007555 s/n 7555
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1998: 11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Babimost AB. Or at Leeuwarden AB, Holland? Just the nose?
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007600 s/n 7600
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1975: 41 PLM.
*1975-80: 34 PLM.
*1980-81: 26 PLM.
*1981-86: 10 PLM.
*1986-87: WZL-3.
*1989-98: 11 PLM.
*Was preserved in Galveston, Texas.
*Currently preserved in Oregon.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007656 s/n 7656
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*Put into storage at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007675 s/n 7675
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*12/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007715 s/n 7715
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1989-91: 11 PLM.
*4/13/1991: Crashed? Repaired later? Or in 1990? Or on 3/13/1991?
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007760 s/n 7760
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Ridgeay, Ontario, Canada.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96007788 s/n 7788
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*12/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967805 s/n 7805
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967806 s/n 7806
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*5/17/1982: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967807 s/n 7807
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*11 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967808 s/n 7808
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*12/31/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7809 s/n 7809
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*1/1994: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N221GL.
*Currently preserved in Baytown, TX.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967809 s/n 7809
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*2003: 10 ELT.
*2003: Withdrawn from use.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7810 s/n 7810
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Warszawa-Mokotow APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967810 s/n 7810
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*12/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7811 s/n 7811
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967811 s/n 7811
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved somewhere?
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7812 s/n 7812
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*1989: 10 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967812 s/n 7812
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1989: 41 PLM.
*Put into storage at Poznan AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7813 s/n 7813
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967813 s/n 7813
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*8/12/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7814 s/n 7814
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967814 s/n 7814
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7815 s/n 7815
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at the Drzonow museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967815 s/n 7815
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1973: 41 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*10/2004: Salvaged at Babimost AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7901 s/n 7901
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967901 s/n 7901
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*2/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7902 s/n 7902
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Currently preserved at Skelczki.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967902 s/n 7902
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
*Was preserved in Winterberg, Germany.
*Currently preserved in Barneveld, Holland.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7903 s/n 7903
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967903 s/n 7903
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*12/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7904 s/n 7904
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967904 s/n 7904
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21PFM c/n 94N7905 s/n 7905
*9/1968: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1968: 9 PLM.
*4 DLM.
*2 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967905 s/n 7905
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1977: 41 PLM.
*9/20/1977: Crashed.
*The one in Delaware with this number is not this plane.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967906 s/n 7906
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
*Currently preserved at Debrznie AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967907 s/n 7907
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*2002: 10 ELT.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*9/2005: Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967908 s/n 7908
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1978: 28 PLM.
*1978: 9 PLM.
*1984: 34 PLM.
*8/8/1984: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*1984: Assigned as a ground trainer to Olenisca AB, as "08".
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967909 s/n 7909
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*2/1995: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*12/1995: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967910 s/n 7910
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967911 s/n 7911
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
*Wings and tail currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967912 s/n 7912
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967913 s/n 7913
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*Currently preserved at a vehicle inspection station in Lipicze.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967914 s/n 7914
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*5/1993: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*3/2006: Salvaged at Mierzecice AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 967915 s/n 7915
*8/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1983: 11 PLM.
*9/27/1983: Crashed on a night mission near Krakow. Or on 11/29/1983?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968001 s/n 8001
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968002 s/n 8002
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968003 s/n 8003
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*Currently preserved in Orneta/Olsztyn.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968004 s/n 8004
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Chaudfontaine, Belgium.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968005 s/n 8005
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*11 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968006 s/n 8006
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*1990: 2 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968007 s/n 8007
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Worclaw-Strachowice APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968008 s/n 8008
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*Sold to a collector in Australia.
*Was preserved in Ardmore, New Zealand.
*Currently preserved in Auckland, New Zealand.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968009 s/n 8009
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*28 PLM.
*1995: 11 PLM.
*2004: 3 ELT.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
*Currently preserved at Miroslawiec AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968010 s/n 8010
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Deblin AB. Or still in storage there?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968011 s/n 8011
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*28 PLM.
*9/1994: Put into storage at Deblin AB.
*Currently preserved on a paintball range in Drzewcach.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968012 s/n 8012
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968013 s/n 8013
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968014 s/n 8014
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*9/1994: Salvaged at Deblin AB. Or still in storage there?
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 968015 s/n 8015
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1991-98: 11 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*12/2003: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved in Bistogno, Italy. Or somewhere in Holland?
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 968022 s/n 8022
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*8/1998: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008039 s/n 8039
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*8/1999: Assigned as a ground trainer to Bemowo AB.
*Currently preserved at Wozniki/Radom.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008055 s/n 8055
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1998: 11 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008099 s/n 8099
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1990: 10 PLM.
*1998: 11 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Galveston, Texas?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968101 s/n 8101
*9/1973: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1973-74: 34 PLM.
*1975-81: 26 PLM.
*1981-84: 11 PLM.
*1984-85: WZL-3.
*1985-89: 11 PLM.
*1989-90: 2 PLM.
*1990-96: 10 PLM.
*1996-87: WZL-3.
*11/1997: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008113 s/n 8113
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*26 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved at the Warsaw-Katyn Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008122 s/n 8122
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*4/1992: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF-75 c/n 96008189 s/n 8189
*12/1975: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Kruszyna near Czestochowa.
Poland MiG-21MF s/n 8509
*--info needed.--
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078604 s/n 8604
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078645 s/n 8645
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-92: 34 PLM.
*8/5/1992: Ran out of fuel and crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078649 s/n 8649
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968702 s/n 8702
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*2004: 3 ELT.
*Put into storage at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Kruszyna/Czestochowa.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968703 s/n 8703
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Currently preserved in San Carlos, Brazil.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968704 s/n 8704
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved outside a school in Orneta.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968705 s/n 8705
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078705 s/n 8705
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Put into storage at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968706 s/n 8706
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved in Zeeland, Holland. Or in Italy?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968707 s/n 8707
*2/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*10 PLM.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078745 s/n 8745
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Mragowo.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078801 s/n 8801
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078819 s/n 8819
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078822 s/n 8822
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078855 s/n 8855
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-93: 34 PLM.
*4/26/1993: Damaged beyond repair in an accident.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Olesnica AB, as "07".
*Currently preserved at Tumlin. Or in Dobrowka?
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078859 s/n 8859
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1998: 1 DLMW.
*5/2004: Withdrawn from use at Gdynia/Babie Doly AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078861 s/n 8861
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1999: 41 PLM.
*5/7/1999: Crashed near Sztumu.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078865 s/n 8865
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995-96: 1 DLMW.
*6/7/1996: Damaged beyond repair in a landing accident. Barrier crash?
*2001: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078870 s/n 8870
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995-96: 1 DLMW.
*6/28/1996: Crashed near Debek.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078880 s/n 8880
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2001: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078890 s/n 8890
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995-96: 1 DLMW.
*7/29/1996: Crashed into the Bay of Puk due to engine failure.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078905 s/n 8905
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-94: 34 PLM.
*10/13/1994: Written off after an emergency landing at Baby Doly AB.
*Was preserved at the Gdynia Naval Museum.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968907 s/n 8907
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1974: 26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*1996: 10 PLM.
*1996: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Garzcegorze. Or now in Zhdenick, Germany?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968908 s/n 8908
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*11/14/1977: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968909 s/n 8909
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Baarlo, Holland.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 968910 s/n 8910
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078910 s/n 8910
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078918 s/n 8918
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-94: 34 PLM.
*2/25/1994: Crashed after take-off.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078945 s/n 8945
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2001: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078971 s/n 8971
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1/2003: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75078980 s/n 8980
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-95: 34 PLM.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1998: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969010 s/n 9010
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1998: 10 PLM.
*10/2004: Salvaged at Babimost AB.
*Cockpit section currently preserved at Olomouc APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969011 s/n 9011
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1999: 10 PLM.
*2002-03: 10 ELT.
*2003: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Lennundusmuuseum in Tartu, Estonia.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969012 s/n 9012
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*1998: 11 PLM.
*2001-02: 10 ELT.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969013 s/n 9013
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*8/12/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969014 s/n 9014
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Minsk-Mazowieckin APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969015 s/n 9015
*3/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved at a depot station in Torun.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089027 s/n 9027
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-82: 34 PLM.
*6/17/1982: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089095 s/n 9095
*3/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980-88: 34 PLM.
*6/16/1988: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969101 s/n 9101
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969102 s/n 9102
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*5/1999: Withdrawn from use at Deblin AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969103 s/n 9103
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969104 s/n 9104
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*12/31/1975: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969105 s/n 9105
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
*Currently preserved in Alten-Buseck, Germany, falsely marked with Soviet AF red stars.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969106 s/n 9106
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969107 s/n 9107
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*9/2005: Withdrawn from use at Lask AB.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969108 s/n 9108
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*11 PLM.
*10 ELT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969109 s/n 9109
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Put into storage at Deblin AB.
*Was preserved at a school Secemin.
*Currently preserved at a private ranch in Wlodawa.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969110 s/n 9110
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969111 s/n 9111
*4/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1974: 41 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*Currently preserved at Poznan-Krzesiny AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969112 s/n 9112
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*3 ELT.
*Put into storage at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969113 s/n 9113
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969114 s/n 9114
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*3 ELT.
*Put into storage at Lask AB.
*Currently preserved at Minsk-Mazowiecki APT.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969115 s/n 9115
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089145 s/n 9145
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969201 s/n 9201
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969202 s/n 9202
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*9/2003: Salvaged at Babimost AB. Or still there?
Poland MiG-21MF c/n 969203 s/n 9203
*5/1974: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*3/6/1984: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089204 s/n 9204
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*9 ELT.
*3 ELT.
*12/31/2003: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089211 s/n 9211
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*8/1999: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9211.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999229 s/n 9229
*1/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1980: 34 PLM.
*1991: LMW.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use at Babie Doly AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999231 s/n 9231
*1/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1991: LMW.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*1998: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use at Babie Doly AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999232 s/n 9232
*1/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1991: LMW.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*2002: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999233 s/n 9233
*1/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*1991: LMW.
*1995: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use at Minsk-Mazowiecki AB. Or at Lask AB?
*Currently preserved at Minsk-Mazowiecki AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999292 s/n 9292
*9/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*2002: 3 ELT.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use.
*Was preserved at Buk AB.
*Sold on the private market.
*Currently preserved in Koropi Kalivia, Greece.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999293 s/n 9293
*5/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*2 PLM.
*9/2002: Sold to a private collector and registered as N2221UM and N210EM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999294 s/n 9294
*5/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*1991: LMW.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999296 s/n 9296
*5/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*8/1991: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Currently preserved in Olchowa, owned by a private citizen.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999297 s/n 9297
*5/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999298 s/n 9298
*5/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999306 s/n 9306
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB. Or was this one sold to Uganda in 1999?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999307 s/n 9307
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9307.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089307 s/n 9307
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*2002: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9307. Or in 1999?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999308 s/n 9308
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*2002: 3 ELT.
*10/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Warsaw-Okecie APT.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999309 s/n 9309
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999311 s/n 9311
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*9/1994: Withdrawn from use at Katowice AB.
*Put into storage at Mierzecice AB.
*Put into storage at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999312 s/n 9312
*7/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*9 ELT.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999313 s/n 9313
*8/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*1/1991: LMW.
*10/27/1997: Damaged beyond repair in an accident. Or on 1/21/1997?
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999314 s/n 9314
*8/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*34 PLM.
*6/5/1981: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089314 s/n 9314
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999316 s/n 9316
*8/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999317 s/n 9317
*8/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
*Put into storage at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089320 s/n 9320
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999321 s/n 9321
*9/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
*9/2005: Withdrawn from use at Lask AB.
*Currently preserved at Chelm.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999322 s/n 9322
*9/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*9 PLM.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999323 s/n 9323
*9/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*2003: 41 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999324 s/n 9324
*9/1980: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*9 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089334 s/n 9334
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999343 s/n 9343
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*5/2001: Sold to a private collector and given civilian registration N57GS.
*Currently preserved in Hillsboro, OR.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999344 s/n 9344
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*41 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089345 s/n 9345
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved in Mragowo.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999346 s/n 9346
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*1999: 1 DLMW.
*Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999347 s/n 9347
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*4/2006: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999348 s/n 9348
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*Put into storage at Poznan AB.
*Was preserved on the Nadarzyce Range.
*Currently preserved at the Deblin AB Museum.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999349 s/n 9349
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*2003: 3 ELT.
*6/2005: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at the Krakow Military Museum.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999351 s/n 9351
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*62 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Krzesiny-Poznan.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999352 s/n 9352
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Powodowo.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999353 s/n 9353
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*10 PLM.
*10 ELT.
*Withdrawn from use at Lask AB.
*Currently preserved at Goleniow AB.
Poland MiG-21UM c/n 516999354 s/n 9354
*5/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*11 PLM.
*11/2006: Withdrawn from use at Buk AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089381 s/n 9381
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*9 ELT.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089407 s/n 9407
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*1998: 41 ELT.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089424 s/n 9424
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1984: 9 PLM.
*4/7/1984: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089444 s/n 9444
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089483 s/n 9483
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*2002: 9 ELT.
*2002: 41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use.
*Currently preserved at Swidwin AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089494 s/n 9494
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*9 ELT.
*41 PLM.
*7/14/2000: Crashed on the Nadarzyc Bombing Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089501 s/n 9501
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Salvaged on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089507 s/n 9507
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1981: 26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*2003: 31 PLM.
*10/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089524 s/n 9524
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089545 s/n 9545
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089564 s/n 9564
*7/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*9 PLM.
*11/1986: Crashed in East Germany. Or near Gorzowa Wlkp, Poland? Date?
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089700 s/n 9700
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
*Currently preserved somewhere.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089703 s/n 9703
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*34 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089708 s/n 9708
*12/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*1981-87: 26 PLM.
*1987: Ran out of fuel and crashed. Date?
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089735 s/n 9735
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089745 s/n 9745
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089749 s/n 9749
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*8/28/2001: Written off. Or on 9/29/2001? Or on 9/27/2001?
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089763 s/n 9763
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089784 s/n 9784
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989-00: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Currently preserved at Bytom AB, falsly marked as "3946".
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089799 s/n 9799
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*8/1999: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9799.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089801 s/n 9801
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*1995: 1 ELM.
*8/1999: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9801.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089805 s/n 9805
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089809 s/n 9809
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089811 s/n 9811
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*8/1999: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9811.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089818 s/n 9818
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*8/1999: Sold to the Ugandan AF as 9818.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089843 s/n 9843
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989-90: 9 PLM.
*11/16/1990: Crashed.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089854 s/n 9854
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*3 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Poznan AB.
*Sent to be a target on the Nadarzyce Range.
Poland MiG-21bis c/n 75089975 s/n 9975
*9/1981: Delivered to the Polish AF.
*26 PLM.
*1989: 9 PLM.
*41 PLM.
*41 ELT.
*1/2004: Withdrawn from use at Malbork AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211710 s/n 10
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211711 s/n 11
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n N74211712 s/n 12
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Put into storage at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74211713 s/n 13
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212216 s/n 16
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at the Electro-Technical Faculty at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212217 s/n 17
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212218 s/n 18
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at Henri Conada College at the Baneasa APT, Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212020 s/n 20
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Medias. As "709"?
*Currently preserved at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212021 s/n 21
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*91 RdeV.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212022 s/n 22
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*91 RdeV.
*3/25/1971: Written off.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212023 s/n 23
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at Bacau.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 74212024 s/n 24
*10/1962: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*93 RdeV.
*91 RdeV.
*4/3/1969: Written off.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999061 s/n 061
*1978: Built.
*1989: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*BdeV 95.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999071 s/n 071
*1978: Built.
*1989: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*BdeV 95.
*202 EdeV.
Romania MiG-21bis c/n N75001012/0102 s/n 165
*Lancer upgrade prototype.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use.
*Now owned by Aerostar Corp.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999172 s/n 172
*1979: Built.
*1989: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*BdeV 95.
*2015: EdeV 711.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999176 s/n 176
*1979: Built.
*1989: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*2001: 71 BdeV.
*2015: EdeV 711.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999177 s/n 177
*1979: Built.
*1989: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*BdeV 95.
*951 EdeV.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961211 s/n 211
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961212 s/n 212
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961213 s/n 213
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961214 s/n 214
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961215 s/n 215
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961301 s/n 301
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961302 s/n 302
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961303 s/n 303
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1990: 71st Regiment.
*5/17/1990: Written off.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961304 s/n 304
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961305 s/n 305
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961306 s/n 306
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961307 s/n 307
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961308 s/n 308
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999326 s/n 326
*9/1980: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*RdeV 86.
*1984: Crashed. Date?
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999327 s/n 327
*9/1980: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard. Prototype for B upgrades.
*5/6/1996: First flight of a Lancer B.
*BdeV 95.
*202 EdeV.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999328 s/n 328
*9/1980: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1993: RdeV 91.
*4/13/1993: Crashed near Sprancenata village after a collision with MiG-21 8106. Both crewmen were killed.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999329 s/n 329
*9/1980: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgrade to Lancer-B standard.
*2010: BdeV 71.
*11/1/2010: Crashed near Turzii AB. Both crewmen were killed.
Romania MiG-21UM c/n 516999339 s/n 339
*9/1980: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Sold to another air force? After 2001?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761401 s/n 401
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761403 s/n 403
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761404 s/n 404
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761405 s/n 405
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761406 s/n 406
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761407 s/n 407
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761408 s/n 408
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761409 s/n 409
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761410 s/n 410
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761411 s/n 411
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761412 s/n 412
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761413 s/n 413
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761414 s/n 414
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761415 s/n 415
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761501 s/n 501
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761502 s/n 502
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761503 s/n 503
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961503 s/n 503
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761504 s/n 504
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961504 s/n 504
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761505 s/n 505
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961505 s/n 505
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1992: 71st Regiment.
*8/6/1992: Written off.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761506 s/n 506
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*BdeV 95.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961506 s/n 506
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*2001: BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761507 s/n 507
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961507 s/n 507
*8/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761508 s/n 508
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761509 s/n 509
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761510 s/n 510
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 761609 s/n 609
*7/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n ? s/n 642
*Number perhaps wrong?
*Upgraded to Lancer A standard?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740705 s/n 705
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Assigned as a ground trainer.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveslu AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760705 s/n 705
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740706 s/n 706
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF?
*57 RdeV.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to the Training College at Boboc AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760706 s/n 706
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740707 s/n 707
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760707 s/n 707
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740708 s/n 708
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760708 s/n 708
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961708 s/n 708
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740709 s/n 709
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Boboc AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760709 s/n 709
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961709 s/n 709
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740710 s/n 710
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760710 s/n 710
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961710 s/n 710
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740711 s/n 711
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at Bucharest-Otopeni APT.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760711 s/n 711
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961711 s/n 711
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*862 EdeV.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740712 s/n 712
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760712 s/n 712
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961712 s/n 712
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*2000: BdeV 86.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740713 s/n 713
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760713 s/n 713
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961713 s/n 713
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740714 s/n 714
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at Bucharest-Otopeni APT.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760714 s/n 714
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961714 s/n 714
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740715 s/n 715
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760715 s/n 715
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961715 s/n 715
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21F-13 c/n 740801 s/n 801
*8/1963: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*57 RdeV.
*86 RdeV.
*Currently preserved at Borcea=Fetesti AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760801 s/n 801
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*67 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961801 s/n 801
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760802 s/n 802
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961802 s/n 802
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1997: 95 RdeV.
*5/22/1997: Written off.
Romania MiG-21PF c/n 760803 s/n 803
*1/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*6/1997: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961803 s/n 803
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961804 s/n 804
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*95 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961805 s/n 805
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961806 s/n 806
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961807 s/n 807
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
*Put into storage at Deveselu AB.
*Currently a gate guard at Turzii AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961808 s/n 808
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961809 s/n 809
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*91 BdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961810 s/n 810
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*2000-01: BdeV 86.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961811 s/n 811
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*95 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*2000: BdeV 13.
*BdeV 95.
*951 EdeV.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961812 s/n 812
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961813 s/n 813
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*BdeV 67.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961814 s/n 814
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961815 s/n 815
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961901 s/n 901
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961902 s/n 902
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961903 s/n 903
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Boboc AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961904 s/n 904
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961905 s/n 905
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961906 s/n 906
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
*2006: BdeV 86.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961907 s/n 907
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*EdeV 202.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961908 s/n 908
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*2000: BdeV 86.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961909 s/n 909
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1994: 71st Regiment.
*6/29/1994: Written off.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961910 s/n 910
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/1998: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961911 s/n 911
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*2007: EdeV 862.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961912 s/n 912
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*RdeV 67.
*1991: 71st Regiment.
*7/4/1991: Written off.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961913 s/n 913
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 862.
*2000: BdeV 86.
*2006: BdeV 86.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961914 s/n 914
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M c/n 961915 s/n 915
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21U-400 c/n 661120 s/n 1120
*5/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Currently preserved in the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21U-400 c/n 661216 s/n 1216
*5/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R01503 s/n 1503
*12/1968: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R01504 s/n 1504
*12/1968: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21U-400 c/n 661716 s/n 1716
*12/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*5/4/1988: Crashed near Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21U-400 c/n 661717 s/n 1717
*12/1965: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R01907 s/n 1907
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R01908 s/n 1908
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R01910 s/n 1910
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 63R20003 s/n 2003
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R20007 s/n 2007
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R20011 s/n 2011
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*3/1977: Crashed near Hitias in Timisoara County. Date?
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R20017 s/n 2017
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1991: EdeR 31.
*5/17/1991: Crashed. Or on 4/17/1994?
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R20023/2005 s/n 2023
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R020037 s/n 2037
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*7/1974: Crashed near Timisoara AB. Date?
Romania MiG-21R c/n 94R20043 s/n 2043
*1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*EdeR 31.
*1998: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 963001 s/n 3001
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*71 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 711.
*2000: BdeV 86.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 963002 s/n 3002
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*71 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 711.
Romania MiG-21M c/n 963003 s/n 3003
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*71 RdeV.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*EdeV 711.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 06685134 s/n 3406
*1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 07685134 s/n 3407
*1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 08685134 s/n 3408
*1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 09685134 s/n 3409
*1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 10685134 s/n 3410
*1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered?
Romania MiG-21U-600 c/n 663516 s/n 3516
*10/1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21U-600 c/n 663517 s/n 3517
*10/1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 07685139 s/n 3907
*6/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Crashed? Date?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 08685139 s/n 3908
*6/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1996: 86 RdeV.
*5/8/1996: Crashed on approach to Borcea AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 09685139 s/n 3909
*6/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*4/8/1992: Crashed near Buhusi in Bacau County. Both crewmen were killed.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 10685139 s/n 3910
*6/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*86 RdeV.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
*Currently preserved at the Museul Aviajtel in Bucharest.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 07685141 s/n 4107
*11/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Perhaps never delivered? Written off?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 09685141 s/n 4109
*11/1969: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
*Also noted as crashing?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 09685143 s/n 4309
*1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*6/1990: Withdrawn from use at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 02685147 s/n 4702
*1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21US c/n 03685147 s/n 4703
*9/1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
*Put into storage at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4707 s/n 4707
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4708 s/n 4708
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 08685147 s/n 4708
*1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4709 s/n 4709
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21US c/n 09685147 s/n 4709
*1970: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4710 s/n 4710
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4711 s/n 4711
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4712 s/n 4712
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4713 s/n 4713
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4714 s/n 4714
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4715 s/n 4715
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Borcea-Fetesti AB.
*Assigned as a ground trainer to Boboc AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4801 s/n 4801
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4802 s/n 4802
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4803 s/n 4803
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4804 s/n 4804
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*87 RdeV.
*67 RdeV.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4907 s/n 4907
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A4908 s/n 4908
*1966: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21U-600 c/n 665117 s/n 5117
*Allegedly the c/n is 675117, perhaps a factory mistake.
*2/1968: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
*Currently preserved at Clinceni Airfield.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005705/0417 s/n 5705
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*BdeV 95.
*Put into storage at Bacau AB.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005724/0418 s/n 5724
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-C standard.
*EdeV 862.
*2006: BdeV 86.
*2015: EdeV 861.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005788/0419 s/n 5788
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-C standard.
*EdeV 862.
*EdeV 861.
*2006: BdeV 86.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005801/0420 s/n 5801
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-C standard.
*EdeV 862.
*2006: BdeV 86.
*2015: EdeV 861.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5809 s/n 5809
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5810 s/n 5810
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off?
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5811 s/n 5811
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5812 s/n 5812
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off?
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5813 s/n 5813
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5814 s/n 5814
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5815 s/n 5815
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005819/0422 s/n 5819
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-C standard.
*2004: EdeV 712.
*8/26/2004: Crashed in Mures County after a collision with MiG-21 6700.
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005834/0423 s/n 5834
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-C standard.
*EdeV 862.
*2007: EdeV 861.
*2015: EdeV 711.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5901 s/n 5901
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Written off? Date?
Romania MiG-21M-75 c/n 96005902/0424 s/n 5902
*11/1975: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*1994: BdeV 91.
*10/14/1994: Crashed due to pilot error near Furculsti in Teleorman County. Pilot was killed.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5903 s/n 5903
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5904 s/n 5904
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Deveselu AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5906 s/n 5906
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5907 s/n 5907
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*9/2004: Withdrawn from use at Craiova AB.
Romania MiG-21MF c/n 965907 s/n 5907
*9/1972: Delivered to the Romanian AF.
*Upgraded to Lancer-A standard.
*2002: BdeV 95.
*10/23/2002: Crashed on take-off from Bacau AB due to ingesting a bird.
Romania MiG-21PFM c/n 94A5908 s/n 5908
*11/1967: Delivered to the Romanian AF.